115th US Congress Update September 2018
Oct 2, 2018
Southern States Police Benevolent Association, Inc.
Governmental Affairs
115th US Congress Update
September 2018
HR 6914 Amend Title 18 to Include Railroad Police
This bill would include railroad police officers in definition of qualified law enforcement.
Intro: 9/26/2018 Rep. Hice (GA-10) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Sponsor (GA-10)
S 3433 Social Security Fairness for Firefighters & Police Officers
This bill would exempt firefighters and police officers from the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provisions under the Social Security Act.
Intro: 9/12/2018 Sen. Toomey (PA) Status: Finance
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
New Firearm Bills
BILL UPDATES (Changes in Red)
HR 509 ATF Elimination Act
This bill would disband the ATF
Intro: 1/12/2017 Rep. Sensenbrenner (WI-5) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 545 National Right to Work Act
This bill would create a national Right to Work law
Intro: 3/7/2017 Sen. Paul (KY) Status: Health Ed & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Sponsor Paul, Cochran (MS), Cotton (AR), Perdue (GA), Scott (SC), Tillis (NC), Wicker (MS), Graham (SC), Boozman (AR), Strange (AL), Burr (NC)
S 573 National Criminal Justice Commission
This bill would establish the National Criminal Justice Commission.
Intro: 3/8/2017 Sen. Peters (MI) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Graham (SC), Cochran (MS), Capito (WV), Warner (VA), Kaine (VA), Kennedy (LA)
S 585 Whistleblower Protection
This bill would provide whistleblower protection for “probationary” Federal employees
Intro: 3/8/2017 Sen. Johnson (WI) Status: PASSED – Public Law 115-73
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 2629 Appropriate designation of collective bargaining units.
This bill amends the National Labor Relations Act to provide for appropriate designation of collective bargaining units.
Intro: 5/24/2017 Rep. Rooney (FL-19) Status: Education & Workforce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Byrne (AL-1), Roe (TN-1), Ferguson (GA-3)
HR 2723 Right to Select Labor Organization
This bill claims to provide protections for workers with respect to their right to select or refrain from selecting representation by a labor organization.
Intro: 5/25/2017 Rep. Roe (TN-1) Status: Education & Workforce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Sponsor Roe (TN-1), Duncan (SC-3), Woodall (GA-7), Hudson (NC-8), Wilson (SC-2), Allen (GA-12), Pittenger (NC-9), Meadows (NC-11), Guthrie (KY-2), Goodlatte (VA-6), Budd (NC-13), Fleischmann (TN-3), Brat (VA-7), Palmer (AL-6), Loudemilk (GA-11), Blackburn (TN-7), Ferguson (GA-3), Roby (AL-2), Rouzer (NC-7), Byrne (AL-1), Black (TN-6), DesJariais (TN-4), Kustoff (TN-8), Crawford (AR-1), Carter (GA-1), Abraham (LA-5), Brooks (AL-5), Walker (NC-6), Rogers (AL-3), Graves (GA-14), Johnson (LA-4), Hice (GA-10), Barr (KY-6), Kelly (MS-1), Rice (SC-7), Garrett (VA-5), Comstock (VA-10), Graves (LA-6), Holding (NC-2), Norman (SC-5), Westerman (AR-4), Higgins (LA-3), Wittman (VA-1), Collins (GA-9), Palazzo (MS-4), Harper (MS-3), Womack (AR-3), Comer (KY-1), Handel (GA-6), Scott (GA-8), Sanford (SC-1), Griffith (VA-9), McHenry (NC-10), Gowdy (SC-4), Hill (AR-2), Duncan (TN-2)
S 1217 Appropriate designation of collective bargaining units.
This bill amends the National Labor Relations Act to provide for appropriate designation of collective bargaining units.
Intro: 5/24/2017 Sen. Isakson (GA) Status: Health Education Labor Pensions
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Lamar (TN), Corker (TN), McConnell (KY), Perdue (GA), Scott (SC), Wicker (MS), Boozman (AR), Graham (SC)
HR 3827 Protecting Workers and Improve Labor Standards Act
This bill would repeal the authority under the National Labor Relations Act for States to enact laws prohibiting agreements requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment, and for other purposes.
Intro: 9/25/2017 Rep. Sherman (CA-30) Status: Education/Workforce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Johnson (GA-4)
Republicans: none
S 1774 Employee Rights Act
This bill would provide protections for workers with respect to their right to select or refrain from selecting representation by a labor organization.
