116th US Congress Update August 2020
Aug 31, 2020
Southern States Police Benevolent Association, Inc.
Governmental Affairs
116th US Congress Update
August 2020
Passed Bill:
S 3607 Federal Death Benefit COVID Inclusion
Intro: 5/15/2020 Sen. Grassley (IA)
Status: PUBLIC LAW 116-157 (8/14/2020)
Special Note:
HR 7315 “Protecting Our Protesters Act of 2020”
This bill would amend title 18, United States Code,
to prohibit “the use of force during a response to a protest”
and eliminates the death penalty, declaring both to be a deprivation of civil rights.
HR 7951 Amend Revised Statue to Codify Qualified Immunity
This bill would amend the Revised Statute to codify the defense of qualified immunity in the case of any action under section 1979
Intro: 8/7/2020 Rep. Banks (IN-3) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
H Res 1093 Law Officer “Bill of Rights”
This resolution has no legal authority, but is simply an agreed upon opinion of the House body, if approved.
Intro: 8/22/2020 Rep. Zeldin (NY-1) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Collins (GA-9), Scott (GA-8)
New Firearm Bills
BILL UPDATES (Changes in Red)
This bill would provide for collective bargaining by local/state officers.
Intro: 2/13/2019 Rep. Kildee (MI-5) Status: Education and Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Cohen (TN-9), Scott (VA-3), Connolly (VA-11), Adams (NC-12), Luria (VA-2), Beyer (VA-8), Price (NC-4), McBath (GA-6), Thompson (MS-2), Cooper (TN-5), Richmond (LA-2), Wexton (VA-10), Spanberger (VA-7), Johnson (GA-4), Sewell (AL-7), Scott (GA-13), Butterfield (NC-1), Bishop (GA-2)
Republicans: McKinley (WV-1)
S 525 Free Choice
This bill would preserve employee free choice to join labor organization or not.
Intro: 2/14/2019 Sen. Paul (KY) Status: Education & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Sponsor Paul (KY), Wicker (MS), Hyde-Smith (MS), Blackburn (TN), Cotton (AR), Scott (SC), Purdue (GA), Boozman (AR), Tillis (NC), Loeffler (GA), Burr (NC)
S 664 Freedom to Organize Act
This bill would amend the National Labor Relations Act to clarify the requirements for meeting the definition of the term “employee.”
Intro: 3/5/2019 Sen. Brown (OH) Status: Health, Ed., and Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 2571 National Right to Work Act
This bill would preserve and protect the free choice of individual employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, or to refrain from such activities.
Intro: 5/8/2019 Rep. Wilson (SC-2) Status: Education & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Sponsor Wilson, Allen (GA-12), Meadows (NC-11), Fleischmann (TN-3), Brooks (AL-5), Rice (SC-7), Hice (GA-10), Palazzo (MS-4), Roe (TN-1), Norman (SC-5), Duncan (SC-3), Hudson (NC-8), Massie (KY-4), Crawford (AR-1), Collins (GA-9), Budd (NC-13), Graves (GA-14), Hill (AR-2), Timmons (SC-4), Palmer (AL-6), Rouzer (NC-7), Carter (GA-1), Westerman (AR-4), Kustoff (TN-8), Womack (AR-3), DesJariais (TN-4), Loudermilk (GA-11), Johnson (LA-4), Guthrie (KY-2), Guest (MS-3), Kelly (MS-1), Green (TN-7), Cline (VA-6), Comer (KY-1), Byrne (AL-1), Bishop (NC-9), Barr (KY-6), Wittman (VA-1), Riggleman (VA-5), Abraham (LA-5), Burchett (TN-2), Scott (GA-8), McHenry (NC-10)
S 1394 ** Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act
This bill would provide collective bargaining rights for public safety officers employed by States or their political subdivisions.
Intro: 5/9/2019 Sen. Baldwin (WI) Status: Education & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 1411 Amicus Act
This bill would amend title 28, United States Code, to require certain disclosures related to amicus activities.
Intro: 5/9/2019 Sen. Whitehouse (RI) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 3463 Public Employee Collective Bargain
This bill would secure the rights of public employees to organize, act concertedly, and bargain collectively, which safeguard the public interest and promote the free and unobstructed flow of commerce.
Intro: 6/25/2019 Rep. Cartwright (PA-8) Status: Education & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Scott (VA-3), Cohen (TN-9), Lewis (GA-5), Johnson (GA-4), Yamuth (KY-3), Beyer (VA-8), Luria (VA-2), McEachin (VA-4), Wexton (VA-10), Connolly (VA-11), Adams (NC-12), Butterfield (NC-1), McBath (GA-6), Spanberger (VA-7), Bishop (GA-2), Richmond (LA-2), Sewell (AL-7), Scott (GA-13), Thompson (MS-2), Price (NC-4), Cooper (TN-5)
Republicans: none
S 1970 Public Employee Collective Bargain
This bill would secure the rights of public employees to organize, act concertedly, and bargain collectively, which safeguard the public interest and promote the free and unobstructed flow of commerce, and for other purposes.
Intro: 6/25/2019 Sen. Hirono (HI) Status: Education & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 5147 Workers Choice Act
This bill would amend the National Labor Relations Act to repeal exclusive representation, to remove any requirement that individual employees join or pay dues or fees to labor organizations.
Intro: 11/18/2019 Rep. Johnson (SD At-Large) Status: Education & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Murphy (NC-3), Roe (TN-1)
S 2937 Amend the Fair Labor Standards Act to Allow Employee Breaks from Work
This bill would amend the FLSA to allow employee breaks from work.
