Southern States PBA
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113th US Congress Update June 2014

New Firearm Bills
H 4946 Crime Gun Tracing Act
BILL UPDATES (Changes in Red)
HR 359 Center for Campus Public Safety
This bill is to establish and operate a National Center for Campus Public Safety.
Intro: 1/23/2013 Rep. Scott (VA-3) Status: Homeland Security
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Scott, Moran (VA-8)
Republicans: Wolf (VA-10)
S 204 Right to Organize or Not
This bill attempts to preserve and protect the free choice of individual employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, or to refrain from such activities.
Intro: 1/31/2013 Sen. Rand (KY) Status: Senate Calendar
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: Sponsor Rand, Burr (NC), Vitter (LA), Chambliss (GA), McConnell (KY), Scott (SC), Boozman (AR), Wicker (MS), Graham (SC), Cochran (MS)
HR 659 Hatch Act Reform
This bill would remove prohibitions of Sheriffs to politic for others.
Intro: 2/13/2013 Rep. Latta (OH-5) Status: Government Reform
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: Westmoreland (GA-3)
H 946 National Right to Work Law
This bill seeks to preserve and protect the free choice of individual employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, or to refrain from such activities.
Intro: 3/5/2013 Rep. King (IA-4) Status: H.E.L.P. sub-cmte.
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: Bachus (AL-6), Barr (KY-6), Black (TN-6), Bonner (AL-1), Boustany (LA-3), Broun (GA-10), Cotton (AR-4), Crawford (AR-1), Duncan (SC-3), Fleming (LA-4), Foxx (NC-5), Gingrey (GA-11), Goodlatte (VA-6), Graves (GA-14), Griffin (AR-2), Griffith (VA-9), Harper (MS-3), Meadows (NC-11), Mulvaney (SC-5), Nunnelee (MS-1), Palazzo (MS-4), Pittenger (NC-9), Roe (TN-1), Scalise (LA-1), Westmoreland (GA-3), Wilson (SC-2), Wittman (VA-1), Kingston (GA-1), Coble (NC-6), Roby (AL-2), Wolf (VA-10), Womack (AR-3), Brooks (AL-5), Massie (KY-4), DesJariais (TN-4). Collins (GA-9), Price (GA-6), Hudson (NC-8), Rigell (VA-2), Holding (NC-13), Gowdy (SC-4), Fleischmann (TN-3), Scott (GA-8), Blackburn (TN-7), Cassidy (LA-6)
H 1815 Protect workers from the corrupt and coercive "Card Check" system of organizing labor unions.
This bill has not yet been published
Intro: 4/26/2013 Rep. Stockman (TX-36) Status: Education & Workforce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: None
H 3485 Employee Rights Act
This bill attempts to change NLRB voting process for employee representation.
Intro: 11/14/2013 Rep. Price (GA-6) Status: Education & Workforce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats:  None
Republicans: Sponsor Price (GA-6), Gingrey (GA-11), Kingston (GA-1), Westmoreland (GA-3), Broun (GA-10), Woodall (GA-7), Duncan (SC-3), Mulvaney (SC-5), Wilson (SC-2),  Crawford (AR-1), Womack (AR-3), Cassidy (LA-6), Fleming (LA-4), Harper (MS-3), Nunnelee (MS-1), Hudson (NC-8), Pittenger (NC-9), Blackburn (TN-7), Fleischmann (TN-3), Brooks (AL-5), Fincher, (TN-8), DesJariais (TN-4), Goodlatte (VA-6), Graves (GA-14), Foxx (NC-5), Holding (NC-13), Meadows (NC-11), Gowdy (SC-4), Scott (GA-8), Barr (KY-6), Griffin (AR-2), Cotton (AR-4), Bradley (AL-1), Forbes (VA-4), Guthrie (KY-2), McHenry (NC-10), Scalise (LA-1)
HR 4321 Amendment to NLRA
This bill would require list of employees eligible to vote in labor election provided to National Labor Relations Board
Intro: 3/27/2014 Rep. Roe (TN-1) Status: Education & Workforce Reported
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: Sponsor Roe (TN-1), Wilson (SC-2), Price (GA-6), DesJariais (TN-4), Gowdy (SC-4), Hudson (NC-8), Gingrey (GA-11), Griffin (AR-2), Goodlatte (VA-6), Womack (AR-3)
S 2436 Prohibit Dues Deduction from Federal Pay
This bill prohibit the deduction of association dues from federal paychecks
Intro: 6/5/2014 Sen. Scott (SC) Status: Homeland Security
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: Vitter (LA)
Work Conditions
HR 180 National Blue Alert Act of 2013
This bill is to encourage, enhance, and integrate Blue Alert plans throughout the United States in order to disseminate information when a law enforcement officer is seriously injured or killed in the line of duty.