Intro: 9/7/2017 Sen. Hatch (UT) Status: Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Alexander (TN), Scott (TN), Shelby (AL), Perdue (GA), Isakson (GA), Wicker (MS), Cotton (AR), Boozman (AR), Strange (AL), Rand (KY), Cochran (MS)
S 1838 Protecting workers and Improving Labor Standards Act
This bill would repeal the authority under the National Labor Relations Act for States to enact laws prohibiting agreements requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment, and for other purposes.
Intro: 9/19/2017 Sen. Warren (MA) Status: Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 2069 Protecting Workers' Freedom to Organize Act
This bill would amend the National Labor Relations Act to clarify the requirements for meeting the definition of the term “employee.”
Intro: 11/2/2017 Sen. Brown (OH) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 4846 Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act
This bill would provide collective bargaining for Public Safety employees.
Intro: 1/19/2018 Rep. Kildee (MI-5) Status: Education and Workforce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Cohen (TN-9), Scott (VA-3), Adams (NC-12), Connolly (VA-11)
Republicans: Duncan (TN-2), Comstock (VA-10)
S 2340 Federal Labor-Management Partnership Act
This bill would establish the Federal Labor-Management Partnership Council.
Intro: 1/25/2018 Sen. Schatz (HI) Status: Homeland Security
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 5632 Prohibit Agreements Between Employers to Restrict Employment
This bill would prohibit employers from conspiring to prevent hiring (“black ball”).
Intro: 4/26/2017 Rep. Ellison (MN-5) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Cohen (TN-9)
Republicans: none
HR 5665 Amend Labor-Management Reporting & Disclosure Act of 1959
This bill would redefine the term “labor organization.”
Intro: 1/12/2017 Rep. Rooney (FL-19) Status: Education & Workforce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Roe (TN-1), Byrne (AL-1)
S 2718 Above the Line Deduction for Union Dues
This bill would amend the IRS regulations to allow “above the line” deductions for union dues and make other “business” items deductible.
Intro: 4/19/2018 Sen. Casey (PA) Status: Finance
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 2810 Workplace Democracy Act
This bill would amend NLRA to establish an efficient system to enable employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations
Intro: 5/9/2018 Sen. Sanders (VT) Status: Education & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 2845 Law Enforcement Collective Bargaining
This bill would provide for collective bargaining for public safety officers
Intro: 5/15/2018 Sen. Baldwin (WI) Status: Labor & Pensions
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 6238 Collective Bargaining for Public Employees
This bill would provide for collective bargaining by public employees
Intro: 6/27/2018 Rep. Cartwright (PA-17) Status: Education & Workforce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Scott (VA-3), Beyer (VA-8), Cohen (TN-9), Connolly (VA-11), Yarmuth (KY-3)
Republicans: none
S 3151 Collective Bargaining for Public Employees
This bill would provide for collective bargaining by public employees
Intro: 6/27/2018 Sen. Hirono (HI) Status: Education & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 6412 Employee Freedom Act
This bill would allow employers to stop payroll deduction of labor organization dues when agreement expires and allow employees to drop out at anytime.
Intro: 7/17/2018 Rep. Rooney (FL-19) Status: Education and Workforce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 6445 Public Employee Freedom to Negotiate
This bill would allow public employees to organize and collective bargain.
Intro: 7/19/2018 Rep. Fitzpatrick (PA-8) Status: Education and Workforce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 6544 Right to Work
This bill would provide the option to employees to labor representation and dues.
Intro: 7/26/2018 Rep. Roe (TN-1) Status: Education and Workforce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Sponsor Roe (TN-1), Wilson (SC-2), Byrne (AL-1), Handel (GA-6), Brat (VA-7)
Work Conditions
HR 47 Kalief’s Law
This bill would require officer training on handling of youth (<21) and other issues
Intro: 1/3/2017 Rep. Lee (TX-18) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Cohen (TN-9)
Republicans: none
HR 158 Corey Jones Act
This bill would prohibit vehicle stops by plainclothes officers
Intro: 1/3/2017 Rep. Hastings (FL-20) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Thompson (MS-2), Johnson (GA-4)
Republicans: none
HR 514 HELD Act
This bill would prohibit state or local restrictions on law enforcement immigration enforcement.