Intro: 11/21/2019 Sen. Schatz (HI) Status: Health, Education, Labor & Pensions
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 3063 Law Enforcement Trust & Integrity Act **
This bill would attempt “to encourage greater community accountability of law enforcement agencies, and for other purposes.” It also includes a provision that may diminish officers’ due process in internal investigations. **
Intro: 12/17/2019 Sen. Cardin (MD) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 5712 Nationwide Right to Unionize Act
This bill would repeal state rights to prohibit mandatory union membership.
Intro: 1/29/2020 Rep. Sherman (CA-30) Status: Education & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Cohen (TN-9), Johnson (GA-4)
Republicans: none
S 3255 Nationwide Right to Unionize
This bill would repeal states ability to enact laws prohibiting agreements requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment.
Intro: 2/5/2020 Sen. Warren (MA) Status: Education & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
Working Conditions
HR 119 Attorney General to Collect Info on Law Enforcement Deadly Force
This bill would require the Attorney general to collect and compile info on law enforcement use of deadly force.
Intro: 1/3/2019 Rep. Cohen (TN-9) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Cohen, Connolly (VA-11), Johnson (GA-4), Sewell (AL-7), Bishop (GA-2)
Republicans: none
HR 125 Sensitivity Training and Independent Investigation of Deadly force
This bill would provide grants to states that require law enforcement officer sensitivity training and independent investigation and prosecution of use of deadly force by officers
Intro: 1/3/2019 Rep. Cohen (TN-9) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Cohen, Scott (VA-3), Thompson (MS-3), Johnson (GA-4), Scott (GA-13), McEachin (VA-4), Richmond (LA-2), Sewell (AL-7), Yamuth (KY-3), Cooper (TN-5), Connolly (VA-11), Beyer (VA-8), Bishop (GA-2), Adams (NC-12),
Republicans: none
HR 608 School Resource Officer Federal Training Guidelines
This bill would establish federal Training Guidelines for School Resource Officers
Intro: 1/16/2019 Rep. Higgins (LA-3) Status: Education & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Sponsor Higgins
HR 1325 Punish Offenses Targeting Law Enforcement
This bill would enhance punishment for officer targeted offenses.
Intro: 2/22/2019 Rep. Rutherford (FL-4) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Guthrie (KY-2), Barr (KY-6), Scalise (LA-1), Westerman (AR-4), Womack (AR-3), Kustoff (TN-8), Comer (KY-1), Hudson (NC-8)
HR 2329 Law Enforcement Immersive Training
This bill would develop real-life training scenario training for law enforcement
Intro: 4/15/2019 Rep. Ryan (OH-13) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 1135 Protecting Our Heroes
This bill would enhance penalties for attacks on law enforcement officers
Intro: 4/10/2019 Sen. Sullivan (AK) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 2698 Training for Mental Health Crisis Response
This bill would provide for behavioral health crisis response training for law enforcement officers.
Intro: 5/14/2019 Rep. Horn (OK-5) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Cooper (TN-5), Luria (VA-2)
Republicans: none
S 1464 Training for Mental Health Crisis Response
This bill would provide for behavioral health crisis response training for law enforcement officers.
Intro: 5/14/2019 Sen. Inhofe (OK) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Boozman (AR)
S 1938 Incentive for States which require Independent Investigation and Prosecution of Officers’ Use of Deadly Force
This bill would provide financial incentive for States which require Independent Investigation and Prosecution of Officers’ Use of Deadly Force
Intro: 6/20/2019 Sen. Duckworth (IL) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Jones (AL), Kaine (VA)
Republicans: none
HR 3735 Law Enforcement Suicide Data Collection
This bill would require the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to provide information on suicide rates in law enforcement.
Intro: 7/12/2019 Rep. Quigley (IL-5) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Spanberger (VA-7), McBath (GA-6)
Republicans: none
HR 4049 Federal Agency Head May Not Prohibit State/Local Bodycam Use
This bill would allow state/local law enforcement to use bodycams during joint operations with federal law enforcement.
Intro: 7/25/2019 Rep. Norton (DC) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Beyer (VA-8), Johnson (GA-4)
Republicans: none
HR 4052 Prohibit Imposition of Death Penalty
This bill would eliminate the federal death penalty.
Intro: 7/25/2019 Rep. Pressley (MA-7) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Lewis (GA-5), Butterfield (NC-1), Bishop (GA-2), Johnson (GA-4), Connolly (VA-11)
Republicans: none
S 2434 National Criminal Justice Commission Act
This bill would establish the National Criminal Justice Commission.
Intro: 8/1/2019 Sen. Peters (MI) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Graham (SC), Capito (WV), Kaine (VA), Kennedy (LA), Warner (VA), Tillis (NC)
HR 4339 End Racial Profiling
This bill would provide funding and require data collection on law enforcement-citizen contacts.
Intro: 9/16/2019 Rep. Lee (TX-18) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Adams (NC-12), Bishop (GA-2), Cohen (TN-9), Connolly (VA-11), Johnson (GA-4), Price (NC-4), Richmond (LA-2), Sewell (AL-7), Thompson (MS-2)
Republicans: none
HR 4359 Police Exercising Absolute Care with Everyone
This bill would prohibit Federal law enforcement officers from use of deadly or less lethal force unless necessary and encourages states to adopt similar policies.
Intro: 9/17/2019 Rep. Khanna (CA-17) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Thompson (MS-2), Butterfield (NC-1), Johnson (GA-4), Connolly (VA-11), Sewell (AL-7), Beyer (VA-8), Adams (NC-12), Bishop (GA-2), Scott (GA-13), Price (NC-4), Cohen (TN-9)
Republicans: none
HR 4440 Police Exercising Absolute Care with Everyone
This bill would establish protocol for investigation of deadly force by federal officers.
