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117th US Congress Update February 2022

Southern States Police Benevolent Association, Inc.

Governmental Affairs


117th US Congress Update

February 2022





HR  6762 Inspector General for Law Enforcement

This bill would establish an Inspector General for Law Enforcement (details not yet disclosed)

Intro: 2/18/2022 Rep. Connolly (VA-11) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Sponsor Connolly

Republicans: none


S 3635 Death Benefits for PTSD

This bill would authorize public safety officer death benefits to officers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder or acute stress disorder.

Intro: 2/10/2022 Sen. Duckworth (IL) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Kaine (VA)

Republicans: Tillis (NC)



New Firearm Bills




6575   Gun Violence Research, Victim Assistance, Stolen Firearm Tracking

6639   Juvenile Gun Possession and Safe Storage

6717   Prohibit gun possession on pre-trial release

6817   IRS firearm definition change







BILL UPDATES (Changes in Red)




HR 830 Amend Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 

This bill would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to prohibit States and municipalities from adopting certain laws and ordinances (text not yet released).

Intro: 2/4/2021 Rep. Peters (CA-52) Status: Education & Labor

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR 1275 Labor Organization Membership

This bill would preserve and protect the free choice of individual employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, or to refrain from such activities (text not yet released).

Intro: 2/24/2021 Rep. Wilson (SC-2) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Sponsor Wilson, Norman (SC-5), Bishop (NC-9), Allen (GA-12), Loudermilk (GA-11), Timmons (SC-4), Hill (AR-2), Massie (KY-4), Palazzo (MS-4), Cawthorn (NC-11), Fleischmann (TN-3), Hice (GA-10), Wittman (VA-1), Palmer (AL-6), Duncan (SC-3), Cline (VA-6), Kelly (MS-1), Budd (NC-13), Womack (AR-3), Carl (AL-1), Guest (MS-3), Scott (GA-8), Rice (SC-7), Mace (SC-1), Guthrie (KY-2), Greene (GA-14), Mooney (WV-2), Burchett (TN-2)


S 406 Labor Organization Membership

This bill would preserve and protect the free choice of individual employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, or to refrain from such activities (text not yet released).

Intro: 2/24/2021 Sen. Paul (KY) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Sponsor Paul, Scott (SC), Boozman (AR), Wicker (MS), Burr (NC)


HR 2640 Amend Labor-Management Reporting & Disclosure Act

This bill would require the authorization of members of a labor organization before such organization may make certain political expenditures.

Intro: 4/19/2021 Rep. Huizenga (MI-2) Status: Education and Labor

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HRes 283 Law Officers Bill of Rights

This resolution would establish a “Bill of Rights” to support United States law enforcement personnel nationwide in their work to protect our communities.

Intro: 3/26/2021 Rep. Zeldin (NY-1) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Scott (GA-8), Good (VA-5), Norman (SC-5), Cawthorn (NC-11)


HR 3225 Collective Bargaining for State/Local Law Enforcement

This bill would provide collective bargaining rights to state and local LEO.

Intro: 5/13/2021 Rep. Stauber (MN-8) Status: Education & Labor

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: McKinley (WV-1)


S 2178 Collective Bargaining State Fire and EMS

This bill would provide collective bargaining rights for fire fighters and emergency medical services personnel employed by States or their political subdivisions.

Intro: 6/22/2021 Sen. Hickenlooper (CO) Status: Health, Education, Labor & Pensions

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR 5727 Public Employee Collective Bargaining

This bill would secure the rights of public employees to organize, act concertedly, and bargain collectively.

Intro: 10/26/2021 Rep. Cartwright (PA-8) Status: Education & Labor 

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Adams (NC-12), Beyer (VA-8), Butterfield (NC-1), Connolly (VA-11), Cooper (TN-5), Luria (VA-2), McBath (GA-6), McEachin (VA-4), Price (NC-4), Scott (GA-13), Williams (GA-5), Yarmuth (KY-3), Johnson (GA-4), Ross (NC-2), Manning (NC-6), Bishop (GA-2), Wexton (VA-10), Cohen (TN-9), Sewell (AL-7), Carter (LA-2), Bourdeaux (GA-7)

Republicans: none



Working Conditions


HR 72 Thin Blue Line Act

This bill would provide additional aggravating factors for the imposition of the death penalty based on the status of the victim.

