Why Join?
The PBA provides the absolute best services out there. From our legal services to our accidental death benefit package, we are dedicated to taking care of our members.
Shooting Scenes: The PBA provides an attorney to contact you at the scene of all on-duty shootings or serious injuries arising from your law enforcement duties, going to the scene if necessary.
Civil Suits and Criminal Action: The PBA provides an attorney to protect your individual interests if you are named as defendant in any civil or criminal action arising out of your duties as a law enforcement officer. NO CAP or LIMIT.
Legislative Representation: The PBA maintains a professional staff of lobbyists to aid in obtaining legislation beneficial to the law enforcement profession.
Disciplinary Representation: With approval of your local board, the PBA provides staff/attorney representation in cases where you have been unfairly disciplined as a result of duty-related actions.
(Click here for a more detailed description of our legal benefits)
Accidental Death Benefit: We believe that our accidental death benefit is the most generous of any such plan in our service area.
Your beneficiary will receive:
(1) your base salary for one year if you are killed in the performance of your law enforcement duties (maximum payment: $70,000), or
(2) $10,000 accidental, non occupational death, or to retired and reserved members, in accordance with the terms and limitations of our insurance policy which underwrites the benefit.
Our benefit plan also includes an accidental dismemberment benefit as well.
For a complete description of the above benefits and their limitations, call 800-233-3506.
Benefits can be changed at any time, at the discretion of the Southern States PBA
May 1, 2024
The Southern States Police Benevolent Association is committed to keeping you informed of federal legislation that may affect your work-life, pay and benefits.
moreApril 2, 2024
The Southern States Police Benevolent Association is committed to keeping you informed of federal legislation that may affect your work-life, pay and benefits.
moreMarch 1, 2024
The Southern States Police Benevolent Association is committed to keeping you informed of federal legislation that may affect your work-life, pay and benefits.