Intro: 9/20/2019 Rep. Cohen (TN-9) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Cohen
Republicans: none
HR 4798 Police Protection Act
This bill would require the submission of reports when an individual is injured or killed by a law enforcement officer in the course of the officer’s employment.
Intro: 10/22/2019 Rep. Veasey (TX-33) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 4799 Preservation of Public Evidence Act of 2019
This bill would require State and local law enforcement agencies to submit information about law enforcement investigations to the Attorney General.
Intro: 10/22/2019 Rep. Veasey (TX-33) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 5053 To Exempt Juveniles from Requirements for Suits by Prisoners
This bill would exempt juveniles from the requirements for suits by prisoners.
Intro: 11/12/2019 Rep. Scanlon (PA-5) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 5227 Establish Office of Digital Law Enforcement
This bill would provide grants for electronic evidence preservation.
Intro: 11/21/2019 Rep. Demings (FL-10) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 5251 Law Enforcement Violence Task Force
This bill would direct the Attorney General to establish a task force to study the cause of violence against and involving law enforcement.
Intro: 11/22/2019 Rep. Correa (CA-46) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 5395 Back the Blue
This bill would enhance penalties for assaults on law enforcement, as well as providing “self-defense” rights for officers.
Intro: 12/11/2019 Rep. Bacon (NE-2) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Graves (LA-6)
HR 5777 Police Accountability Act *
This bill would provide a penalty for assault or homicide committed by certain State or local law enforcement officers, and for other purposes.
Intro: 2/6/2020 Rep. Johnson (GA-4) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Johnson, Thompson (MS-2), Butterfield (NC-1), Clyburn (SC-6), Richmond (LA-2), Sewell (AL-7), Beyer (VA-8), Scott (GA-13)
Republicans: none
HR 5778 Cooling-Off Period Elimination*
This bill would deny federal funds to any State or local law enforcement agency that has in effect a cooling-off period following an officer-involved shooting, during which individuals investigating the shooting are prohibited from communicating with any officer involved in the shooting.
Intro: 2/6/2020 Rep. Johnson (GA-4) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Johnson, Thompson (MS-2), Sewell (AL-7)
Republicans: none
HR 5779 Grand Jury Reform*
This bill would deny law enforcement officers constitutional right to Grand Jury review of fatal shootings.
Intro: 2/6/2020 Rep. Johnson (GA-4) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Johnson, Cohen (TN-9), Butterfield (NC-1), Richmond (LA-2), Thompson (MS-2), Scott (GA-13), Thompson (MS-2), Richmond (LA-2), Butterfield (NC-1), Cohen (TN-9), Beyer (VA-8), Sewell (AL-7)
Republicans: none
HR 7085 Removal of Qualified Immunity
This bill would amend the Revised Statutes to remove the defense of qualified immunity.
Intro: 6/4/2020 Rep. Amash (MI-3) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: McEachin (VA-4), Adams (NC-12), Scott (GA-13), Beyer (VA-8), Beyer (LA-2)
Republicans: none
HR 7089 To Reform Law Enforcement Practices
This bill would propose to reform law enforcement.
Intro: 6/4/2020 Rep. Castro (TX-20) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 7100 Encourage Community Accountability of Law Enforcement
This bill would encourage greater community accountability into law enforcement activity.
Intro: 6/4/2020 Rep. Lee (TX-18) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Thompson (MS-2), Cohen (TN-9), Johnson (GA-4), Sewell (AL-7), Adams (NC-12), Butterfield (NC-1), Wexton (VA-10), Scott (GA-13), Connolly (VA-11)
Republicans: none
HR 7109 Rescind Appropriations from Department of Justice
This bill would rescind some specific allocations from the DOJ.
Intro: 6/4/2020 Rep. Nadler (NY-10) Status: Appropriations
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 7120 Hold Law Enforcement Accountable **
This bill would hold law enforcement accountable for misconduct in court, improve transparency through data collection, and reform police training and policies.
Intro: 6/8/2020 Rep. Bass (CA-37) Status: PASSED HOUSE
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Clyburn (SC-6), Lewis (GA-5), Adams (NC-12), Bishop (GA-2), Butterfield (NC-1), Cohen (TN-9), Connolly (VA-11), Johnson (GA-4), McBath (GA-6), McEachin (VA-4), Price (NC-4), Richmond (LA-2), Scott (VA-3), Scott (GA-13), Sewell (AL-7), Yamuth (KY-3), Beyer (VA-8), Thompson (MS-2), Cooper (TN-5), Luria (VA-2), Wexton (VA-10), Spanberger (VA-7), Cunningham (SC-1)
Republicans: none
HR 7131 Amend Title 18 to Prohibit Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law
This bill would amend Title 18 of US Code.
Intro: 6/8/2020 Rep. Espaillat (NY-13) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 7133 Demilitarize Law Enforcement
This bill would provide incentives for agencies to return purchases from LESO program.
Intro: 6/8/2020 Rep. Haaland (NM-1) Status: Judiciary / Armed Services
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Johnson (GA-4), Cohen (TN-9), Sewell (AL-7)
Republicans: none
HR 7134 Amend Title 18 to Lower the Mens Rea Standard
This bill would lower mens rea standard to “reckless” for deprivation under color of law.
