North Carolina Division
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NCPBA Political Endorsements Newsletter

Dear Members:
I want to take this opportunity to welcome you to our General Election newsletter. There has never been a time in my career where law enforcement officers were being treated with less respect and fairness. That is why this newsletter is so important. For the past several months, PBA members have volunteered their time to conduct interviews of candidates running for every statewide office and the General Assembly. These candidates have been asked the tough questions to include their views on numerous issues such as: due process, whistleblower protection, first amendment protection, privacy of personnel files, appointments, and preservation and strengthening of the retirement system. 
During this process, candidates were asked to meet with a screening committee and were afforded the opportunity to talk about their background and experience. They were then asked a series of questions and their answers were graded by committee members. The committee then discussed the results before making recommendations to the appropriate board for a final review and vote. It is now time for you to review the efforts of your fellow members and hopefully follow their recommendations when you go to vote. We also hope you will share this information with your co-workers, family, and friends. Politics is not what you signed up for when you took your oath, but inevitably it is part of your world. The PBA knows this and will always be at the forefront of seeking to affect change through the interview, endorsement, and election process. 
As part of our political process, you will also read about the appointment of Eva Howard as your new Legislative Chairperson. Eva and her committee will serve an integral role in the next legislative session as we work to turn our issues into legislation. Eva brings a great deal of experience to the table, especially in the area of dealing with mental health. As each of you know, this is one of the most critical issues facing law enforcement and one that members of the General Assembly are concerned about.
In closing, I want to thank each of you for your continued service to our state and the communities we serve. Our profession is still one of the most honorable and dangerous professions to serve in. Please continue to be safe in your service and determined in your commitment to make the world a better place. Also, please take this opportunity to consider your involvement with the PBA. As with anything, you get what you put into something. The pages of this newsletter certainly demonstrate the level of commitment of many of our members. It is my hope that you will join the effort.
My Best,
Randy Byrd – Division President
North Carolina Police Benevolent Association
“The Voice of Law Enforcement Officers”


Eva Howard Appointed as Legislative Chairperson of the North Carolina PBA


Eva Howard was recently appointed Legislative Chairperson by Division President Randy Byrd. As part of her role, she will lead a committee of fellow members working towards passage of the division’s legislative agenda in General Assembly. 


Eva is from Voorhees, New Jersey where she graduated from Eastern High School. She later attended Camden County College receiving an Associate’s Degree in Social Science. While attending Camden Community College, she worked as an advocate/community specialist assisting people with mental health diagnoses and special needs. Her work in this area became her passion and continues to this day. In 2006, she relocated to Raleigh to become a trooper with the NC State Highway Patrol. She later transferred to the NC State University Police Department. Her work at NC State led her back to her roots in mental health advocacy. In 2008, she was trained and certified as a Crisis Intervention Officer. Recently, she was promoted to lead Detective of the NCSU PD Threat Assessment Unit. In this assignment, she will work directly with members of the community who suffer from mental health, crisis, and behavioral issues. She is also a member of a behavioral assessment team that assesses, tracks and reports possible threats within the community. 



A quote by John Wesley from The Purpose Driven Life has become a guide for Eva’s life and her passion for helping others. Wesley said, “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can.” To Eva, the North Carolina Police Benevolent Association embodies this very quote and why she chose to get involved to help improve the lives of officers. We are glad she made that choice.