Intro: 1/4/2021 Rep. Buchanan (FL-16) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Norman (SC-5)



This bill would establish licensing standards for law enforcement.

Intro: 1/4/2021 Rep. Rush (IL-1) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR 169 Driver and Officer Safety Education Act

This bill would establish a grant program for States that establish specific standards for education and training programs concerning civilian and law enforcement encounters during traffic stops and other in-person encounters.

Intro: 1/4/2021 Rep. Green (TX-9) Status: Transportation

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR 677 Justice Act

This bill would attempt to improve and reform policing practices, accountability and transparency.

Intro: 2/1/2021 Rep. Stauber (MN-8) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Hudson (NC-8), Miller (WV-3),Rice (SC-7), Fleischman (TN-3), Aderholt (AL-4), Allen (GA-12), Hill (AR-2), Scott (GA-8), Crawford (AR-1), Burchett (TN-2), Foxx (NC-5), Rouzer (NC-7), Womack (AR-3), Guest (MS-3), Barr (KY-6), Scalise (LA-1)


HR 1031 White Supremacy in Law Enforcement

This bill would require the Attorney General to prepare and release an intelligence assessment on white supremacy in law enforcement.

Intro: 2/11/2021 Rep. Torres (CA-35) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Johnson (GA-4), Cooper (TN-5)

Republicans: none


HR 1159 De-escalation

This bill would require that States and localities receiving grants under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program require law enforcement officers to undergo training on and thereafter employ de-escalation techniques to assist in reducing the need for the use of force by such officers (text not yet released).

Intro: 2/18/2021 Rep. Moore (WI-4) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR 1163 Federal Law Enforcement Body Cameras

This bill would require federal officers to wear body cameras (text not yet released).

Intro: 2/18/2021 Rep. Norton (DC) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Wexton (VA-10), Beyer (VA-8)

Republicans: none


HR 1280 George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021

This bill would hold law enforcement accountable for misconduct in court, improve transparency through data collection, and reform police training and policies.

(eg. qualified immunity reform/independent investigations/national oversight/national police misconduct registry/national law enforcement officer certification/etc.) 

Intro: 2/24/2021 Rep. Bass (CA-37) Status: Passed House – received in Senate

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Clyburn (SC-6), Cohen (TN-9), Johnson (GA-4), McBath (GA-6), Ross (NC-2), Adams (NC-12), Beyer (VA-8), Bishop (GA-2), Bourdeaux (GA-7), Butterfield (NC-1), Connolly (VA-11), Cooper (TN-5), Manning (NC-6), McEachin (VA-4), Price (NC-4), Scott (VA-3), Scott (GA-13), Sewell (AL-7), Thompson (MS-2), Williams (GA-5), Yarmuth (KY-3), Wexton (VA-10), Luria (VA-2)

Republicans: none


HR 1337 Independent Investigation and Prosecution Deadly Force

This bill would provide for grants for States that require sensitivity training for law enforcement officers of that State and to incentivize States to enact laws requiring the independent investigation and prosecution of the use of deadly force by law enforcement officers (text not yet released).

Intro: 2/25/2021 Rep. Cohen (TN-9) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Sponsor Cohen

Republicans: none


HR 1347 Amend Section 242 of Title 18 to Prohibit Chokeholds

This bill would prohibit the use of chokeholds (text not yet released).

Intro: 2/25/2021 Rep. Jeffries (NY-8) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Beyer (VA-8), Bishop (GA-2), Johnson (GA-4), Sewell (AL-7), Cohen (TN-9), Scott (GA-13), Thompson (MS-2), McBath (GA-6), Williams (GA-5), Bourdeaux (GA-7)

Republicans: none


HR 1368 Mental Health Professional First Responders

This bill would authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to States and political subdivisions of States to hire, employ, train, and dispatch mental health professionals to respond in lieu of law enforcement officers in emergencies involving one or more persons with a mental illness or an intellectual or developmental disability, and for other purposes (text not yet released).