Intro: 6/8/2020 Rep. Kennedy (MA-4) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sewell (AL-7), Butterfield (NC-1), Cohen (TN-9), Cooper (TN-5)
Republicans: none
HR 7136 Create National Law Enforcement Training Requirements
This bill would require adoption of minimum training requirements for law enforcement.
Intro: 6/8/2020 Rep. Pocan (WI-2) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 7137 Withhold Byrne Funds from Law Enforcement
This bill would prohibit, agencies that do not adopt congressionally created minimum operational standards, from receiving funds under the Byrne Assistance Program.
Intro: 6/8/2020 Rep. Richmond (LA-2) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 7143 Repeal Military Surplus Program
This bill would repeal the military surplus program under Title 10 of US Code.
Intro: 6/8/2020 Rep. Velazquez (NY-7) Status: Armed Services
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Beyer (VA-8)
Republicans: none
HR 7144 Prohibit Reckless Use of Excessive Force
This bill would amend Title 18 of US Coed to prohibit the reckless use of “excessive” force (italics added).
Intro: 6/8/2020 Rep. Velazquez (NY-7) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 7150 Require Use of Body Cameras
This bill would require use of body cameras for “Cops on the Beat” grants
Intro: 6/11/2020 Rep. Stanton (AZ-9) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 7188 Required Reporting of Lethal Force Use
This bill would require all agencies to report all uses of lethal force
Intro: 6/11/2020 Rep. Timmons (SC-4) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Sponsor Timmons (SC-4), Cline (VA-6), Bishop (NC-9)
HR 7191 Set Conditions on Byrne Grants
This bill would amend the Edward Byrne Grant Program to set conditions for funds.
Intro: 6/11/2020 Rep. Trone (MD-6) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 7196 Certain Riot Control Agents Civil Rights Violation
This bill would amend Title 18 to make use of certain “riot control agents” a violation of civil rights.
Intro: 6/15/2020 Rep. Adams (NC-12) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Adams (NC-12), Thompson (MS-2), Sewell (AL-7)
Republicans: none
HR 7199 De-escalation Training Grants
This bill would provide grants to law enforcement for de-escalation training.
Intro: 6/15/2020 Rep. Budd (NC-13) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Sponsor Budd (NC-13), Murphy (NC-3)
HR 7206 Prohibit Use of Excessive Force
This bill would amend Title 18 to prohibit excessive force under color of law.
Intro: 6/15/2020 Rep. Espaillat (NY-13) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 7213 Civil Remedy for Rights Violation
This bill would provide civil remedy for rights violations by person acting under federal authority.
Intro: 6/15/2020 Rep. Johnson (GA-4) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Johnson (GA-4)
Republicans: none
HR 7221 Prohibit Law Enforcement Use of Chemical Weapons
This bill would prohibit the use of “chemical weapons” in the course of policing activities.
Intro: 6/15/2020 Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 7278 Improve & Reform Policing Practices, Accountability and Transparency*
This bill would seek to reform policing.
Intro: 6/18/2020 Rep. Stauber (MN-8) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Fleischmann (TN-3), Timmons (SC-4), Ferguson (GA-3), Hudson (NC-8), Foxx (NC-5), Collins (GA-9), Rogers (AL-3), Hill (AR-2), Comer (KY-1), Murphy (NC-3), Carter (GA-1), Walker (NC-6), Crawford (AR-1), Rogers (KY-5), Wilson (SC-2), Johnson (LA-4), Wittman (VA-1), Holding (NC-2), McKinley (WV-1), Womack (AR-3), Loudermilk (GA-11), Byrne (AL-1), Scalise (LA-1), Woodall (GA-7), Roby (AL-2), Budd (NC-13), Rose (TN-6), Palmer (AL-6), Burchett (TN-2), Riggleman (VA-5), Miller (WV-3), Green (TN-7), Rouzer (NC-7), Cline (VA-6), Rice (SC-7), Westerman (AR-4), Aderholt (AL-4), Kustoff (TN-8), Abraham (LA-5), Allen (GA-12), Graves (LA-6), Graves (GA-14), Duncan (SC-3), Kelly (MS-1), Roe (TN-1), Guest (MS-3), Palazzo (MS-4), Scott (GA-8), Norman (SC-5)
HR 7284 Police-Community Relations Grants
This bill would provide grants to improve police-community relations
Intro: 6/18/2020 Rep. Wasserman (FL-23) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 7315 “Protecting Our Protesters Act of 2020”
This bill would amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit “the use of force during a response to a protest” and eliminates the death penalty, declaring both to be a deprivation of civil rights.
Intro: 6/24/2020 Rep. Omar (MN-5) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Thompson (MS-2)
Republicans: none
HR 7384 Policing Reform
This bill would propose reforms to policing.
Intro: 6/26/2020 Rep. Chabot (OH-1) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 3873 Require Law Enforcement to Report Lethal Force
This bill would require law enforcement agencies to report uses of lethal force.
Intro: 6/3/2020 Sen. Scott (SC) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Sponsor Scott (SC), Cotton (AR), Tillis (NC)
S 3895 Amend Title 18 to Include Chokeholds as Deprivation of Rights
This bill would amend section 242 of Title 18 US Code, to include chokeholds and carotid holds as a deprivation of rights.
Intro: 6/4/2020 Sen. Gillibrand (NY) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 3912 Hold Law Enforcement Accountable
This bill would hold law enforcement accountable for misconduct in court, improve transparency through data collection, and reform police training and policies.
