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112th US Congress December Update


HR 3594 Second Amendment Protection Act

This bill directs that the United States should not adopt any treaty that poses a threat to national sovereignty or abridges any rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution, such as the right to keep and bear arms, and to withhold funding from the United Nations unless the President certifies that the United Nations has not taken action to restrict, attempt to restrict, or otherwise adversely infringe upon the rights of individuals in the United States to keep and bear arms, or abridge any of the other constitutionally protected rights of citizens of the United States.

Intro: 12/7/2011 Rep. Joe Walsh (IL-8) Status: Foreign Affairs

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: Gingrey (GA-11), Westmoreland (GA-3), Duncan (SC-3), Broun (GA-10), Coble (NC-6), Jones (NC-3), Duncan (TN-2), Boustany (LA-7), Nunnelee (MS-1), Wittman (VA-1)


Bill Updates   (changes in red)


HR 1789 State/Local Law Enforcement Due Process Bill

This bill would provide due process for officer disciplinary matters.

Intro: 5/5/2011 Rep. Paulsen (MN-3) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: None


HR 231 “Drug Law Enforcement Evidentiary Standards Improvement Act of 2011”

This bill would require drug testing of drug enforcement officers

Intro: 1/7/2011 Rep. Jackson-Lee (TX-8) Status: Homeland Security

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: None


HR 498 Law Enforcement Officer Candidates for Sheriff

This bill would allow current LEO to run for Sheriff and other modifications to Title 5 US Code Section 1502.

Intro: 1/26/2011 Rep. Latta (OH-5) Status: Oversight & Government Reform Cmte.

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: Connolly (VA-11)

Republicans: Westmoreland (GA-3), Hurt (VA-5), Wittman (VA-1), Griffith (VA-9)


S 217 Secret Ballot

This bill would require secret ballot for labor representation choice.

Intro: 1/27/2011 Sen. DeMint (SC) Status: Health, Education, Labor & Pensions

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: Sponsor DeMint (SC), Alexander (TN), Burr (NC), Chambliss (GA), Cochran (MS), Graham (SC), Paul (KY), Shelby (AL), Boozman (AR), Isakson (GA)


HR 972 Secret Ballot Protection Act (companion to S 217)

This bill would amend the National Labor Relations Act to ensure the right of employees to a secret ballot election conducted by the National Labor Relations Board.

Intro: 3/21/2011 Rep. Roe (TN-1)  Status: Health Education Labor & Pensions

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: Sponsor Roe, Wilson (SC-2), Foxx (NC-5), DesJarlais (TN-4),

Gowdy (SC-4), Roby (AL-2), Price (GA-6), Mulvaney (SC-5), Duncan (TN-2),

Crawford (AR-1), Scalise (LA-1), Womack (AR-3), Woodall (GA-7), Griffin (AR-2),

Coble (NC-6), Rogers (KY-5), Palazzo (MS-4), Broun (GA-10), Whitfield (KY-1), Bachus (AL-6), Brooks (AL-5), Cassidy (LA-6), Fincher (TN-8), Harper (MS-3)


S 504 National Right-to-Work Act

This act is intended to preserve and protect the free choice of individual employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, or to refrain from such activities.

Intro: 3/8/2011 Sen. DeMint (SC)  Status: Health Education Labor & Pensions

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: Sponsor DeMint, Vitter (LA), Graham (SC), Sessions (AL). Wicker (MS), Burr (NC), Chambliss (GA)


HR 2040 Union Free Choice

This bill would preserve employees free choice to join union or not.

Intro: 5/26/2011 Rep. King (IA-5) Status: Health Employment Labor & Pensions

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: Duncan (SC-3), Foxx (NC-5), Coble (NC-6), Griffin (AR-2),

Harper (MS-3), Fleming (LA-4), Brooks (AL-5), Wilson (SC-2), Gowdy (SC-4), Scott (SC-1), Duncan (TN-2), Gingrey (GA-11), Westmoreland (GA-3), Broun (GA-10), Myrick (NC-9), Price (GA-6), Bachus (AL-6), Palazzo (MS-4), Nunnelee (MS-1), Mulvaney (SC-5), Crawford (AR-1), Womack (AR-3), Roby (AL-2), Scott (GA-8), Black (TN-6)


S 964 Job Protection Act

This bill amends National Labor Relations Act to apply to Right to Work states.

Intro: 5/12/2011 Sen. Alexander (TN) Status: Health, Ed., Labor & Pensions

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: Sponsor, Graham (SC), DeMint (SC), Rand (KY), Shelby (AL), Isakson (GA), Boozman (AR), Vitter (LA), Cochran (MS), McConnell (KY), Burr (NC), Sessions (AL), Chambliss (GA), Wicker (MS), Corker (TN)


HR 1976 Job Protection Act (companion to S 964)

This bill amends National Labor Relations Act to apply to Right to Work states.