Intro: 2/25/2021 Rep. Porter (CA-45) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Connolly (VA-11), Johnson (GA-4), Williams (GA-5), McBath (GA-6), Ross (NC-2), Butterfield (NC-1), Manning (NC-6), Scott (GA-13), Thompson (MS-2), Wexton (VA-10), Spanberger (VA-7), Cohen (TN-9), Beyer (VA-8)

Republicans: none


S 244 Excessive Force Prevention Act

This bill would amend section 242 of title 18, United States Code, to include the use of chokeholds and carotid holds as a deprivation of rights and as a punishment, pain, or penalty, and for other purposes.

Intro: 2/4/2021 Sen. Gillibrand (NY) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR 1465 Right to Remain Safe Act

This bill would require a local government to waive sovereign immunity to receive any grant funds from the Department of Justice if such local government has defunded a municipal police department.

Intro: 3/1/2021 Rep. Malliotakis (NY-11) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR 1470 Ending Qualified Immunity

This bill would amend the Revised Statutes to remove the defense of qualified immunity in the case of any action under section 1979.

Intro: 3/1/2021 Rep. Pressley (MA-7) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Adams (NC-12), Johnson (GA-4), Williams (GA-5), Scott (GA-13), Beyer (VA-8), Manning (NC-6)

Republicans: none


HR 1481 Cost of Police Misconduct

This bill would require Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies to report information related to allegations of misconduct of law enforcement officers to the Attorney General.

Intro: 3/2/2021 Rep. Beyer (VA-8) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR 1489 Civil Rights Enhancement and Law Enforcement Accountability Improvement Act

This bill would permit vicarious liability claims against an employer of a person who, under color of law, subjects another to the deprivation of rights.

Intro: 3/2/2021 Rep. Cohen (TN-9) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR 1570 George Floyd Trust and Integrity Act

This bill would encourage greater community accountability of law enforcement agencies, and for other purposes.

Intro: 3/3/2021 Rep. Jackson Lee (TX-18) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Connolly (VA-11), Williams (GA-5), Bishop (GA-2), Adams (NC-12), Price (NC-4), Yarmuth (KY-3), Thompson (MS-2), Johnson (GA-4), Butterfield (NC-1)

Republicans: none


HR 2892 Amend Title 18 US Code

This bill would clarify the penalty for use of force.

Intro: 4/28/2021 Rep. Omar (MN-5) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR 2893 National Police Misuse of Force Investigation Board

This bill would establish the National Police Misuse of Force Investigation Board.

Intro: 4/28/2021 Rep. Omar (MN-5) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


S 492 Ending Qualified Immunity

This bill would amend the Revised Statutes to remove the defense of qualified immunity in the case of any action under section 1979.

Intro: 3/1/2021 Sen. Markey (MA) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


S 540 Cost of Police Misconduct Act

This bill would require Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies to report information related to allegations of misconduct of law enforcement officers to the Attorney General.

Intro: 3/2/2021 Sen. Kaine (VA) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Sponsor Kaine (VA)

Republicans: none



This bill would seek to eliminate racial, religious, and other discriminatory profiling by law enforcement, and for other purposes.

Intro: 3/4/2021 Sen. Cardin (MD) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Kaine (VA)

Republicans: none


S 738 Police Training and Independent Review Act

This bill would provide for grants for States that require fair and impartial police training for law enforcement officers of that State and to incentivize States to enact laws requiring the independent investigation and prosecution of the use of deadly force by law enforcement officers.

Intro: 3/11/2021 Sen. Duckworth (IL) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Kaine (VA)

Republicans: none


S 774 Protect and Serve Act

This bill would amend title 18, United States Code, to punish criminal offenses targeting law enforcement officers.