Intro: 6/8/2020 Sen. Booker (NJ) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Jones (AL), Kaine (VA), Warner (VA),
Republicans: none
S 3931 Prevent Militarization of State/Local Law Enforcement
This bill would modify the federal military surplus to law enforcement program
Intro: 6/10/2020 Sen. Paul (KY) Status: Armed Services
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 3955 Prohibit “No-Knock” Warrants
This bill would prohibit issuance and use of no-knock warrants
Intro: 611//2020 Sen. Paul (KY) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 3956 Banning of Chokeholds and Carotid Holds
This bill would provide incentives to agencies that prohibit choke or carotid holds
Intro: 6/11/2020 Sen. Klobuchar (MN) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 3985 Policing Reform **
This bill would seek to improve and reform policing practices, accountability, and transparency.
Intro: 6/17/2020 Sen. Scott (SC) Status: Placed on the Calendar
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Sponsor Scott (SC), McConnell (KY), Graham (SC), Capito (WV), Alexander (TN), Tillis (NC), Burr (NC), Wicker (MS), Boozman (AR), Cotton (AR), Shelby (AL), Leoffler (GA), Kennedy (LA), Perdue (GA), Blackburn (TN), Hyde-Smith (MS), Cassidy (LA),
S 4036 Qualified Immunity Reform
This bill would attempt to change qualified immunity under section 1979.
Intro: 6/23/2020 Sen. Braun (IN) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 4064 De-escalation Training
This bill would provide for de-escalation training requirements for law enforcement.
Intro: 6/24/2020 Sen. Cornyn (TX) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Cassidy (LA)
S 4114 Prohibit Use of Riot Control Agents
This bill would prohibit Federal use and incentivize state, local prohibitions on use of riot control agents and kinetic impact projectiles.
Intro: 6/30/2020 Sen. Markey (MA) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 4142 Removal of Qualified Immunity
This bill would amend the Revised Statutes to remove the defense of qualified immunity.
Intro: 7/1/2020 Sen. Markey (MA) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 7503 Enhanced Penalty for Assault Officer During Riot
This bill would provide for enhanced penalties for assaulting an officer during a riot.
Intro: 7/9/2020 Rep. Bishop (NC-9) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Sponsor Bishop, Norman (SC-5), Budd (NC-13), Brooks (AL-5)
HR 7536 Permit State Attorney General to Bring Civil Action for Constitutional Violations
This bill would amend the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 to allow state AGs bring civil action for Constitutional violations.
Intro: 7/9/2020 Rep. Kelly (IL-2) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Richmond (LA-2), Johnson (GA-4)
Republicans: none
HR 7711 Law Enforcement Identification Display
This bill would require law enforcement to display identification.
Intro: 7/21/2020 Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 7719 Limit Use Federal Officers in Crowd Control
This bill would restrict Federal law enforcement from crowd control.
Intro: 7/22/2020 Rep. Blumenauer (OR-3) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Beyer (VA-8), Cooper (TN-5), Cohen (TN-9)
Republicans: none
HR 7754 Establish Law Enforcement Licensing Standards
This bill would set national standards for law enforcement employment
Intro: 7/23/2020 Rep. Rush (IL-1) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 7907 Establishment of National Criminal Justice Commission
This bill would establish a national commission on criminal justice.
Intro: 7/31/2020 Rep. Deutch (FL-22) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 4220 Limit Use of Federal Law Enforcement
This bill would limit the ability of federal law enforcement from assisting with crowd control.
Intro: 7/20/2020 Sen. Merkley (OR) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Kaine (VA), Warner (VA)
Republicans: none
HR 141 Repeal Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination
This bill would repeal the government pension offset and windfall elimination provision.
Intro: 1/3/2019 Rep. Davis (IL-13) Status: Ways and Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Price (NC-4), Connolly (VA-11), Cohen (TN-9), Yarmuth (KY-3), Bishop (GA-2), Richmond (LA-2), Scott (VA-3), Wexton (VA-10), Luria (VA-2), Cunningham (SC-1), McBath (GA-6), McEachin (VA-4), Butterfield (NC-1), Adams (NC-12)
Republicans: Massie (KY-4), Graves (LA-6), Comer (KY-1), Rogers (KY-5), Abraham (LA-5), Higgins (LA-3), McKinley (WV-1), Johnson (LA-4), Guthrie (KY-2), Barr (KY-6), Byrne (AL-1), Scalise (LA-1), Wittman (VA-1)
HR 372 Provide Public Safety Death Benefits to TSA Employees
This bill would provide TSA employees the public safety officers death benefits
Intro: 1/9/2019 Rep. Brownley (CA-26) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Beyer (VA-8), Johnson (GA-4), McEachin (VA-4), Cohen (TN-9), Luria (VA-2), Adams (NC-12), Sewell (AL-7)
Republicans: Brooks (AL-5)
HR 816 Death Benefits to Campus Police
This bill would provide federal death/disability benefits to campus police officers
Intro: 1/28/2019 Rep. King (NY-2) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Cohen (TN-9), Cooper (TN-5)
Republicans: none
HR 983 Sarah Grace-Farley-Kluger Act
This bill would amend the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 to provide leave because of the death of a son or daughter.
Intro: 2/5/2019 Rep. Schneider (IL-10) Status: Education & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Beyer (VA-8)
Republicans: Riggleman (VA-5)
HR 1210 Reforms to Public Safety Officers Benefits Program
This bill would make changes to the federal benefits program
Intro: 2/13/2019 Rep. Ruiz (CA-36) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Wexton (VA-10), Sewell (AL-7), Spanberger (VA-7), Richmond (LA-2), Luria (VA-2)
Republicans: none
HR 1256 Disabled Officers Retirement Benefits
This bill would permit disabled officers to receive retirement benefits as if they were not disabled.