Intro: 1/25/2013 Rep. Grimm (NY-11) Status: PASSED House, received in Senate
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Cooper (TN-5), Duncan (TN-2)
Republicans: None
S 357 Blue Alert Coordination (HR 180)
This bill will encourage, enhance and integrate the Blue Alert plans across the US.
Intro: 2/14/2013 Sen. Cardin (MD) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Landrieu (LA)
Republicans: Graham (SC), McConnell (KY)
HR 446 National Criminal Justice Commission
This bill will attempt to establish a commission to undertake a comprehensive review of the criminal justice system, encompassing current Federal, State, local, and tribal criminal justice policies and practices, and make reform recommendations for the President, Congress, State, local, and tribal governments.
Intro: 2/1/2013 Rep. Deutch (FL-21) Status: Homeland Security
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: None
S 433 CAMPUS Safety Act (HR 359)
This bill would fund the “Center to Advance, Monitor, and Preserve University Security”
Intro: 2/28/2013 Sen. Warner (VA) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Warner (VA)
Republicans: None
H 1362 Redefine Law Enforcement 
This bill would redefine law enforcement for federal purposes to include IRS agents
Intro: 3/21/2013 Rep. King (NY-2) Status: Oversight & Government Reform
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Bishop (GA-2), Moran (VA-8), Connolly (VA-11)
Republicans: None
H 1447 Death in Custody Reporting Act of 2013
This bill would encourage States to report to the Attorney General certain information regarding the deaths of individuals in the custody of law enforcement agencies
Intro: 4/9/2013 Rep. Scott (VA-3) Status: PASSED House, received in Senate-Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Scott
Republicans: None
S 1038 End Racial Profiling
This bill would seek to end racial profiling by law enforcement
Intro: 5/23/2013 Sen. Cardin (MD) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: None
HR 2851 Eliminate Racial Profiling
This bill seeks to eliminate racial profiling by law enforcement, and for other purposes.
Intro: 7/30/2013 Rep. Conyers (MI-13) Status: Homeland Security
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Bishop (GA-2), Cohen (TN-9), Lewis (GA-5), Richmond (LA-2), Scott (VA-3), Thompson (MS-2), Moran (VA-8)
Republicans: None
H 3179 FLSA Modifications
This bill would exempt overtime provisions during certain “disasters.”
Intro: 9/25/13 Rep. Hudson (NC-8) Status: Education & Workforce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: McIntyre (NC-7), Richmond (LA-2), Sewell (AL-7)
Republicans: Sponsor Hudson, Bachus (AL-6), Wilson (SC-2), Price (GA-6), Kingston (GA-1), Capito (WV-2), McHenry (NC-10), Harper (MS-3), Fleischmann (TN-3), Scalise (LA-1), Sewell (AL-7), Rogers (AL-3), Byrne (AL-1), Bishop (GA-2), Guthrie (KY-2),
DeJariais (TN-4), Palazzo (MS-4), Fincher (TN-8), Brooks (AL-5), Aderholt (AL-4), Elmers (NC-2)
H 3560 Prevent Racial Profiling
This bill would require changes to training and procedure to prevent racial profiling for agencies receiving federal funds.
Intro: 11/20/2013 Rep. Horsford (NV-4) Status: Homeland Security
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Bishop (GA-2), Lewis (GA-5), Scott (GA13), Johnson (GA-4), Butterfield (NC-1), Watt (NC-12), Sewell (AL-7), Richmond (LA-2), Thompson (MS-2), Clyburn (SC-6), Scott (VA-3), Sewell (AL-7), Johnson (GA-4), Watt (NC-12), Moran (VA-8)
Republicans: None
S 1814  National Silver Alert Program
This bill would encourage, enhance and integrate the Silver Alert plans across the US.
Intro: 12/12/2013 Rep. Manchin (WV) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Manchin, Rockefeller (WV)
Republicans: None
HR 3907 Justice Integrity Act
This bill requires reporting of race and ethnicity information from investigations and prosecutions
Intro: 1/16/2014 Rep. Cohen (TN-9) Status: Constitution and Justice Cmte.
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Cohen
Republicans: None
S 2177 Criminal Justice and Forensic Science Reform Act
This bill would establish a federal Forensic Science Board
Intro: 3/27/2014 Sen. Leahy (VT) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: None
HR 4607 Pepper Spray for Federal Corrections
This bill would allow Federal Bureau of Prisons to issue pepper spray.