Intro: 3/16/2021 Sen. Tillis (NC) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Sponsor Tillis (NC), Burr (NC), Boozman (AR), Capito (WV), Blackburn (TN), Wicker (MS), Cotton (AR), Graham (SC)


HR 3026 Independent Investigation of Officer Deadly Force

This bill would require states to pass laws to provide independent investigations for officers’ use of deadly force.

Intro: 5/7/2021 Rep. Crow (CO-6) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR 3079 Enhanced Punishment for Crimes against Law Enforcement 

This bill would provide punishment for offenses against LEO.

Intro: 5/11/2021 Rep. Rutherford (FL-4) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Carl (AL-1), Wittman (VA-1), McHenry (NC-10), Graves (LA-6), Foxx (NC-5), Allen (GA-12), McKinley (WV-1), Duncan (SC-3), Barr (KY-6), Hudson (NC-8), Kustoff (TN-8), Guthrie (KY-2), Norman (SC-5), Guest (MS-3)


HR 3080 Protect Law Enforcement Officers

This bill establishes new criminal offenses for killing, assaulting, and fleeing to avoid prosecution for killing a judge, law enforcement officer, or public safety officer.

Intro: 5/11/2021 Rep. Bacon (NE-2) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Carl (AL-1), Wittman (VA-1), Duncan (SC-3), Allen (GA-12)


S 1595 Enhanced Penalties for Murder of Law Enforcement Officers

This bill would provide enhanced penalties for killing a LEO.

Intro: 5/12/2021 Sen. Toomey (PA) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Tillis (NC), Cotton (AR), Capito (WV), Blackburn (TN), Tuberville (AL), Hagerty (TN), Boozman (AR)


S 1599 Protect Law Enforcement

This bill has not yet been printed.

Intro: 5/12/2021 Sen. Cornyn (TX) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Scott (SC), Hagerty (TN), Hyde-Smith (MS), Blackburn (TN), Boozman (AR), Cassidy (LA), Tillis (NC)


S 1649 Probation Officer Arrest Powers

This bill would permit probation officers the power to arrest subjects that obstruct the officer in the performance of their duty.

Intro: 5/13/2021 Sen. Tillis (NC) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Sponsor Tillis, Cotton (AR)


S 1650 Protect Federal, State, & Local Public Safety Officers

This bill establishes new criminal offenses for killing or assaulting (or attempting to kill or assault or conspiring to kill) a current or former public safety officer in circumstances that affect interstate commerce while the officer is engaged in official duties or on account of past performance of official duties.

Intro: 5/13/2021 Sen. Sullivan (AK) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Tillis (NC)


S 1989 Enhancing Oversight to End Discrimination in Policing

This bill would reform pattern or practice investigations conducted by the Department of Justice.

Intro: 6/9/2021 Sen. Warren (MA) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


S 2251 Expand Support for Law Enforcement Officers

This bill increases the amount of federal assistance for officer mental health and suicide prevention assistance.

Intro: 6/24/2021 Sen. Hawley (MO) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


S 2252 Increase Penalties for Ambushing Law Enforcement

This bill attempts to increase the penalties for ambushing a law enforcement officer.

Intro: 6/24/2021 Sen. Hawley (MO) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


S 2253 Criminal Offense for Targeting Law Enforcement Officer 

This bill establishes a separate criminal offense for targeting an individual based on their status as law enforcement officer.

Intro: 6/24/2021 Sen. Hawley (MO) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR 4500 Local Law Enforcement Protection Act

This bill would incentivize States to provide robust qualified immunity to law enforcement officers.

Intro: 7/19/2021 Rep. Tenney (NY-22) Status: Financial Services

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR 5391 Prohibit OSHA Vaccine Standards

This bill would amend the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 to prohibit emergency temporary standards with respect to vaccines.

Intro: 9/28/2021 Rep. Mann (KS-1) Status: Education & Labor 

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Cawthorn (NC-11)


HR 5686 Don’t Jab Me Act

This bill would permit civil actions against United States for COVID–vaccine mandates.

Intro: 10/22/2021 Rep. Cloud (TX-27) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Cawthorn (NC-11)


HR 5687 Forced Vaccine Injury Action 

This bill would authorize a private right of action for an individual who suffers a vaccine-related injury or death as a result of receiving a COVID–19 vaccine, as required by their employer.