Legislative Chairperson Eva Howard



North Carolina PBA Endorses Governor McCrory in his re-election bid
Major Press Conference held in Raleigh to make announcement
On August 25, 2016, the North Carolina Police Benevolent Association (NCPBA) endorsed Pat McCrory for governor at a major press conference in Raleigh.
North Carolina PBA leaders and rank and file members joined Governor McCrory in publicly announcing their support of his re-election bid.
“We are proud to endorse Pat McCrory in his re-election bid for governor,” said Randy Byrd, president of the NCPBA. “Governor McCrory recently went through a strenuous process where he responded to tough questions and addressed critical issues of importance to law enforcement officers. The PBA was impressed by his performance, proven track record, and his vision for law enforcement. A vote for Governor McCrory is a vote for the men and women of law enforcement and for the citizens they selflessly serve each and every day in communities throughout North Carolina.”
In accepting the endorsement Governor McCrory said, “Every single day a law enforcement officer puts on their uniform they are dealing with something unique and challenging and often dangerous. When they put on their uniform they never know when and how they are going to come home and neither do their families.” McCrory added, “I am extremely humbled to receive the endorsement of the North Carolina Police Benevolent Association; our State’s largest law enforcement organization. Endorsements are usually about politics and politicians. This one is not. This one matters.”
Governor McCrory recently signed a bill to establish a clear legal process for the release of law enforcement video while balancing privacy, transparency and public safety. The governor has also funded appropriate use-of-force training and supported local jurisdictions with $5 million in matching grants for body cameras. Governor McCrory also established a ‘Blue Alert System,’ similar to silver and amber alerts, to aid in the apprehension of suspects who kill or inflict serious bodily injury on a law enforcement officer.
Instead of a political appointee, Governor McCrory hired an outstanding law enforcement officer and professional to lead the State Bureau of Investigation who will be a strong partner for law enforcement around the state and ensure the agency is independent and free of politics. Governor McCrory has also shown a commitment to improving the state’s crime lab and addressing chronic backlogs, including money in his budget to open a new Western Crime Lab and increase resources to help with backlogs.
Throughout his first term, Governor McCrory has proven to be an active partner with the law enforcement community in tackling North Carolina’s mental health, substance abuse and addiction crisis, which is severely impacting our communities. The latest state budget includes $20 million to implement the strategic recommendations from his task force on mental health and substance use, including the expansion of specialty treatment courts like drug and veteran courts, mental health first-aid training and tools to combat the heroin and opioid epidemic like Naloxone.
*portions of this article came from McCrory campaign release
Division President Randy Byrd speaking at press conference with NCPBA members looking on
Governor McCrory speaking at Press Conference with NCPBA members looking on
 Governor McCrory addressing issues presented by the PBA
Governor McCrory and Wake County Chapter Secretary Dionne Everette
Governor McCrory greeting State Law Enforcement Chapter President Steve Anthony
Governor McCrory speaking at Press Conference with NCPBA members looking on
Governor McCrory with NCPBA members
Governor McCrory greeting North Mecklenburg Sr. Vice-President John Randazzo
NCPBA Division Sr. Vice President Brandon McGaha with Governor McCrory