Intro: 5/24/2011 Rep. Scott (SC-1) Status: Health, Employment, Labor & Pensions

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: Sponsor Scott, Wilson (SC-2), Gowdy (SC-4), Duncan (SC3), Mulvaney (SC-5), Hurt (VA-5), Black (TN-6), Griffin (AR-2), Elmers (NC-2), Westmoreland (GA-3), Foxx (NC-5), Goodlatte (VA-6), Jones (NC-3), Scalise (LA-1), Crawford (AR-1), Womack (AR-3)


HR 2810 Employee Rights Act

This bill would provide protections for workers with respect to their right to select or refrain from selecting representation by a labor organizations.

Intro: 8/5/2011 Rep. Scott (SC-1) Status: Education & Workforce

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: Sponsor Scott, Westmoreland (GA-3)


S 1507 Employee Rights Act

(Companion to HR 2810)

Intro: 8/2/2011 Sen. Hatch (UT) Status: Health Education Labor & Pensions

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: Burr (NC), Graham (SC), DeMint (SC), Sessions (AL), Paul (KY), Chambliss (GA), Cochran (MS), Wicker (MS), Boozman (AR)


HR 2854 Employer Free Choice Act

This bill would remove the requirement of employers to inform employees of rights under National Labor Relations Act.

Intro: 9/7/2011 Rep. DesJarlais (TN-4) Status: Health, Emp.,Labor & Pensions cmte.

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: Roe (TN-1), Boustany (LA-7), McHenry (NC-10), Fincher (TN-8), Price (GA-6), Broun (GA-10), Gowdy (SC-4), Mulvaney (SC-5), Duncan (SC-3), Black (TN-6), Brooks (AL-5), Scott (GA-8), Fleischmann (TN-3), Kingston (GA-1), Duncan (TN-2), Crawford (AR-1), Blackburn (TN-7), Foxx (NC-5), Westmoreland (GA-3), Scalise (LA-1)


S1562 State Local Hatch Act Reform Act

This bill would allow current LEO to run for Sheriff and other modifications to Title 5 US Code Section 1502. [Companion to HR 498]

Intro: 9/15/2011 Sen. Lugar (IN) Status: Homeland Security

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: None



HR 379 “Community Partners Next Door Act of 2011”

This bill attempts to provide housing assistance to LEO (and teachers).

Intro: 1/20/2011 Rep. Lee (CA-9)) Status: Housing Community Opportunity

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: None


HR 454 State Capitol Police Reimbursement to Local Law Enforcement

This bill would require reimbursement to local law enforcement for protection at public congressional events.

Intro: 1/26/2011 Rep. Roe (TN-1) Status: House Administration Cmte.

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: Sponsor Roe


HR 504 Terrorist Prevention Immunity

This bill would provide immunity to LEO taking action to prevent terrorist acts.

Intro: 1/26/2011 Rep. Myrick (NC-9) Status: Constitution Subcmte.

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: Sponsor Myrick, Griffin (AR-2)


HR 567 Public Employee Pension Transparency Act

This bill would require certain reporting by State & Local retirement systems.

Intro: 2/9/2011 Rep. Nunes (CA-21) Status: Ways & Means

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: McHenry (NC-10), Myrick (NC-9), Duncan (SC-3), Jones (NC-3), Coble (NC-6), Scalise (LA-1), McKinley (WV-1), Duncan (TN-2), Blackburn (TN-7), Westmoreland (GA-3), Gowdy (SC-4), Forbes (VA-4), Rigell (VA-2), Griffin (AR-2)


S 347 (Companion to HR 567)

Intro: 2/15/2011 Sen. Burr (NC) Status: Finance

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: Sponsor Burr (NC), Isakson (GA), Chambliss (GA)


S 1696 Public Safety Officers' Benefits Improvements Act of 2011

This bill would make improvements to the Public Safety Officers' Benefits Program.

Intro: 10/12/2011 Sen. Leahy (VT) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: Landrieu (LA)

Republicans: None


HR 3367 Disabled Public Safety Officers Fairness Act of 2011

This bill would provide line-of-duty disability benefits to those who suffered their disability prior to the enactment of the current benefits.

Intro: 11/21/2011 Rep. Towns (NY-10) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: None


Concealed Carry

S 176 “Common Sense Concealed Firearms Permit Act of 2011”

This bill would limit state concealed carry laws.

Intro: 1/25/2011 Sen. Boxer (CA) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: None


HR 2900 Secure Access to Firearms Enhancement Act of 2011

This bill would regulate the concealed carry of firearms across state lines.

Intro: 9/23/2011 Rep. Broun (GA-10) Status: Homeland Security

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: Barrow (GA-12), McIntyre (NC-7)

Republicans: Alderholt (AL-4), Scott (GA-8)


Firearms (other)

HR 308 “Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act” (S 32)

This bill would outlaw ammo magazines with greater than 10 round capacity produced or purchased after enactment of law.