Intro: 10/22/2021 Rep. Cloud (TX-27) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR  6264 POLICE Act of 2021

This bill would make the assault of a law enforcement officer a deportable offense.

Intro: 12/14/2021 Rep. Garbarino (NY-2) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Budd (NC-13), Bishop (NC-9), Guest (MS-3), Norman (SC-5)


HR  6266 AMICUS Act

This bill would amend title 28, United States Code, to require certain disclosures related to amicus activities.

Intro: 12/14/2021 Rep. Johnson (GA-4) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Sponsor Johnson (GA-4), Cohen (TN-9), Williams (GA-5)

Republicans: none


HR  6327 Constitutional Accountability Act

This bill would ensure that the United States, States, and local governments are liable for monetary damages for constitutional violations by law enforcement officers.

Intro: 12/20/2021 Rep. Cicilline (RI-1) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Johnson (GA-4)

Republicans: none


S 3385 AMICUS Act

This bill would amend title 28, United States Code, to require certain disclosures related to amicus activities.

Intro: 12/14/2021 Sen. Whitehouse (RI) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


S 3415 Constitutional Accountability Act

This bill would ensure that the United States, States, and local governments are liable for monetary damages for constitutional violations by law enforcement officers.

Intro: 12/16/2021 Sen. Whitehouse (RI) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


S 3458 Thin Blue Line Act

This bill would expand the list of statutory aggravating factors in death penalty determinations to also include killing or targeting a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or other first responder.

Intro: 1/10/2022 Sen. Toomey (PA) Status: Calendared

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Tillis (NC), Cotton (AR), Capito (WV), Blackburn (TN), Tuberville (AL)





HR 82 Social Security Fairness Act

This bill would amend title II of the Social Security Act to repeal the Government pension offset and windfall elimination provisions.

Intro: 1/4/2021 Rep. Davis (IL-13) Status: Ways & Means

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Spanberger (VA-7), Cohen (TN-9), Price (NC-4), Luria (VA-2), Yarmuth (KY-3), Connolly (VA-11), Manning (NC-6), Johnson (GA-4), Williams (GA-5), Adams (NC-12), Ross (NC-2), Bishop (GA-2), Carter (LA-2), Scott (VA-3), McEachin (VA-4), Beyer (VA-8), Wexton (VA-10),  Scott (GA-13)

Republicans: Graves (LA-6), Comer (KY-1), Massie (KY-4), Higgins (LA-3), Guthrie (KY-2), Scalise (LA-1), Johnson (LA-4), Wittman (VA-1), Barr (KY-6), Letlow (LA-5), Rogers (KY-5), Guest (MS-3), McKinley (WV-1), Butterfield (NC-1), Hice (GA-10), Moore (AL-2), Rogers (AL-3), Norman (SC-5)  


HR 483 Reform to Federal Benefits

This bill would make reforms to the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act for officers. Details not yet published. 

Intro: 1/25/2021 Rep. Ruiz (CA-36) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Spanberger (VA-7)

Republicans: none


HR 521 Disabled Officers Receive Retirement Benefits as If Retired

This bill would permit disabled officers to receive retirement benefits in the same manner as if they had not been disabled. 

Intro: 1/28/2021 Rep. Connolly (VA-11) Status: House Oversight

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Sponsor Connolly, Wexton (VA-10), Spanberger (VA-7)

Republicans: none


S 129 Disabled Officers Receive Retirement Benefits As If Retired

This bill would permit disabled officers to receive retirement benefits in the same manner as if they had not been disabled. 

Intro: 1/28/2021 Sen. Tester (MT) Status: Homeland Security

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR 2936 Line of Duty Disability Benefits

This bill would make payments to certain public safety officers who have become permanently and totally disabled as a result of personal injuries sustained in the line of duty.

Intro: 4/30/2021 Rep. Pascrell (NJ-9) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Scott (GA-13)

Republicans: Kustoff (TN-8)


S 1502 Federal Officer Peer Support Confidentiality

To make Federal law enforcement officer peer support communications confidential.