Intro: 5/8/2014 Rep. McKinley (WV-1) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: Morgan (VA-9), Rahall (WV-3)
S 2309 Federal B.O.P. Pepper Spray
(see HR 4607)
Intro: 5/8/2014 Sen. Toomey (PA) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Manchin (WV)
Republicans: Vitter (LA)
H 988 Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Act
This bill would continue the funding for bulletproof vest until 2017
Intro: 3/6/2013 Rep. LoBiondo (NJ-2) Status: Homeland Security
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: None
S 933 Bulletproof Vest Reauthorization
This bill would extend vest funding through 2018
Intro: 5/13/2013 Sen. Leahy (VT) Status: Consolidated & PASSED
(as part of Continuing Appropriations)
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Landrieu (LA), Hagan (NC), Pryor (AR), Kaine (VA)
Republicans: None
H 1546 Better Protecting Children in Schools Act of 2013
This bill would amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to encourage a law enforcement presence in our schools by allowing full-time, off-duty law enforcement officials an exclusion from income for wages received for performing services in an elementary or secondary school as a substitute teacher.
Intro: 4/12/2013 Rep. Tiberi (OH-12) Status: Ways & Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: None
HR 1828 (S 876) Fire Police Benefits
This bill would provide public safety death/disability benefits to Fire police
Intro: 5/6/2013 Rep. Courtney (CT-2) Status: Homeland Security
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats:  McIntyre (NC-7)
Republicans: None
HR 1969 Survivor Education Benefit Change
This bill would increase Pell grants to families of officers killed line-of-duty
Intro: 5/14//2013 Rep. Fitzpatrick (PA-8) Status: Education & Workforce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: None
HR 2096 Paid Vacation
This bill would require employees to provide one week paid vacation annually
Intro: 5/22/2013 Rep. Grayson (FL-9) Status: Education & Workforce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 2235 Campus Police Recognition Act
This bill would include campus police in federal death/disability benefit program
Intro: 6/4/2013 Rep. Capuano (MA-7) Status: Homeland Security
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 2618 State/Local Employee Medicare Coverage Election
This bill would allow certain State and local government employees to elect to treat employment as medicare qualified government employment for purposes of entitlement to Medicare coverage.
Intro: 7/8/2013 Rep. Green (TX-29) Status: Ways & Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: None
S 1270 SAFE Retirement Act
This bill seeks to amend the IRS code of 1986 Sec. 420A regarding state and local government employee annuity accumulation retirement plans.
Intro: 7/9/2013 Sen. Hatch (UT) Status: Finance
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: None
HR 4537 Tax Exempt Sick/Disability Pay
This bill would exempt tax on gross pay received from line-of-duty sick or injury.
Intro: 4/30/2014 Rep. Rangel (NY-13) Status: Ways and Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: None
S 2257 Federal Prison Employee Tax Free Withdraw Retirement at 55
This bill would allow Federal prison employee to withdraw retirement tax free at 55.
Intro: 4/28/2014 Sen. Toomey (PA) Status: Finance
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: None
HR 4634 Retirement Withdraw at Age 50 – No Penalty
This bill would allow law enforcement to withdraw retirement at age 50, penalty free.
Intro: 5/9/2014 Rep. Reichert (WA-8) Status: Ways & Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: None
HR 4769 Troops to Cops Act
This bill would provide federal money to hire veterans as officers.
Intro: 5/29/2014 Rep. McNerney (CA-9) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: None
S 2332 Benefits for “Climate-Related” Line of Duty Death
This bill provide death benefit in “climate related” on-duty deaths
Intro: 5/14/2014 Sen. Coons (DE) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: None
S 2355 Death Benefit Tax Exemption
This bill exempt the federal death benefit from taxation
Intro: 5/20/2014 Sen. Ayotte (NH) Status: Finance
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: None
S 2441 Death Benefits to Officers of Private Colleges
 This bill would provide the federal death benefit to private college law enforcement.
Intro: 6/5/2014 Sen. Reed (RI) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: None
Republicans: None
As a result of the school shooting in Connecticut, numerous bills have been introduced to regulate firearms and ammunition. Volume prohibits inclusion of details of each bill. Bill numbers and titles are included here. Further details can be found by searching the bill number at the link at the bottom of this report.