Josh Stein NCPBA Choice for Top Cop
The North Carolina Police Benevolent Association has chosen to endorse Josh Stein for attorney general. During the interview process, Stein demonstrated that he understands the issues facing law enforcement officers as they serve communities throughout North Carolina. He also demonstrated that he understands the role of the PBA in working to ensure that officers are treated fairly and have a voice in their profession. 
Stein has served as Senior Deputy Attorney General as well as a member of the state Senate. As Senior Deputy Attorney General, Josh brought and successfully resolved major cases against predatory lenders; helped run the payday lenders charging loan-shark interest rates out of North Carolina, drafted and helped enact legislation to combat identity theft, abusive telemarketing, and predatory lending; and worked to improve safety features on Facebook and MySpace to protect kids from sexual predators. In the Senate, Josh worked to enhance protections for victims of domestic violence; expand the DNA database to take more violent criminals off the street; ban stalking through use of GPS tracking devices; and strengthen our DWI laws to keep more drunk drivers off the road. His experience will serve him and the citizens of North Carolina well as the next attorney general. 
Upon notification of his endorsement from the North Carolina PBA, Josh Stein said: “I am honored to be endorsed by the PBA, and I look forward to working closely with law enforcement across North Carolina to keep people safe as North Carolina’s next attorney general.” 
NCPBA President Randy Byrd said: “We are proud to endorse Josh Stein for attorney general. Josh Stein has a strong record of making our communities safer and supporting legislation to ensure officers are treated fairly. The North Carolina PBA is proud to endorse Josh and to help elect him as our next attorney general."
*information in this article came from
Attorney General Candidate Josh Stein answering PBA questions
Attorney General Candiate Josh Stein with State Law Enforcement Chapter President Steve Anthony
Attorney General Candidate Josh Stein with Cary Chapter Sr. Vice-President John Glascock
Attorney General Candidate Josh Stein with NCPBA members
Attorney General Candidate Josh Stein with Wake County Chapter Vice-President Ryne Doxsie
Dale Folwell is NCPBA choice for State Treasurer
The North Carolina Police Benevolent Association has chosen to endorse Dale Folwell, for state treasurer. The state treasurer’s role in overseeing the retirement system is of upmost importance to every officer in North Carolina and the PBA. During the interview process, Folwell demonstrated that he is committed to preserving and strengthening our retirement system. He also brings a wealth of experience to the table as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA); former Registered Investment Adviser; former Assistant Secretary of Commerce; Speaker Pro Tempore of the NC House of the Representatives, and School Board member.
Upon notification of his endorsement from the North Carolina PBA, Dale Folwell, CPA said, “I proudly accept the North Carolina Police Benevolent Association’s endorsement recognizing that their members use their feet, backs, hands, hearts and minds every day to protect North Carolinians. In turn, I will protect and preserve the pension and healthcare systems that they and their families depend upon. All law enforcement and first responders will be heard by me as state treasurer and I can’t imagine serving without their input. After all, it’s their money.” 
President of the North Carolina Division Randy Byrd said, “We are proud to endorse Dale Folwell in his bid to become the next state treasurer. Dale has a proven track record of tackling tough problems and working to find common sense solutions to make government more cost effective and efficient. His depth of experience will be a tremendous asset to the citizens of North Carolina and the members of the retirement system.” 
State Treasurer Candidate Dale Folwell addressing issues presented by the PBA
State Treasurer Candidate Dale Folwell with NCPBA Screening Committee
State Treasurer Candidate Dale Folwell with ALE Chapter Member Israel Morrow
State Treasurer Candidate Dale Folwell with ALE Chapter President Brent Massey
State Treasurer Candidate Dale Folwell with NCPBA Division Vice-President Wardell Williams

Because It’s Your Money!


By Dale Folwell, CPA 


The biggest concerns nationwide are the growing costs of public workers healthcare coverage as well as how states account for their pensions. Those obligations threaten the ability to invest in education.


Bill Gates, Microsoft founder

(Wall Street Journal, March 3, 2011)



In July 2016, the NC State Treasurer released annual performance figures for the N.C. pension fund, which is responsible for the retirement assets of nearly one million of our state’s teachers, state/local employees, law enforcement, firefighters, rescue workers and National Guard members. This report showed that the plan’s rate of return was less than 1 percent for the fiscal year. Even though it is reported to be 95 percent funded, according to a recent report from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, the N.C. Pension Fund is facing a $34.5 billion shortfall.


How did we get here? There are combinations of factors at play in this situation. First and foremost, the N.C. Pension Fund has not achieved its assumed rate of return of 7.25 percent for the past 15 years! In this zero interest rate environment, I think that 7.25 percent is an unrealistic return for the next 15 years. This is crucial because the earnings combined with the contributions made by public workers and their underlying departments is what makes the fund mathematically work. This is further complicated by the blessing of increased life expectancies.


Finally, the investment fees the fund paid to Wall Street managers have ballooned by more than 1,100 percent since 2000, far out-pacing the 47 percent growth of the plan during that same time period. In 2000, the N.C. Pension Fund held $59 billion in assets, and paid Wall Street management fees of $50 million. In 2016, the fund managed $90 billion in assets, and paid Wall Street $519 million in management fees! 


Adding these factors together, the N.C. Pension Fund is on an unsustainable course. If the status quo is allowed to continue, it will result in a plan that was once 110 percent funded, but could be approaching an 85 percent fund-rate in the near future. This is unacceptable. 