Intro: 4/29/2021 Sen. Cortez Masto (NV) Status: PASSED-Public Law 117-60

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Ossoff (GA)

Republicans: Tillis (NC)


S 1511 Line of Duty Disability Benefits

This bill amends the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 with respect to payments to certain public safety officers who have become permanently and totally disabled as a result of personal injuries sustained in the line of duty

Intro: 4/29/2021 Sen. Grassley (IA) Status: PASSED-Public Law 117-61

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Ossoff (GA)

Republicans: Blackburn (TN), Tillis (NC)

NOTE: This bill passed the Senate unanimously and the House passed with three voting against, including two from Southern States; Loudermilk (GA-11) and Massie (KY-4). Guest (MS-3) did not vote.


HR 3060 First Responder Tax Free Disability Pensions

This bill would allow first responders to exclude duty related disability pension from federal taxation.

Intro: 5/7/2021 Rep. Norman (SC-5) Status: Ways & Means

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Sponsor Norman


HR 3070 Law Enforcement Peer Support Confidentiality

This bill would provide confidentiality in LEO peer support communication. 

Intro: 5/7/2021 Rep. Trone (MD-6) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: McBath (GA-6), Ross (NC-2)

Republicans: McKinley (WV-1)


HR 3071 Federal Benefits to Officers Suffering PTSD

This bill would provide federal benefits to LEO suffering from PTSD and acute stress disorder.

Intro: 5/7/2021 Rep. Trone (MD-6) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR 3131 Local Law Enforcement Salary Subsidies

This bill would subsidize local LEO salaries and promote hiring/retention of officers.

Intro: 5/12/2021 Rep. Davis (IL-13) Status: Judiciary

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Allen (GA-12), Graves (LA-6), Good (VA-5), Hice (GA-10), Scott (GA-8)


S 1618 First Responder Tax Free Disability Pensions

This bill would allow first responders to exclude duty related disability pension from federal taxation.

Intro: 5/13/2021 Sen. Daines (MT) Status: Finance

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


S 1888 Amend US Code to Include Certain Federal Positions as Law Enforcement

This bill has not yet been printed.

Intro: 5/27/2021 Sen. Booker (NJ) Status: Governmental Affairs

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR 3791 Amend Family & Medical Leave Act

This bill would repeal certain limits on leave for a married individuals employed by the same employer.

Intro: 6/8/2021 Rep. Porter (CA-45) Status: Education & Labor

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: Cooper (TN-5), Connolly (VA-11), Spanberger (VA-7), Cohen (TN-9), Johnson (GA-4), Beyer (VA-8)

Republicans: none


HR 4788 Amend Social Security Act; Windfall Elimination

This bill would amend title II of the Social Security Act to restrict the application of the windfall elimination provision to individuals whose combined monthly income from benefits under such title and other monthly periodic payments exceeds a minimum wage-indexed amount of $5,500 and to provide for a graduated implementation of such provision on amounts above such minimum amount.

Intro: 7/29/2021 Rep. Letlow (LA-5) Status: Ways & Means

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: none


HR 5834 Equal Treatment of Public Servants

This bill would amend title II of the Social Security Act to replace the windfall elimination provision with a formula equalizing benefits for certain individuals with noncovered employment.

Intro: 11/3/2021 Rep. Brady (TX-8) Status: Ways & Means

Cosponsors from SSPBA states: 

Democrats: none

Republicans: Ferguson (GA-3), Guthrie (KY-2), Hice (GA-10), Murphy (NC-3), Rice (SC-7), Cawthorn (NC-11), Wittman (VA-1), Kustoff (TN-8), Miller (WV-3), Crawford (AR-1)



