Southern States PBA
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Retired Members

Retired members pay only $36.00 per year and enjoy benefits including legal services (from their member date) should anything arise from the time of their active membership.  Benefits also include a $10,000 accidental non-occupational death policy, yearly publications and decals.  

If you would like to go into our retired chapter, please send in a copy of your retirement paperwork showing the effective date.  Your account will be adjusted, and you will be sent an invoice if money is due.


Please fax (866-337-7722), email (, or mail  (2155 Hwy 42 S, McDonough GA 30252) the necessary paperwork to us as soon as possible so that your account can be adjusted. Your membership is important to us. If you have any questions, please call at 800-233-3506.

Southern States PBA News
118th US Congress Update April 2024

May 1, 2024

The Southern States Police Benevolent Association is committed to keeping you informed of federal legislation that may affect your work-life, pay and benefits.

118th US Congress Update March 2024

April 2, 2024

The Southern States Police Benevolent Association is committed to keeping you informed of federal legislation that may affect your work-life, pay and benefits.