Why does this matter? Because our state employees and local law enforcement – nearly one million of our neighbors from Murphy to Manteo – are relying on this pension plan to fulfill the financial promises made to them when they retire. The ability to fulfill those promises is based on the plans being able to produce enough income (rate of return) to pay out retirement benefits to state employees, educators, fire fighters and others. 


It also matters to taxpayers across the state. Together, pension and healthcare liabilities could take over $4 billion out of the state budget each year for the next 15 years resulting in reduced funding for public safety, jobs, education and roads; or increased taxes. These problems are estimable, probable and solvable. Like many of you, I’ve worked my entire life using my back, hands and feet as well as my heart and mind. This is not the first time that I’ve been presented with a challenge that seems insurmountable. 


In 2013, I was asked to lead the Division Employment Security (DES) as the N.C. Assistant Secretary of Commerce. Your N.C. unemployment system was ranked 52nd in the United States for quality and service, often behind Guam and Puerto Rico. Bad quality equals poor customer service and overpayments. Making matters worse, it was $2.7 billion in debt to the federal government with resulting federal/state surcharges of over $600 million a year paid by N.C. businesses. 


When I arrived at DES the waste and fraud was astonishing. For example, I found a phone line to nowhere that costs $24,000 a month as I called for twenty days trying to get my own phone answered. If the waste and fraud found as N.C. Treasurer totals even one percent, then that will free up one billion dollars that can be used to assure that promises are kept to state employees and law enforcement officers. When a new public safety officer with a family has to work five days a month just to afford the family healthcare premium that is not keeping our promise. As the next N.C. Treasurer, I will freeze family healthcare premiums allowing you officers and others some additional financial certainty.


Like many of you in law enforcement, I’ve spent my entire career raising my hand to volunteer for the toughest jobs and not letting anything get between my work and me. Perhaps the question should not be “how did we get here,” but “where are we going?” The next treasurer faces over $40 billion dollars in pension/healthcare IOU’s and the solving of these issues will make a generational difference for North Carolinian’s future. With all the issues regarding safety and security surrounding officers these days, the last thing on their minds should be the safety and performance of their pension plan. When I’m hired to be the next NC Treasurer, we won’t be talking about these issues four years from now.


State Treasurer candidate Dale Folwell with Winston-Salem Triad Chapter members




NCPBA Makes Endorsements for NC House and Senate
The North Carolina General Assembly is critically important to the PBA and the members that the Association represents. During this election cycle the PBA held a series of interviews throughout the state for those candidates seeking re-election or election to the NC House and Senate. Candidates were asked a series of questions relating to due process and whistleblower protection for municipal officers; a permanent PBA seat on the NC Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission; and retirement issues relating to probation and law enforcement officers. The candidate’s answers were graded by committee members and the candidate’s record was thoroughly vetted before being presented for a local chapter or division board vote. According to Division President Randy Byrd, “These candidates have demonstrated that they understand the issues that are important to law enforcement officers that serve on the frontlines in our communities each day throughout North Carolina.”
North Carolina House
Greg Murphy
House, District 9
Holly Grange*
House, District 20
Donna White
House, District 26

Chris Malone

House, District 35


Nelson Dollar

House, District 36


Linda Williams

House, District 37


Marilyn Avila

House, District 40


Billy Richardson

House, District 44


Brenden Jones

House, District 46


Gary Pendleton

House, District 49


Brad Salmon

House, District 51


Debra Conrad

House, District 74


Rena Turner

House, District 84


Chaz Beasley

House, District 92


Jonathan Jordan

House, District 93


Cody Henson

House, District 113


John Ager

House, District 115


Michelle Presnell

House, District 118


Mike Clampitt

House, District 119


Kevin Corbin

House, District 120


North Carolina Senate


Andrew Barnhill

Senate, District 9


Jay Chaudhuri

Senate, District 16


Tamara Barringer

Senate, District 17


Shirley Randleman

House, District 30


Paul Newton

Senate, District 36


Deanna Ballard

Senate, District 45


Terry Van Duyn

Senate, District 49


Jane Hipps

Senate, District 50


*Holly Grange was endorsed in the Republican primary for an open House seat. She won her race and had no opposition for the General Election. She has since been appointed to the seat and is the Representative for House District 20