Intro: 1/13/2017 Rep. Calvert (CA-42) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Brooks (AL-5)
HR 1039 Probation Officer Protection Act (S367)
This bill would give probation officers power of arrest
Intro: 2/14/2017 Rep. Reichert (WA-8) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 1213 “Laquan McDonald” Camera Act
This bill would require agency policy for camera use
Intro: 2/21/2017 Rep. Rush (Il-1) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 367 Probation Officer Protection Act (H1039)
This bill would give probation officers power of arrest
Intro: 2/14/2017 Sen. Hatch (UT) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Tillis (NC)
S 411 ERRPA (Eliminate Religious Racial Profiling Act)
This bill would prohibit racial and religious profiling
Intro: 2/16/2017 Sen. Cardin (MD) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Kaine (VA)
Republicans: none
HR 1446 No State Resources for Immigration Enforcement
This bill would prohibit State and local officers and employees from performing immigration officer functions.
Intro: 3/9/2017 Rep. Velazquez (NY-7) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 1498 End Racial Profiling
This bill would prohibit racial profiling
Intro: 3/10/2017 Rep. Conyers (MI-13) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Beyer (VA-8), Bishop (GA-2), Cohen (TN-9), Johnson (GA-4), Lewis (GA-5), Richmond (LA-2), Scott (VA-3), Sewell (AL-7), Thompson (MS-2), Scott (GA-13), Price (NC-4)
Republicans: none
HR 1556 Stop Militarizing Law Enforcement
This bill would put certain limitations on the transfer of personal property to Federal and State agencies.
Intro: 3/16/2017 Rep. Johnson (GA-4) Status: Armed Services
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Johnson, Scott (VA-3), Cohen (TN-9), Scott (GA-13),Lewis (GA-5)
Republicans: none
HR 1607 National Criminal Justice Commission
This bill would establish the National Criminal Justice Commission.
Intro: 3/17/2017 Rep. Deutch (FL-22) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 748 Anti-profiling bill
This bill would protect citizens from unlawful profiling, arrest and detention
Intro: 3/28/2017 Sen. Menendez (NJ) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 1886 National Criminal Justice Commission Act of 2017
This bill would establish a National Criminal Justice Commission
Intro: 4/4/2017 Rep. Deutch (FL-22) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Cohen (TN-9)
Republicans: none
HR 2073 Amend section 287 of the Immigration and Nationality Act
This bill prohibit ICE officers from displaying POLICE on attire
Intro: 4/6/2017 Rep. Velazquez (NY-7) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 814 Police Training and Independent Review Act of 2017
This bill would require officer sensitivity training and independent investigation of deadly force use.
Intro: 4/4/2017 Rep. Duckworth (IL) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 2437 Back the Blue Act of 2017
This bill enhances penalties for conviction of assault on Law Officer
Intro: 5/16/2017 Rep. Poe (TX-2) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Graves (LA-6)
HR 2676 Reporting Use of Force to Attorney General
This bill would require states to report officer use of force to USAG
Intro: 5/25/2017 Rep. Castro (TX-20) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Johnson (GA-4), Cohen (TN-9)
Republicans: none
S 1085 Thin Blue Line Act
This bill enhances penalties for conviction of assault on Law Officer
Intro: 5/10/2017 Sen. Toomey (PA) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Capito (WV), Cotton (AR), Kennedy (LA), Perdue (GA), Tillis (NC)
S 1258 Reporting Use of Force to Attorney General
This bill would require states to report officer use of force to USAG
Intro: 5/25/2017 Sen. Booker (NJ) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 1610 Reporting of Lethal Force
This bill would require reporting of all use of lethal force.
Intro: 7/20/2017 Sen. Scott (SC) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Sponsor Scott (SC)
HR 3799 Oversight From Justice
This bill direct the Justice Department to pursue civil actions to eliminate patterns or practices of civil rights violations by police, and for other purposes
Intro: 9/14/2017 Rep. Waters (CA-43) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Cohen (TN-9), Scott (VA-3)
Republicans: none
HR 3811 National Center for Right to Counsel
This bill establish the National Center for the Right to Counsel
Intro: 9/21/2017 Rep. Deutch (FL-22) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Johnson (GA-4), Cohen (TN-9)
Republicans: none
S 1856 Stop Militarizing Law Enforcement
This bill would prevent the militarization of Federal, State, and local law enforcement by Federal excess property transfers and grant programs.
Intro: 9/25/2017 Sen. Paul (KY) Status: Armed Services
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 3944 Police Camera Act
This bill would provide grant for camera purchase and requirements for data storage.