Firearm Bills




30       Gun Trafficking Act

38       Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act

121     Gun Violence Reduction Act

125     “Not Sorry” Gun Safety Act

127     Firearms Licensing

130     Safe Storage of Firearms

135     Firearm Transfer Regulations

137     Firearms and Mental Health

167     Gun Show Transfer – License Dealers Only

647     Interstate Firearm Sales

748     Firearm Safe Storage Requirement

880     Consumer Product Safety Firearm Action

882     Prohibit Firearms for “High Risk” Persons

993     Remove Federal Funding of Gun Control

1004   Require Liability Insurance to Own Firearm

1006   Background Checks at Gun Shows

1007   Prevent Gun Trafficking

1008   Require Safety Technology in Firearms

1132   Second Amendment Protection

1207   License Ammunition Dealers

1210   Improve Law Enforcement Safety Act Regarding Concealed Carry

1446   Background Checks

1454   Ghost Guns

1477   Undetectable Firearms

1534   Second Amendment Protection

1604   Forbid Straw Purchases

1680   Regulate Interstate Transportation of Firearms

1752   3-Day Wait for Firearm Purchase

1782   Give Law Enforcement Head 90-Day Deny Firearm Purchase

1808   Regulate Assault Weapons

1906   Prohibit Possession Firearm by Misdemeanor Domestic Convict

1923   Prohibit Possession Firearm by Misdemeanor Domestic Convict

2280   Prohibit Straw Purchase

2426   Prohibit Transfer Firearm to Unlawful Subject

2544   Regulate Silencers/Mufflers

2715   Prohibit Ammo Purchase by Non-Permitted Persons

2890   Reduce Firearm Purchase Age from 21 to 18

2960   National Concealed Carry for Retired LEO

3015   Prohibit Firearms for Under 21 yr olds

3088   Make All Firearms Tracible

3101   Repeal Firearm Transfer Tax

3250   Allow for LEO Concealed Carry on Federal Property

3290   Prohibit Juvenile Felons from Firearm Possession

3299   Enhance Background Checks

3480   Remove Firearms from Mentally Ill

3536   Establish Federal Firearm Database

3740   Federal Registration and License of Handguns

3929   Prohibit Hate Crime Convicts from Firearm Possession

3960   Eliminate the BATFE

3989   List Firearms under Consumer Product Safety Control

4238   Federal Funds for State Firearms Licensing

4836   Require Safe Storage of Firearms

4888   Permit Local Governments to Enact Gun Control Laws

4992   Raise Age for Purchase of Rifle or Shotgun

5273   Establish Federal Gun Safety Board

5436   Require Suicide Hotline Number printed on all Firearm Boxes

5465   Update Secure Storage Laws

5878   Prohibit gun sales to Violent Misdemeanor Violators

6225   Modernize Firearm Sales

6370   Safe Storage of Firearms





190     Firearm Safe Storage Requirement

281     CDC Action on Gun Control

292     Prevent Gun Violence

525     Regulate Interstate Transportation Firearms

529     Expand Background Checks

736     Assault Weapons Ban

878     Stop Firearm Trafficking

1108   Regulate Large Capacity Magazine

1131   Regulate Silencers/Mufflers

1237   Prohibit Ammo Purchase by Non-Permitted Persons

1373   Reduce Firearm Purchase Age from 21 to 18

1522   Concealed Carry Reciprocity

1610   Expand Concealed Carry for LEO

1801   Establish Federal Firearm Database

1819   Remove Firearms from the Mentally Ill

1916   Prohibit Federal State of Emergency to Impose Gun Control 

2090   Prohibit Hate Crime Convicts from Firearm Possession

2169   Prohibit Firearm Possession by Domestic Abusers

2319   Restrict 3D Printed Firearms

2325   Permit States Firearm Licenses

2725   Make On-line Firearm Sales Accountable

2908   Additional Regulations on Firearm Dealers




To read text of listed bills click on the Library of Congress link below then enter bill #.


Southern States PBA News
118th US Congress Update April 2024

May 1, 2024

The Southern States Police Benevolent Association is committed to keeping you informed of federal legislation that may affect your work-life, pay and benefits.

118th US Congress Update March 2024

April 2, 2024

The Southern States Police Benevolent Association is committed to keeping you informed of federal legislation that may affect your work-life, pay and benefits.