Intro: 2/14/2019 Rep. Connolly (VA-11) Status: Intelligence
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Connolly, McBath (GA-6), Wexton (VA-10)
Republicans: Riggleman (VA-5)
HR 1646 Hero Act
This bill would improve the detection, prevention, and treatment of mental health issues among public safety officers.
Intro: 3/8/2019 Rep. Bera (CA-7) Status: Energy and Commerce
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Wexton (VA-10)
Republicans: Roe (TN-1)
S 413 Law Enforcement Training in Behavior Crisis Response
This bill would require law enforcement training in behavior crisis response.
Intro: 2/7/2019 Sen. Klobucher (MN) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 465 Reforms to Public Safety Officers Benefits Program
This bill would make changes to the federal benefits program
Intro: 2/12/2019 Sen. Duckworth (IL) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 531 Disabled Officers Retirement Benefits
This bill would permit disabled officers to receive retirement benefits as if they were not disabled.
Intro: 2/14/2019 Sen. Tester (MT) Status: Homeland Security
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 572 Amend Family Medical Leave Act to include Death of Child
This bill would make changes to the FMLA to include leave for child death.
Intro: 2/26/2019 Sen. Tester (MT) Status: Health, Education, Labor & Pensions
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 710 Social Security Fairness for Officers
This bill would exempt firefighters and police officers from the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provisions under the Social Security Act.
Intro: 3/7/2019 Sen. Toomey (PA) Status: Finance
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 2126 State/Local Pensions Accountability & Security
This bill would prohibit federal bailout of state/local pensions
Intro: 4/8/2019 Rep. Babin (TX-36) Status: Education & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Norman (SC-5), Hice (GA-10), Roe (TN-1)
HR 2368 Support/Treat Officers in Crisis
This bill would expand federal support for mental health programs for officers
Intro: 4/25/2019 Rep. Reschenthaler (PA-14) Status: Calendared #103
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: McBath (GA-6)
Republicans: Collins (GA-9), Kustoff (TN-8)
HR 2379 Reauthorize Bulletproof Vest Grants
This bill would reauthorize the vest grant program
Intro: 4/29/2019 Rep. Pascrell (NJ-9) Status: PASSED (Public Law 116-18)
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Spanberger (VA-7)
Republicans: Collins (GA-9), Byrne (AL-1)
S 998 Support/Treat Officers in Crisis
This bill would expand federal support for mental health programs for officers
Intro: 4/3/2019 Sen. Hawley (MO) Status: PASSED – Public Law 116-32
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Tillis (NC), Blackburn (TN), Cotton (AR), Capito (WV)
S 1208 Protecting First Responders
This bill would amend federal line-of-duty disability program
Intro: 4/11/2019 Sen. Grassley (IA) Status: Passed Senate, to House Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 1231 Reauthorize Bulletproof Vest Grants
This bill would reauthorize the vest grant program
Intro: 4/30/2019 Sen. Leahy (VT) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Graham (SC), Tillis (NC)
HR 2560 First Responders First
This bill would allow first responders to continue to exclude service-connected disability pension payments after reaching the age of retirement.
Intro: 5/7/2019 Rep. Norman (SC-5) Status: Ways & Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Cunningham (SC-1), Spanberger (VA-7)
Republicans: sponsor Norman, Meadows (NC-11), Burchett (TN-2),
HR 2694 Pregnancy Accommodations
This bill would require accommodations for employee pregnancy.
Intro: 5/14/2019 Rep. Nadler (NY-10) Status: Education & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: McBath (GA-6), Scott (VA-3), Beyer (VA-8), Cohen (TN-9), Connolly (VA-11), Cooper (TN-5), Johnson (GA-4), Lewis (GA-5), Price (NC-4), Richard (LA-2), Yamuth (KY-3), Thompson (MS-2), Luria (VA-2), Scott (GA-13), Adams (NC-12), Wexton (VA-10), Butterfield (NC-1), Cunningham (SC-1), Sewell (AL-7), McEachin (VA-4), Bishop (GA-2)
Republicans: none
HR 2696 Supporting Health & Safety of Law Enforcement
This bill would provide grants to community mental health centers for the placement of social workers with law enforcement agencies.
Intro: 5/14/2019 Rep. Harder (CA-10) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 2812 Protecting First Responders
This bill would provide benefits for officers permanently and totally disabled in the line of duty.
Intro: 5/16/2019 Rep. Pascrell (NJ-9) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: McBath (GA-6), Bishop (GA-2), Luria (VA-2)
Republicans: Kustoff (TN-8)
HR 2840 Amend Tax Code for First Responders Benefits
This bill would treat certain benefits as “earned income.”
Intro: 5/20/2019 Rep. Beyer (VA-8) Status: Ways & Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Sponsor Beyer
Republicans: none
S 1278 First Responders First
This bill would allow first responders to continue to exclude service-connected disability pension payments after reaching the age of retirement.
Intro: 5/2/2019 Sen. Daines (MT) Status: Finance
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 3934 Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act 2019
This bill would replace the windfall elimination provision with a formula equalizing benefits for certain individuals with noncovered employment.
Intro: 7/24/2019 Rep. Brady (TX-8) Status: Ways and Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Graves (LA-6), Guthrie (KY-2), Rice (SC-7), Graves (GA-14), Walker (NC-6), Hice (GA-10), Ferguson (GA-3), Whittman (VA-1)
HR 4527 Expanding Health Care Options for Early Retirees
This bill would amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide an option for first responders age 50 to 64 who are separated from service due to retirement or disability to buy into Medicare.