Intro: 10/4/2017 Rep. Cohen (TN-9) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Cohen,
Republicans: none
S 1918 Police Camera Act
This bill would provide grant for camera purchase and requirements for data storage.
Intro: 10/4/2017 Sen. Schatz (HI) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Paul (KY),
HR 4331 Police Accountability Act of 2017
This bill would provide a penalty for assault or homicide committed by certain State or local law enforcement officers, and for other purposes.
Intro: 11/9/2017 Rep. Johnson (GA-4) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Johnson (GA-4)
Republicans: none
HR 5537 Local Task Force on 21st Century Policing
This bill would set up local community task forces on policing
Intro: 1/12/2017 Rep. Norton (DC-at Lg) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 5698 Protect & Serve Act
This bill would provide punishment for crimes against law enforcement officers
Intro: 5/17/2018 Rep. Rutherford (FL-4) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Comstock (VA-10)
S 2794 Protect & Serve Act
This bill would provide punishment for crimes against law enforcement officers
Intro: 5/7/2018 Sen. Hatch (UT) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 2879 Require Mental Health Training
This bill would require mental health training for law enforcement
Intro: 5/17/2018 Sen. McCaskill (MO) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 5991 DATA Act
This bill would require reporting enforcement of federal laws by state/local
Intro: 6/1/2018 Rep. Crowley (NY-14) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 3195 Law Enforcement Trust an Integrity Act
This bill would move to establish material changes in law enforcement operations as well as handling of investigations into officer and agency conduct.
Intro: 7/11/2018 Sen. Cardin (MD) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 99 Honor Fallen TSA
This bill would provide officer federal death benefits to TSA
Intro: 1/3/2017 Rep. Brownley (CA-26) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Thompson (MS-2), McEachin (VA-4)
Republicans: Brooks (AL-5)
HR 139 Protecting Employees from Municipal Bankruptcies
This bill would protect municipal employee’s retirement benefits from employer bankruptcy
Intro: 1/3/2017 Rep. Conyers (MI-13) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Cohen (TN-9), Johnson (GA-4)
Republicans: none
HR 320 Delay Mandatory Retirement US Capitol Police
This bill would give US Capitol Police the option to delay retirement.
Intro: 1/5/2017 Rep. Capuano (MA-7) Status: Oversight & Government Reform
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 964 Law Enforcement Officers Equity Act
This bill would bring enforcement officers from several federal agencies under Law Enforcement Retirement
Intro: 2/7/2017 Rep. King (NY-2) Status: Government Reform
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Connolly (VA-11), Cohen (TN-9)
Republicans: Norman (SC-5)
HR 1124 State/Local Pensions Accountability and Security Act
This bill would prevent the Federal government from bailing out any insolvent state/local retirement program
Intro: 2/16/2017 Rep. Babin (TX-36) Status: Education & Workforce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Roe (TN-1), Hice (GA-10), Norman (SC-5), Westerman (AR-4)
HR 1620 Grandparent-Grandchild Medical Leave Act
This bill would Amend the FMLA to include Grandparent/children.
Intro: 3/17/2017 Rep. Ruiz (CA-36) Status: Education & Workforce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 597 Children of Fallen Heroes Scholarship Act
This bill would increase Federal Pell Grants for the children of fallen public safety officers.
Intro: 3/9/2017 Sen. Casey (PA) Status: Health Ed & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 1892 Honoring Hometown Heroes Act
This bill would require flag flown half-staff for first responder line-of-duty death
Intro: 4/4/2017 Rep. Larson (CT-1) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Cohen (TN-9)
Republicans: none
HR 2228 LEO Mental Health & Wellness Act
This bill would attempt to provide programs to protect the mental health and wellbeing of America’s law enforcement officers.
Intro: 4/28/2017 Rep. Brooks (IN-5) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Collins (GA-9)
HR 2294 LEO Fair Retirement Act
This bill addresses Federal officer overtime into retirement.
Intro: 5/2/2017 Rep. King (NY-2) Status: Ways & Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 1087 Lifesaving Gear for Police Act
This bill prohibits restrictions on federal resources transfer to state/local law enforcement.
Intro: 5/10/2017 Sen. Tommey (PA) Status: Homeland Security
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 1108 Honoring Hometown Heroes Act
This bill provides for the flying of the flag at half-staff in the event of the death of a first responder in the line of duty.
