Southern States PBA
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SSPBA Executive Directors

J.D. Hobbie
Executive Director - Alabama Division
J.D. Hobbie began his career with the SSPBA in 1990, after retiring as an Alabama State Trooper Sergeant. J.D. Hobbie was appointed Ex. Director of the Al. Division J.D. Hobbie was later appointed to staff representative and worked recruiting members and building chapters in Mississippi, Louisiana and Arkansas for several years. J.D. is presently Ex. Director of the Alabama PBA. J.D. Hobbie attended Troy State University at Montgomery while employed by the Dept. of Public Safety and earned a B.S. and M.S. Degree in Criminal Justice. J.D. Hobbie is married to Patricia Hobbie and they are the parents of twin daughters Deborah and Frances.
"The PBA is such a great place to work because I love being part of an organization that helps protect those who risk their lives everyday for our communities. I speak with numerous members everyday and I enjoy the interaction that I have with them. The dedication, loyalty, and passion our members have for their profession is inspiring an encouraging to me."

Patrick Cullinan
Executive Director - Georgia Division

Tommy Simpson
Executive Director - Mississippi Division
Tommy was employed as a law enforcement in the State of Georgia from 1969 until 1997, serving in city, county and state levels. He joined PBA in 1984, during the initial formation of Georgia PBA. He served as president of the Flint River chapter for several years as well serving on the Executive Board of Georgia PBA. He remained a member of PBA throughout the rest of his law enforcement career.


Ending his law enforcement career in 1997, after the formation of Southern States PBA, Tommy accepted employment as a staff representative with PBA in the State of Mississippi. He has previously served the association as a staff representative and as Executive Director of the Mississippi PBA Division.


Tommy currently serves as Director of Organizational Services for the West region of Southern States PBA and resides in Tupelo, Ms.
"While I no longer carry a badge or the burden that goes with it, I am still very much a cop at heart. My past experiences as a law enforcement officer have instilled in me a strong passion to make things better for those who still serve and there is no better place to accomplish this than PBA."

John Midgette
Executive Director - North Carolina Division
John is a 17 year law enforcement veteran. He began his career in law enforcement in 1974 with the Raleigh Police Department where he served for 15 years before being hired by the SSPBA as a staff representative in 1989.


PBA membership was introduced to his department in 1986. He immediately joined fellow officers in forming a local PBA chapter. After holding the first ever candidate screening of the local city council his chapter was active in working with PBA endorsed council members in obtaining new equipment, increasing longevity pay, creating the first ever lateral career ladder promotional positions, a new sergeant's promotional exam and the largest one time across the board pay increase for police officers in our city's history.


After serving as a part time staff representative in 1988 John accepted a full time position on January 2, 1989. He was appointed as Executive Director of the North Carolina Division in September, 1989 and became the division's primary lobbyist in 1990 where he continues to serve in those roles today.


John holds a BS degree from Atlantic Christian College. He received his Advanced Law Enforcement Certificate in 1984 and has received over a thousand hours of advanced law enforcement training. He considers it an honor that he served all of his law enforcement career as a street cop. He has served as a community college law enforcement instructor at Central Carolina Community College and as a guest lecturer at the university level and before various criminal justice organizations in matters involving due process and the rights of law enforcement officers.


John and his wife Teresa have three sons named Matthew, Adam and Christopher.
"I have the honor of serving and representing those whom I admire most through an Association that is the finest in the business in serving and protecting law enforcement and correctional officers. For me, It gets no better that this."

Gary Smith
Executive Director - Tennessee Division

Sean McGowan
SSPBA Executive Director
Sean McGowan was born in, and lived in, Alexandria Virginia until he graduated from T.C. Williams High School in 1979. Attending George Mason University until he was old enough to apply to the Alexandria Police Department, Sean started his law enforcement career at age twenty two. Twenty five years of police work in Alexandria consisted of six years in patrol, sixteen years in CSI and his final three years riding a department Harley Davidson in the Motor unit. During his time working for Alexandria he met and married fellow officer Patricia Barrett. Patricia and Sean have been blessed with two daughters, Amy and Lauren.


Sean Completed a degree in Criminal Justice Agency Administration from Park College while serving part time in the Coast Guard Reserve in 1990.


Sean served as the first president of the Alexandria Chapter of the PBA, just part of his many years of labor leadership in Alexandria. Sean retired from the Alexandria Police Department on May 29, 2009 and reported to his first SSPBA board meeting on June 4, 2009 in his new role as Executive Director of the Virginia Division. In 2023, Sean became SSPBA Executive Director.
"I am truly proud to be given the opportunity to represent the Southern States Police Benevolent Association as Executive Director. The SSPBA is strong, involved and growing across our entire service area. The support for law enforcement professionals and their families provided by the SSPBA is second to none. The unmatched benefits and services provided to our members are critically needed now, more than ever, as we navigate the current dynamically changing political climate impacting the law enforcement profession."


Southern States PBA News
ALPBA scholarship recipient plans to hit the ground in college

December 11, 2024

Maddie Cone, Auburn University freshman, is eager to show her love for the outside world with a degree in agricultural education. "I chose this field to create change in the world through my love for agriculture and education," she said. "Receiving this scholarship is a great honor," she said. "Law enforcement runs deep in my family. This scholarship not only helps to alleviate the financial burdens of college, but it also shows the great support PBF has for the families of law enforcement." Maddie said she is excited about her future and teaching young students to love and appreciate the earth as much as she always has.

Social Security Fairness Act

The Social Security Fairness Act has passed the House and is now in the Senate! Learn more about what you can do.

NCPBA Scholarship Recipient Trey Hinson

November 25, 2024

Whatever Piedmont High School graduate Trey Hinson tackles, he conquers. Next up, college and a law enforcement career in the footsteps of his father, NCPBA member Jason Hinson. Trey has earned two scholarships, in fact, the NCBA Division scholarship and a Foundation Scholarship, earmarked for those students pursuing a degree in criminal justice or criminology. He started college at Appalachian State University in fall of 2024.
