Alabama Division
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ALPBA Executive Director


J.D. Hobbie

ALPBA Executive Director
J.D. Hobbie began his career with the SSPBA in 1990,after retiring as an Alabama State  Trooper Sergeant. J.D. Hobbie was appointed Ex. Director of the Al. Division J.D. Hobbie was later appointed to staff representative and worked recruiting members and building chapters in Mississippi,Louisiana and Arkansas for several years. J.D. is presently Ex. Director of the Alabama PBA.    J.D. Hobbie attended Troy State University at Montgomery while employed by the Dept. of Public Safety and earned a B.S and M.S. Degree in Criminal Justice. J.D. Hobbie is married to Patricia Hobbie and they are the parents of twin daughters Deborah and Frances.
"The PBA is such a great place to work because I love being part of an organization that helps protect those who risk their lives everyday for our communities. I speak with numerous members everyday and I enjoy the interaction that I have with them. The dedication, loyalty, and passion our members have for their profession is inspiring an encouraging to me."

Alabama News
ALPBA Scholarship Recipient Faith Leverette

March 20, 2024

According to Faith, she always feels grateful for any scholarship that she receives, but this scholarship in particular "is exceptionally special to me because it was given to me by the same people that have helped my dad numerous times throughout his career. I am so grateful for what this association has done and will continue to do for me and my family."

Matt Dozier Earns PBA Endorsement For House Seat 13

May 17, 2022

The Walker County PBA chapter of the Alabama Police Benevolent Association conducted interviews on April 9th for candidates seeking the PBA endorsement for Alabama House Seat 13.