Intro: 1/18/2011 Rep. McCarthy (NY-4) Status: Homeland Security

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: Cohen (TN-9), Connolly (VA-11), Moran (VA-8), Yarmuth (KY-3),

Scott (VA-3), Price (NC-4), Johnson (GA-4), Lewis (GA-5)

Republicans: None


S 32 Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act”

(Companion to HR 308)

Intro: 1/25/2011 Sen. Lautenberg (NJ) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: None


HR 367 Possession of firearm near “on duty” member of Congress

This bill would prohibit possession of a firearm near where a member of Congress is performing an “official” duty or is campaigning for office.

Intro: 1/20/2011 Rep. Richardson (CA-37) Status: Homeland Security

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: None


HR 496 Possession of firearm near “on duty” member of Congress

(similar to HR 367)

Intro: 1/26/2011 Rep. King (NY-3) Status: Homeland Security

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: None


S 835 “BATF Reform and Firearms Modernization Act of 2011”

This bill would change how BATF performs and definitions of current firearm regulations.

Intro: 4/14/2011 by Sen. Crapo (R-ID) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: None


HR 1093 “BATF Reform and Firearms Modernization Act of 2011”

This bill would change how BATF performs and definitions of current firearm regulations. (companion to S 835)

Intro: 3/21/2011 by Rep. King (IA-5) Status: Homeland Security Sub-cmte

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: Ross (AR-4), Barrow (GA-12), Bishop (GA-2), Chandler (KY-6), Kissell (NC-8), Shuler (NC-11), Rahall (WV-3)

Republicans: Scalise (LA-1), Jones (NC-3), Gingrey (GA-11), Brooks, (AL-5), Alexander (LA-5), Bonner (AL-1), Broun (GA-10), Forbes (VA-4), Wittman (VA-1), Landry (LA-3), Duncan (TN-2), DesJariais (TN-4), Scott (GA-8), Westmoreland (GA-3), Roe (TN-1), Rogers (AL-3), Griffin (AR-2), Graves (GA-9), Foxx (NC-5), Rogers (KY-5), Coble (NC-6), McHenry (NC-10), Davis (KY-4), Hurt (VA-5), Boustany (LA-7), Fincher (TN-8), Guthrie (KY-2), Nunnelee (MS-1), McKinley (WV-1), Cassidy (LA-6), Harper (MS-3), Kingston (GA-1), Rigell (VA-2), Wilson (SC-2), Alderholt (AL-4), Scott (SC-1), Duncan (SC-3)


Work Conditions

S 241 Non-Federal Employee Whistleblower Protection Act of 2011

This bill would expand whistleblower protections to non-Federal employees whose disclosures involve misuse of Federal funds.

Intro: 1/31/2011 Sen. McCaskill (MO) Status: Homeland Security

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: Webb (VA)

Republicans: None


S 306 National Criminal Justice Commission Act of 2011

This bill would establish a commission to study and give recommendations on the state of the criminal justice system in America.

Intro: 2/8/2011 Sen. Webb (VA) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: Sponsor Webb (VA), Hagan (NC), Warner (VA), Landrieu (LA)

Republicans: Graham (SC)


HR 365 “National Blue Alert Act of 2011”

This bill would set up and standardize a national “Blue Alert” program similar to Amber Alert, but for injured or killed LEO (law enforcement officers).

Intro: 1/20/2011 Rep. Grimm (NY-13) Status: Homeland Security

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: Cooper (TN-5)

Republicans: Capito (WV-2), Coble (NC-6)


S 657 National Blue Alert Act of 2011 (companion to HB 365)

This bill would set up and standardize a national “Blue Alert” program similar to Amber Alert, but for injured or killed LEO (law enforcement officers).

Intro: 3/28/2011 Sen. Cardin (MD) Status: Senate Calendar #160

Cosponsors from SSPBA states:

Democrats: None

Republicans: Graham (SC)


To read text of listed bills click on the Library of Congress link below then enter bill #.


Southern States PBA News
ALPBA scholarship recipient plans to hit the ground in college

December 11, 2024

Maddie Cone, Auburn University freshman, is eager to show her love for the outside world with a degree in agricultural education. "I chose this field to create change in the world through my love for agriculture and education," she said. "Receiving this scholarship is a great honor," she said. "Law enforcement runs deep in my family. This scholarship not only helps to alleviate the financial burdens of college, but it also shows the great support PBF has for the families of law enforcement." Maddie said she is excited about her future and teaching young students to love and appreciate the earth as much as she always has.

Social Security Fairness Act

The Social Security Fairness Act has passed the House and is now in the Senate! Learn more about what you can do.

NCPBA Scholarship Recipient Trey Hinson

November 25, 2024

Whatever Piedmont High School graduate Trey Hinson tackles, he conquers. Next up, college and a law enforcement career in the footsteps of his father, NCPBA member Jason Hinson. Trey has earned two scholarships, in fact, the NCBA Division scholarship and a Foundation Scholarship, earmarked for those students pursuing a degree in criminal justice or criminology. He started college at Appalachian State University in fall of 2024.