House District 20 Rep. Holly Grange with NCPBA members


House District 26 Candidate Donna White with NCPBA members


House District 37 Candidate Linda Williams addressing NCPBA members

House District 46 Candidate Brenden Jones with NCPBA members
Cody Henson - NC House 113 Candidate
Rep. Greg Murphy
House District 92 candidate Chaz Beasley with NCPBA members
Representative Billy Richardson addressing NCPBA members
Representative Brad Salmon addressing NCPBA members
Representative Chris Malone with NCPBA members
Kevin Corbin - NC House District 120 Candidate
Rep. Jonathan Jordan and NCPBA Division President Randy Byrd
Rep. Nelson Dollar and Wake County Chapter Sr. Vice-President Antoine Thomas
Rep. Rena Turner
Representative Debra Conrad with Winston Salem Triad President David Rose
Representative John Ager with NCPBA members
Representative Marilyn Avila with NCPBA members
Representative Michelle Presnell with NCPBA members
Senate 9 Candidate Andrew Barnhill with NCPBA members
Mike Clampitt - NC House District 119 Candidate
Representative Gary Pendleton with NCPBA members
Senate District 36 Candidate Paul Newton with members
Senate District 50 Candidate Jane Hipps
Senator Deanna Ballard with NCPBA members
Senator Jay Chaudhuri with NCPBA members
Senator Tamara Barringer with NCPBA members
Senator Terry Van Duyn with NCPBA members