Intro: 9/26/2019 Rep. Mallnowski (NJ-7) Status: Ways and Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 4897 Amend IRS Code for Income Exclusions for Public Safety
This bill would exclude distributions from retirement plan distribution for health plans from gross income consideration.
Intro: 10/29/2019 Rep. Lipinski (IL-3) Status: Ways and Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 2552 Expanding Health Care Options for Early Retirees
This bill would amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide an option for first responders age 50 to 64 who are separated from service due to retirement or disability to buy into Medicare.
Intro: 9/26/2019 Sen. Brown (OH) Status: Health, Ed., and Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 2746 Law Enforcement Suicide
This bill would require the Director of the FBI to provide information on suicide rates in law enforcement.
Intro: 10/30/2019 Sen. Cortez-Masto (NV) Status: PASSED: Public Law 116-143
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Tillis (NC)
HR 5075 Amend Family & Medical Leave Act
This bill would repeal certain limits on leave for married individuals with the same employer.
Intro: 11/13/2019 Rep. Porter (CA-45) Status: Education & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 5342 Supporting First Responders
This bill would This bill allows a deduction from gross income (above-the-line deduction) for expenses of first responders up to $500 for uniforms, schooling, etc.
Intro: 12/6/2019 Rep. Pascrell (NJ-9) Status: Ways & Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 5529 Windfall Elimination
This bill would expand the exceptions to the windfall elimination provisions based on years of coverage.
Intro: 12/19/2019 Rep. Smith (WA-9) Status: Ways & Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 3244 Hero Act
This bill would improve detection and treatment of mental health in public safety officers
Intro: 1/28/2020 Sen. Rosen (NV) Status: Health, Education, & Labor
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 3401 Windfall Elimination Modification
This bill would replace current act with a formula.
Intro: 3/05/2020 Sen. Cruz (TX) Status: Finance
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Cassidy (LA)
S 3417 Lump Sum Option for Retirement Plans
This bill would require pension plans that offer participants and beneficiaries the option of receiving lifetime annuity payments as lump sum payments, to meet certain notice and disclosure requirements.
Intro: 3/09/2020 Sen. Murray (WA) Status: Health Education Labor & Pensions
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 3434 Peer Support Confidentiality for Federal Law Enforcement
This bill would make Federal law enforcement officer peer support communications confidential.
Intro: 3/11/2020 Sen. Cortez (NV) Status: Passed Senate – to House
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Tillis (NC)
HR 6414 Amend Omnibus Crime Control & Safe Streets Act
This bill would establish the “Pandemic Jail & Prison Emergency Response” grant programs. (no text of bill available yet)
Intro: 3/27/2020 Rep. Nadler (NY-10) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 6433 Provide exclusion from gross income for certain first responders.
This bill would make income from February 15, 2020 to June 15, 2020 tax free
Intro: 4/3/2020 Rep. Huizenga (MI-2) Status: Ways & Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Riggleman (VA-5), McKinley (WV-1), Roe (TN-1), Burchett (TN-2), Mooney (WV-2), Budd (NC-13)
HR 6436 Police & Fire Health Care Protection Act
This bill would amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the direct payment requirement on the exclusion from gross income of distributions from governmental plans for health and long-term care insurance.
Intro: 4/3/2020 Rep. Chabot (OH-1) Status: Ways & Means
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 6509 Amend Federal Death & Disability Benefits
This bill would amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to provide public safety officer death and disability benefits for certain public safety officers who contract COVID-19
Intro: 4/14/2020 Rep. Nadler (NY-10) Status: PASSED House – Senate Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: Cohen (TN-9), McBath (GA-6)
Republicans: none
HR 6694 COPS Counseling Act
This bill would make Federal law enforcement officer peer support communications confidential.
Intro: 5/1/2020 Rep. Trone (MD-6) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
HR 7031 Federal Death Benefit COVID Inclusion
This bill would extend public safety officer death benefits to public safety officers whose death is caused by COVID–19.
Intro: 5/27/2020 Rep. Joyce (OH-14) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 3607 Federal Death Benefit COVID Inclusion
This bill would extend public safety officer death benefits to public safety officers whose death is caused by COVID–19.
Intro: 5/15/2020 Sen. Grassley (IA) Status: PUBLIC LAW 116-157 (8/14/2020)
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Tillis (NC), Loeffler (GA), Capito (WV)
HR 7245 “Community Outpost” Houses
This bill would direct the COPS program to initiate pilot program of community outpost houses.
Intro: 6/18/2020 Rep. Emmer (MN-6) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 3987 Provide Special COPS Grants for Residency
This bill would amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to provide that COPS grant funds may be used for local law enforcement recruits to attend schools or academics if the recruits agree to serve in precincts of law enforcement agencies in their communities.
Intro: 6/17/2020 Sen. Peters (MI) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
S 3968 Best Practices Award
This bill would create an award for law enforcement officers who exemplify best practices to reduce the excessive use of force or improve community policing.
Intro: 6/16/2020 Sen. Cotton (AR) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: Sponsor Cotton (AR)
HR 7568 Federal Public Safety Benefits to Officers with PTSD
This bill would provide federal benefits to officers suffering from PTSD.
