NCPBA Legislative Update
Apr 28, 2017
In what was a historic day for municipal police officers in North Carolina, the PBA was present as HB37 (Protect Law Enforcement Officers) passed the House on April 27th. HB37 is a bill that will protect municipal officers from retaliation when they report corruption.
The PBA is extremely proud of the primary sponsors (Rep. Chris Malone, Rep. Nelson Dollar, Rep. Debra Conrad) and co-sponsors (Rep. John Ager, Rep. Cynthia Ball, Rep. Mary Belk, Rep. Susan Fisher, Rep. Holly Grange, Rep. Hanes, Rep. Pricey Harrison, Rep. Jonathan Jordan, Rep. Rodney Moore, Rep. Brian Turner, Rep. Donna White, and Rep. Linda Williams) for supporting this critical piece of legislation. Rep. Malone worked tirelessly on this bill since it was originally drafted. This included submitting a re-write of the bill to the J-3 committee to address several concerns. He also worked to get support for the bill with Republican members as did Rep. Jackson on the Democrat side.
The PBA was also very appreciative of House members who rose to speak for the bill as it was being debated on the House floor. After the bill was introduced by Rep. Malone, Rep. Dollar, Rep. Richardson, Rep. Quick, Rep. White, and Rep. Jordan gave resounding remarks that showed great respect for officers and the job they do. Their remarks paved the path for the final vote (65-47) and the bills referral to the Senate. The PBA is grateful to the nineteen legislators who supported this legislation in a bi-partison effort and is proud to call them our friends!