What PBA endorsement means to NC House and Senate Candidates
“It is an honor to be endorsed by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA). I currently work with law enforcement through chairing the NC Victims Services Interagency Council, host the “Carl and Donna Show” for senior fraud prevention and serve on the Governor’s Safer Schools Task Force. It has been through these initiatives that I have grown to admire and respect the courage and commitment of our police. I am so humbled that through the PBA they have chosen to endorse and support my candidacy for NC House 26.” Donna White – NC House 26 Candidate
“I am very honored to receive an endorsement by North Carolina’s Police Benevolent Association because it represents my pledge to support working law enforcement officers and their families. I look forward to pursuing policy that not only protects our officers, but seeks to attract and retain the best in the profession.” Deanna Ballard – NC Senate 45 Candidate
“The North Carolina Police Benevolent Association endorsement is significant to me because a well - functioning society needs to support its law enforcement officers. They literally lay their lives on the line for the rest of us daily. I look forward to advancing the reputation of our law enforcement and enhancing the security of our communities when I get to Raleigh.” Paul Newton - NC Senate District 36 Candidate
“I am truly honored by this endorsement as it signifies my respect and support for law enforcement.” Senator Shirley Randleman – NC Senate District 30
“It is a great honor to receive the endorsement of the North Carolina Police Benevolent Association. Law enforcement officers across North Carolina serve and protect us every day. They put their lives on the line to make sure that we have a great quality of life and safe, secure communities. I am looking forward to continuing my advocacy for the law enforcement professionals who work so tirelessly for us.” Rep. Brad Salmon – NC House District 51
 “I am honored to have received the endorsement of the North Carolina Police Benevolent Association, ‘The Voice of Law Enforcement’. Thank you for your support and more importantly for the work you do every day to protect our citizens and to make North Carolina a safe and peaceful place for all.” Rep. Gary Pendleton – NC House District 49
At this critical juncture, it is important to have leadership that is willing to build the relationships necessary for quality public safety. I’m honored to have the endorsement of the NCPBA and appreciate their work as we continue to embark upon this mission.” Chaz Beasley – NC House District 92 Candidate
“I am proud to have the endorsement of the brave police officers who risk their lives every day to serve the citizens of our communities all across North Carolina.” Rep. Debra Conrad – NC House District 74
“I have always appreciated the men and women of law enforcement and what they mean to our communities and to our families. They put their lives on the line every day in dangerous situations so others can be safe. It is quite an honor for me to be endorsed by the Police Benevolent Association.” Kevin Corbin – NC House District 120 Candidate
“As a veteran of the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War era, I know what unrequited service means and today our police know that also, but they still serve with honor. I am very proud to get this endorsement. Our police need all the support we can muster. This thin blue line protects us every minute of every day and they deserve our trust and support. Thank you to all our police for all they do for us. I appreciate your dedication to service and bravery!” Linda Hunt Williams – NC House District 37 Candidate
“It is a deep honor to be endorsed by North Carolina’s law enforcement officers. The endorsement by the North Carolina Police Benevolent Association indicates my commitment to serving the men and women in uniform. Every day, our state’s law enforcement officers risk their lives to build stronger communities. I look forward to building a better North Carolina alongside law enforcement and it gives me great pride to be their candidate of choice to provide critical law and order leadership in the North Carolina Senate.” Andrew Barnhill – NC Senate District 9 Candidate
“Law enforcement officers in southeastern North Carolina and across the nation put themselves in harm’s way every day to protect our neighborhoods, schools and communities, I have tremendous respect for our law enforcement community and am grateful to have the support of the N.C. Police Benevolent Association in this campaign.” Brenden Jones – NC House District 46 Candidate
“When an officer has to do the unthinkable and use deadly force; he or she needs to know that they have not only their brothers and sisters in uniform behind them, but a team of attorneys who are not concerned about remuneration but more concerned that the officer knows they have an advocate in their corner. For 34 years as a PBA attorney, I have proudly answered that call.” Rep. Billy Richardson – NC House District 44
“I consider myself a life-long public servant, but those years of service pale in comparison to the service and sacrifice put forth by our law enforcement officers. I am honored by the endorsement from North Carolina’s Police Benevolent Association and will work hard to protect the interests of those who protect us.” Rep. Greg Murphy – NC House District 9
“Particularly in these days, law enforcement is what keeps us safe and encourages our personal responsibility. I support them for everything they do in that regard. I am proud to be endorsed by the PBA. Thank you all for your service to our communities! God bless you!” Rep. Rena Turner – NC House District 84
“With the PBA endorsement I feel law enforcement officers in my district know that, if I am elected, they will have a representative in the NC House that supports them. I am honored to have the PBA endorsement and I look forward to working with them to ensure our law enforcement officers have the tools they need to protect our streets.” Cody Henson - NC House District 113 Candidate
“I am honored to once again be endorsed by the PBA for reelection to the NC House. The support of frontline law enforcement is very important to me because it shows that these officers understand the respect and honor that I and our citizens hold for them. Their job is crucial to defending the foundation upon which our society is based.” Rep. Jonathan Jordan - NC House District 93
“I am honored to be endorsed by the PBA. The support of these men and women in law enforcement strengthens my commitment to work with them on issues that impact their lives and careers.” Rep. Marilyn Avila - NC House District 40
“I am honored and thrilled by the PBA endorsement and all the support I have received from your leadership and members! It is my goal as a senator to make sure we are doing everything we reasonably can to protect and support all our law enforcement officers. I will continue to work diligently to ensure you receive the financial and legal resources necessary to effectively protect and serve all of our citizens. Thank you for your service to our communities. I am so humbled to have your organization actively supporting my campaign!” Senator Tamara Barringer NC Senate District 17
"It has been an honor to work with the PBA on legislation important to the health and well being of the dedicated law enforcement officers who serve our community. I continue to be honored to have their support." Rep. Nelson Dollar - NC House District 36
"I am proud to stand with police officers across North Carolina, and at home in Buncombe County. Public safety is easy to take for granted when it is being provided for you by men and women who maintain high standards of personal integrity. I consider it a great honor to have earned the endorsement of the North Carolina Police Benevolent Association for the 2016 election." Rep. John Ager - NC House District 115 



