North Carolina Division
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Member Thanks PBA for Standing By Him

Dear PBA staff:

I am very thankful for the assistance that PBA provided for me during my time of need. I cannot imagine what I would have done or what would have happened to me if PBA would not have been there to help me. My family and I cannot begin to express our thanks for the wonderful support that was given to me during the time I needed it most. I am so thankful that I was led to this organization by other members because there is no possible way I would have been able to fight this battle on my own.  My hope is that other officers will not have to endure the treatment that I went through because of false allegations and the misuse of justice. I hope every officer joins PBA, even if they think they will never need this organization. In all my years of investing and saving for retirement, joining the PBA is the best investment I ever made. I am extremely appreciative of the PBA for investing in me and standing with me. I cannot begin to say how much I am indebted to you all for your support and sacrifice. It is with heart felt emotions that I say “Thank You.”
After my certification hearing, I went home and hugged my wife and son and told them that I was back. For years I have questioned why this happened to me and why did it get to the point it did. I actually slept through the night after my hearing because I was so relieved and confident that the ruling was going to be in my favor. For years I would not sleep longer than four hours and would pace the floor questioning why this happened and how was it going to end.  I know in my heart that I had the best attorney anyone could ever have to represent me in this matter. Mr. McGuinness and his staff, J.P. and Zilla, were always honest with me and never let me believe anything other than the truth. When I received the call from J.P and he told me the outcome of the hearing, a huge weight was lifted off of me and I felt like I was a person again. I will never be able to say in words how appreciative I am.
 Thank you all for everything, and I will never be able to say that enough. PBA is the greatest organization out there when it comes to supporting law enforcement. Thank You!

Derrick Knox
North Carolina

Editor’s note: PBA provided representation for Derrick Knox through attorney J. Michael McGuinness as Knox endured a five-year battle to retain his law enforcement certification.

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