House Bills:
21- NRA Members' Gun Safety Act of 2013
34- Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act
65- Child Gun Safety and Gun Access Prevention Act
93- Fire Sale Loophole Closing Act  
117- Handgun Licensing and Registration Act
137- Fix Gun Checks Act
138- Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act  
141- Gun Show Loophole Closing Act
142- Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act
226- Support Assault Firearms Elimination and Reduction for our Streets Act  
227- Buyback Our Safety Act  
236- Crackdown on Deadbeat Gun Dealers Act
238- Fire Sale Loophole Closing Act
322- Hunting, Fishing, and Recreational Shooting Protection Act
404- Straw Purchaser Penalty Enhancement Act
410- Restore the Constitution Act
427- Trafficking Reduction And Criminal Enforcement (TRACE) Act
431- Gun Transparency and Accountability (Gun TRAC) Act
437- Assault Weapons Ban of 2013
449- Veterans' Heritage Firearms Act
452- Gun Trafficking Prevention Act
538- PLEA Act
(banning the Five-seveN Pistol and 5.7 x 28mm SS190, SS192, SS195LF, SS196, and SS197 cartridges and other issues)
575- Second Amendment Protection Act
578- Respecting States' Rights and Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act
619- Keep Kids Safe Act
661- Tiahrt Restrictions Repeal Act
720- Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists
722- Detectives Nemorin and Andrews Anti-Gun Trafficking Act
848- Armed Prohibited Persons Act
868- Safer Neighborhoods Gun Buyback Act
955-Anti- gun trafficking Bill
965-Prevent “Saturday Night Special” Sales
1369- Require Insurance to Purchase Firearms
1565 – Public Safety and Second Amendment Protection Act
1605 - Public Safety and Second Amendment Protection Act
1728 – Enforcement of Existing Gun Laws
1883 Secure firearms act – tax benefit for gun safes
2005 Personalized handgun safety act – technology for owner operate only
2046 Recreational land firearm possession – Army Corps Eng land
(consolidated with HR 3590 - Passed House)
2247 Collectable firearms protection
2408 Prevent tracking of multiple rifle/shotgun purchases
2463 Target and Marksman training support act
2465 Dept. of Health report on gun violence
2541 Off-duty and retired officer concealed carry for school safety
2567 Firearm production require mechanical safety from 5 yr olds
2625 Student Protection Act
2648 Prohibit firearm sale to, and the possession, shipment, transportation, or receipt of a firearm by, certain classes of high-risk individuals.
2665 Ensure secure gun storage and gun safety devices.
2910 Protect Children from Gun Violence
3335 Interstate firearms transactions by military personnel
3566 Domestic violence firearm seizure
3590 - Sportsmen's Heritage And Recreational Enhancement Act
3643 (Passed as H3626) Renew “Undetectable” firearm prohibition
3933 Protect Firearms in Bankruptcy
4135 Firearm Importation Fairness Act of 2014
4380 Firearm Confiscation and Registration Prohibition
4405 Firearm Possession Prohibited from Violent Juvenile Offender
4547 (& 4749) Redefine “Antique” Firearm
4704 CDC to Investigate Firearm Safety
4784 Prevent Firearm Purchase by “Dangerous” Persons
4806 Gun Violence “Prevention Protection Order”
Senate Bills:
2- Sandy Hook Elementary School Violence Reduction Act
22- Gun Show Background Check Act
33- Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act
34- Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists
35- Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act
54- Stop Illegal Trafficking in Firearms Act (Senate Calendar)
82- Separation of Powers Restoration and Second Amendment Protection Act
146- School Safety Enhancements Act (Calendared)
147- Common Sense Concealed Firearms Permit Act
150- Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 (Sen. Feinstein’s Assault Weapon Ban) (Calendared)
174- Ammunition Background Check Act
261- No Firearms for Foreign Felons Act
374- Protecting Responsible Gun Sellers Act (Calendared)
572-Veterans Second Amendment Protection Act
691 – High Capacity Magazine Ban Act
729 – Disarm Criminals and Protect Citizens
730 – Straw Purchase Prevention Act
903 Alien gun violence prevention – residency requirements
1149 Prohibit undetectable firearms
1212 Target and Marksman training support act
1335 Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act
1337 Crime Gun Tracing Act of 2013
1774  (Passed as H3626 ) “Undetectable” firearm prohibition
1908 Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity
2068 All Firearms have safety technology within 3 years
2105 Gun-Owner Registration Information Protection Act
2373 CDC to Investigate Firearm Safety
2445 Gun Violence “Prevention Protection Order”
To read text of listed bills click on the Library of Congress link below then enter bill #.

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118th US Congress Update March 2024

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