Frequently Asked Governmental Affairs Questions
Why does the PBA get involved in politics? |
Law enforcement officers, no matter their employing agency, are affected by politics on a daily basis. Because we are public employees, elected officials determine every aspect of our job. They determine pay, benefits and working conditions. In some agencies, they even dictate items such as schedules and assignments. As law enforcement professionals we can either blindly take what is given or become an active participant in our own destiny. Politics will always be a part of our job. With PBA we have a choice, we can become involved in the process or become a victim of the process. The choice is yours. |
How does a candidate get the PBA endorsement? |
The PBA endorsement is the result of long-standing, well-tested and respected two-step process. The screening/endorsement process begins with the invitation of all legitimate candidates to an interview (screening) with a committee of PBA members. The candidates are questioned, one at a time, on issues of importance from the membership. The committee makes recommendations for endorsement to the appropriate Board of Directors (local, state or national). The Board considers the committee’s recommendation and any additional information relevant to the candidate’s ability to advocate for the members then, votes on the endorsements. PBA policy forbids endorsements of candidates that do not participate in the screening process. |
Doesn’t the PBA just endorse Democrats (Republicans)? |
No, The PBA is a NON-Partisan organization. Candidates are endorsed based on their positions on issues of importance to the PBA membership (pay, benefits & working conditions). The candidate’s party, race, gender, or positions on non-PBA issues are not a consideration in the process. |
Doesn’t the PBA just endorse incumbents? |
While incumbents are historically harder to defeat, this is a consideration in races where both candidates are proponents of PBA issues. Advocacy on behalf of the PBA membership is the most important quality. |
What happens after a candidate receives the PBA endorsement? |
The endorsing PBA membership gets to work with the candidate to get them elected to office so that they might begin to improve the officers’ work life.
Can I get involved in the endorsement process? |
Yes, if you are a PBA member. Contact your Chapter leadership, state Division, or the Southern States PBA office for further information. Your participation and input is encouraged! |
Where can I get more information? |
Check out the Governmental Affairs link on the SSPBA home page or your Division site. Or call any PBA office. |
December 11, 2024
Maddie Cone, Auburn University freshman, is eager to show her love for the outside world with a degree in agricultural education. "I chose this field to create change in the world through my love for agriculture and education," she said. "Receiving this scholarship is a great honor," she said. "Law enforcement runs deep in my family. This scholarship not only helps to alleviate the financial burdens of college, but it also shows the great support PBF has for the families of law enforcement." Maddie said she is excited about her future and teaching young students to love and appreciate the earth as much as she always has.
moreThe Social Security Fairness Act has passed the House and is now in the Senate! Learn more about what you can do.
moreNovember 25, 2024
Whatever Piedmont High School graduate Trey Hinson tackles, he conquers. Next up, college and a law enforcement career in the footsteps of his father, NCPBA member Jason Hinson. Trey has earned two scholarships, in fact, the NCBA Division scholarship and a Foundation Scholarship, earmarked for those students pursuing a degree in criminal justice or criminology. He started college at Appalachian State University in fall of 2024.