Intro: 7/9/2020 Rep. Trone (MD-6) Status: Judiciary
Cosponsors from SSPBA states:
Democrats: none
Republicans: none
Firearm Bills
8 Background Check for All Firearm Sales
33 Gun Trafficking Prohibition
38 Conceal Carry Reciprocity
155 Amen IRS Code to Remove Silencers from Firearm Definition
167 Prohibit Transfer of Firearm at Gun Show by Unlicensed Dealer
282 Sensible Reform to Firearm Regulations
569 Protect Stalking Victims from Firearm Violence
686 Regulation of Ammunition
687 National Handgun Registration & License
717 Restrict firearm sales to 21 Year Olds and Above
820 Background Checks for Gun Show Purchases
822 Require Liability Insurance to Purchase Firearm
869 Undetectable Firearms Act Revisions
930 Firearm Identity Markings and Stolen Reporting Required
952 Regulate Armor Piercing Ammo
971 Bill to Avert Future Gun Violence
1072 Limit States to Regulate Rifles/Shotguns
1112 Strengthen Background Checks
1115 Include Firearms in Consumer Product Safety
1116 Prohibit Firearms by “High-Risk” Individuals
1156 Law Enforcement Concealed Carry
1186 Regulate Large-Feed Magazines
1236 States Authority to Regulate Firearms
1262 Raise Age for Rifle/Shotgun Purchase
1263 Semi-Auto Rifle with Magazine Feed Under Fed Firearms Act
1266 Firearm Assembly Kits Regulated as Firearms
1279 BJA Grants for Gun Buy-Back Programs
1296 2nd Amend not Unlimited
1297 Armor Piercing Ammo in Fed Firearms Act
1339 Create Mass Violence Prevention Center
1454 3-Day Wait to Receive a Firearm
1501 Allow Officers Carry Concealed on School Property
1531 Deny Firearms to Dangerous Terrorists
1670 Prevent Gun Trafficking
1671 Background Denial Notification
1705 Prevent Purchase of Ammunition by Prohibited Persons
1745 Prohibit Firearm Possession by Certain Persons
2071 Second Amendment Protection
2179 Federal Firearms License Protection
2303 Violent Gun Offender Registry
2634 Closing loophole on interstate sales
2670 PLEA Act (restrict certain weapons/ammo)
2671 Regulate Flamethrowers
2708 Restrict ownership from convicted “hate crime” offenders
2765 Permit officers to purchase service weapons
2805 Permit Uniformed officers to carry weapons in Federal buildings
2867 Require safe storage of firearms
2959 Assault weapons ban
3214 Justice for Gun Violence Victims
3234 Keeping Gun Dealers Honest
3265 3D Printed Gun Safety
3285 Handgun Purchaser License
3404 Give Local Law Enforcement Chief Firearm Transfer Denial Authority
3435 Encourage State Laws to Allow Local Regulation of Firearms
3454 Regulate Firearm Silencers
3553 All Firearms Traceable
3554 State Mental Health Reporting of Firearm Prohibited Persons
3606 Prohibit “Bump Stocks”
3826 Protect Veteran’s Second Amendment Rights
4062 Require Firearm Purchase Record
4080 Require Safe Storage Firearms
4081 Require Firearm Registration
4082 Prohibit Private Firearm Sales
4116 Reduce “Straw Purchases” of Firearms
4177 Gun Safety Board & Research Act
4255 Firearm Trafficking Reduction (TRACE) Act
4271 Gun Suicide Prevention Act
4324 Multiple Firearm Sales Reporting
4691 Safe Gun Storage Act
4730 Advancing Gun Safety Technology Act of 2019
4973 Combat Straw Purchases
5301 Possession of Firearms in School Zones
5717 Strengthen Federal Gun Laws
5917 Repeal Impediments to Firearm Laws
5935 Regulate Interstate Transportation of Firearms
6006 National Firearms Registry
6110 Firearms covered by Consumer Protection Act
7 Extreme Risk Protection Order and Violence Prevention Act of 2019
42 Background Check for All Firearm Sales
66 Regulate Assault Weapons
69 Conceal Carry Reciprocity
320 Securing Firearms Act
443 Redefine Antique Firearms
447 Regulate Large capacity Magazines
459 Regulate “Ghost” guns
506 Remove Firearms from Dangerous Individuals
730 Prevent Gun Trafficking
1462 Restrict ownership from convicted “hate crime” offenders
1519 Address mental illness and firearm possession
1779 Justice for Gun Violence Victims
1788 Federal Firearms License Protection
1795 Keeping Gun Dealers Honest
1831 3D Printed Gun Safety
1844 Handgun Purchaser License
1924 Prevent Purchase Ammo by Prohibited Persons
1943 Regulate Firearm Silencers
2272 Require Firearm Licensing
2376 Stop Illegal Trafficking of Firearms
2449 Federal Firearm Licensing Act
3254 Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act
4271 Federal Firearm Law Reform
To read text of listed bills click on the Library of Congress link below then enter bill #.
December 11, 2024
Maddie Cone, Auburn University freshman, is eager to show her love for the outside world with a degree in agricultural education. "I chose this field to create change in the world through my love for agriculture and education," she said. "Receiving this scholarship is a great honor," she said. "Law enforcement runs deep in my family. This scholarship not only helps to alleviate the financial burdens of college, but it also shows the great support PBF has for the families of law enforcement." Maddie said she is excited about her future and teaching young students to love and appreciate the earth as much as she always has.
moreThe Social Security Fairness Act has passed the House and is now in the Senate! Learn more about what you can do.
moreNovember 25, 2024
Whatever Piedmont High School graduate Trey Hinson tackles, he conquers. Next up, college and a law enforcement career in the footsteps of his father, NCPBA member Jason Hinson. Trey has earned two scholarships, in fact, the NCBA Division scholarship and a Foundation Scholarship, earmarked for those students pursuing a degree in criminal justice or criminology. He started college at Appalachian State University in fall of 2024.