Intro: 5/11/2017 Sen. Tester (MT) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Boozman (AR)
S 1134 Back the Blue Act
This bill enhances penalties for conviction of assault on Law Officer.
Intro: 5/16/2017 Sen. Comyn (TX) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Tillis (NC), Boozman (AR), Capito (WV), Perdue (GA), Strange (AL), Cassidy (LA)
S 1175 Protect Federal, State, and local public safety officers.
This bill will enhance penalties for assault or killing of law enforcement officer.
Intro: 5/18/2017 Sen. Sullivan (AK) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 3569 Death Benefits Campus Police
This bill would amend Federal death benefit to include campus police
Intro: 7/28/2017 Rep. Capuano (MA-7) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Cohen (TN-9)
Republicans: none
HR 3631 Amend FMLA Parental Involvement
This bill would amend Family and Medical Leave Act to include involvement in child and grandchild educational and extracurricular activities
Intro: 7/28/2017 Rep. Wilson (FL-24) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 5060 Death/Disability Benefit Improvements
This bill would make improvements to the Public Service Officers benefit program
Intro: 2/15/2018 Rep. Ruiz (CA-36) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Comstock (VA-10)
HR 5860 Exclude Disability from Tax
This bill would continue to exclude tax on disability after retirement age
Intro: 5/17/2018 Rep. Norman (SC-5) Status: Ways & Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Sponsor Norman, Rogers (AL-3), Mooney (WV-2), DesJariais (TN-4), Meadows (NC-11), Roe (TN-1), Comstock (VA-10)
S 2860 Exclude Disability from Tax
This bill would continue to exclude tax on disability after retirement age
Intro: 5/16/2018 Sen. Daines (MT) Status: Finance
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 2868 Bulletproof Vest Program
This bill would make adjustments to the vest grant program
Intro: 5/16/2018 Sen. Gardner (CO) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 6025 Law Enforcement Protection Act
This bill would enhance vest provisions
Intro: 6/6/2018 Rep. Tipton (CO-3) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 6290 Disclosure by State & Local Retirement Plans
This bill would amend IRS code to require full disclosure by state/local retirement plans
Intro: 6/28/2018 Rep. Nunes (CA-22) Status: Ways & Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 6313 Sustain Employee Health Benefits
This bill would permit rollover of unused funds in Health Flexible Spending accounts.
Intro: 7/6/2018 Rep. Stivers (OH-15) Status: Ways and Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Collins (GA-9)
HR 6571 Improvement of Public Safety Mental Health
This bill would direct Health and Human Services to improve mental health among public safety officers.
Intro: 7/26/2018 Rep. Bera (CA-7) Status: Energy and Commerce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
House Bills:
38 Concealed Carry Reciprocity (passed to Senate)
163 Prevent manufacturer liability
256 Protect military family 2nd amendment
358 Clarify interstate transportation of firearms
810 Stop Illegal Firearm Trafficking
1137 Protection of Collectable Firearms
1181 Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection
1278 Firearm kits as firearms
1475 Gun Trafficking Prevention Act
1478 Gun Violence Research “Prevention” Act
1612 Gun Show Loophole Closure
1708 Require Gun Purchase Liability Insurance
1746 Prohibit Firearms from Airports
1976 Protect second amendment
2033 Undetectable Firearm Regulation
2089 Regulate sale of Five-seveN firearm
2098 Eliminate Executive branch from regulating firearms
2380 Handgun Trigger Safety Act
2513 Police Officers Protecting Children Act
2561 Permit uniformed officers carry firearms in certain Federal facilities.
2598 Firearms and Domestic Violence
2620 2nd Amendment protections
2842 Disarm convicted of hate crime
2940 Congress self defense
2945 Congress self defense
2951 Congress concealed carry
2980 Gun owner bankruptcy protection
3139 Silencers treated as accessories
3361 Firearm dealers to secure inventory
3458 Prohibit tampering with ammo microstamping firearms
3464 Background check complete prior to firearms sale
3576 Limit state/local regulation or tax of rifles or shotguns
3790 Federal Firearm License Protection
3947 Automatic Gunfire Prevention Act
3962 Stop On-line Ammunition Sales
3987 Protect America from Gun Violence
3998 Attorney General to Prevent Gun Transfer to Terrorist
4018 3-Day Waiting Period for Purchase
4025 Multiple Firearm Sales Reporting
4057 Deny Firearms and Explosives to Terrorist
4153 Safety and storage of Federal Agents’ Firearms
4192 Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention
4240 Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection
4268 Not Sorry Act of 2017
4343 Unlawful Gun Buyer Alert Act
4344 End Purchase of Firearms by Dangerous Individuals Act
4365 Domestic Violence Loophole Closure Act
4573 Gun violence research act
4896 Change to minimum firearms training for qualified concealed carry
4896 Concealed Carry Training Requirement Changes
5077 Assault Weapons Ban 2018
5087 Assault Weapons Ban 2018
5088 Prohibit Purchase of semi-auto by under 21 yr olds
5090 Prohibit Purchase of semi-auto by under 21 yr olds
5112 Bill to Allow 18 yr olds to Purchase Handguns
5134 Stop Straw Purchases
5162 Firearm Safety Act
5163 Keeping Guns from High Risk Individuals
5271 Tiahrt Restrictions Repeal
5286 Mass Violence Prevention Reform
5383 Prevent the Purchase of Ammunition by Prohibited Purchasers
5410 Sensible Reforms to Firearm Regulations
5607 Mandatory Firearm Registration
5620 Federal Grant to states to Seize Firearms from Prohibited Persons
5652 Prohibit Transfer of Firearm to Prohibited Person
5657 Set up a Violent Firearm Offender Registry
5941 Prevent Death by Firearms
6024 Firearm Owner License
6075 Keeping Gun Dealers Honest
6105 Law Enforcement Safety Act
6278 Prohibit Firearm to Persons Convicted of Animal Cruelty
6297 Assault Weapon Regulations
6643 Ensure All Firearms are Traceable
6649 Printed Gun Safety
6654 Prohibit gun transfer from Unlicensed Dealers at Gun Shows
Senate Bills:
162 Restore DC gun rights
394 Protection of Military Family 2nd Amendment Rights
446 Concealed Carry Reciprocity
533 Undetectable Firearms Act
618 Lawful Interstate Firearm/Ammo Transfer
1084 Federal Correction Officers Nationwide Concealed Carry
1185 Prevent Firearm Trafficking
1212 Firearms and Domestic Violence
1324 Disarm convicted of hate crime
1505 Silencers treated as accessories
1539 Firearm restriction on stalkers
1541 Redefine antique firearm
1854 Federal Firearm License Protection
1915 Handgun Trigger Safety Act
1916 Automatic Gunfire Prevention Act
1923 Background Check Completion
1992 Secure Firearms Storage Act
2009 Background Check for All Firearm Sales
2009 Background Check Expansion Act
2045 Domestic Violence Gun Homicide Prevention Act
2094 Domestic Violence Loophole Closure Act
2095 Assault Weapons Ban of 2017
2161 Pendleton and Pryear-Yard Gun Trafficking and Crime Prevention Act
2386 Restoration of Veterans 2nd Amend Rights
2470 Prohibit Purchase of semi-auto by under 21 yr olds
2475 Prohibit the “Illegal” Modification of Firearms (?)
2486 Safe Students Act
2502 Protecting Communities and Preserving the 2nd Amendment
2627 Appropriate Restrict Sales of Ammunition
2686 Federal Issued Concealed Carry ID for Active & Retired Law Enforcement
3002 Firearm Owner License
3135 Prohibit Federal Funds for State Firearm Owner Databases
3211 Keeping Gun Dealers Honest
3300 Ensure All Firearms are Traceable
To read text of listed bills click on the Library of Congress link below then enter bill #.
December 11, 2024
Maddie Cone, Auburn University freshman, is eager to show her love for the outside world with a degree in agricultural education. "I chose this field to create change in the world through my love for agriculture and education," she said. "Receiving this scholarship is a great honor," she said. "Law enforcement runs deep in my family. This scholarship not only helps to alleviate the financial burdens of college, but it also shows the great support PBF has for the families of law enforcement." Maddie said she is excited about her future and teaching young students to love and appreciate the earth as much as she always has.
moreThe Social Security Fairness Act has passed the House and is now in the Senate! Learn more about what you can do.
moreNovember 25, 2024
Whatever Piedmont High School graduate Trey Hinson tackles, he conquers. Next up, college and a law enforcement career in the footsteps of his father, NCPBA member Jason Hinson. Trey has earned two scholarships, in fact, the NCBA Division scholarship and a Foundation Scholarship, earmarked for those students pursuing a degree in criminal justice or criminology. He started college at Appalachian State University in fall of 2024.