PBA Makes Critical Endorsements for NC Supreme Court and Court of Appeals
The North Carolina Police Benevolent Association recently held a series of candidate interviews for those candidates seeking election to the North Carolina Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. During the screening process, the following candidates demonstrated why their experience and values make them uniquely qualified to represent the voters of North Carolina. They also demonstrated that they are committed to the rule of law and making fair and impartial decisions from the bench.
Robert Edmunds, Jr. 
Supreme Court 
Margaret Eagles 
NC Court of Appeals
Linda Stephens
NC Court of Appeals
Richard Dietz
NC Court of Appeals
Valerie Zachary
NC Court of Appeals
Bob Hunter
NC Court of Appeals
Upon notification of his endorsement from the North Carolina PBA, Justice Bob Edmunds, Jr. said: “I have long respected the professionalism of the Police Benevolent Association and am pleased and excited to have its’ endorsement. The PBA membership covers the political spectrum, indicating that those who are endorsed are not partisans, but are instead professional and independent. I proudly tell everyone who will listen that I am endorsed by the PBA in my campaign for re-election to the Supreme Court of North Carolina.”
When asked about her endorsement from the North Carolina PBA, Judge Margaret Eagles said: “In my capacity as a sitting judge in Wake County I have great respect for law enforcement and the very difficult job they have on a daily basis. I especially appreciate the endorsement from the North Carolina Police Benevolent Association that recognizes the dedication, steadfastness and commitment I try to bring to my court every day.”
After being notified of her endorsement from the North Carolina PBA, Judge Linda Stephens said: “I have the deepest respect for the PBA and its members. I am humbled and grateful to receive the endorsement of an organization that cares about justice, and supports its members and their service to the citizens of our State.”
When asked about his endorsement from the North Carolina PBA, Judge Richard Deitz said: “It is an honor to be endorsed by the North Carolina Police Benevolent Association. I understand and respect the critical role of law enforcement officers in keeping North Carolina safe and prosperous. I’m proud to be supported by this fine organization dedicated to the officers who protect and serve our communities. The PBA’s endorsement is particularly meaningful because members of law enforcement are so familiar with our courts and our judges. This endorsement is a signal that I have the confidence of the men and women who serve our justice system every day, and who know the qualities of good judges.”
After being notified of her endorsement from the North Carolina PBA, Judge Valerie Zachary said: “I am honored and humbled to receive the endorsement of the Police Benevolent Association in my race to retain my seat as judge on North Carolina Court of Appeals. From 26 years of legal practice in Yadkin County, I am well aware of the risks our law enforcement officers face every day. With many friends and neighbors who are law enforcement professionals, I also realize what the families and friends of officers live with each time the officer heads to work. I am committed to the just and fair treatment of law enforcement officers, and as a judge, will continue to serve all in our State in a fair, just and impartial manner.”
Upon notification of his endorsement from the North Carolina PBA, Judge Bob Hunter said: “I am very honored by the PBA endorsement. I read cases involving the bravery of law enforcement officers who are called on to perform extraordinary service. I know voters will pay attention to the support of the PBA in my campaign.”
President of the North Carolina Division Randy Byrd said: “The North Carolina Police Benevolent Association is proud to endorse these candidates in their election bid for the NC Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. They have the experience, judicial temperament, and integrity that is so vital for those serving on the bench. These Judges know what just cause means to officers and the importance of fair and impartial adherence to the rule of law. A vote for these judges is a vote for the men and women of law enforcement and the citizens they serve."


Court of Appeals Judge Bob Hunter answering questions put forward by the PBA


Court of Appeals Candidate Margaret Eagles addressing PBA issues


Court of Appeals Judge Bob Hunter with Raleigh Chapter Board Member Bo Harris


Legislative Committee Member Matt Pearson with Court of Appeals Judge Richard Deitz


Court of Appeals Judge Bob Hunter with NCPBA members


Court of Appeals Candidate Margaret Eagles with Winston-Salem Triad Chapter Vice-President Jamie Keltner


Judge Linda Stephens with NCPBA members


Court of Appeals Judge Valerie Zachary with NCPBA Leaders Dionne Everette and Eva Howard


Court of Appeals Judge Richard Dietz with NCPBA members


Court of Appeals Judge Linda Stephens speaking to NCPBA members


Judge Valerie Zachary with NCPBA members


Court of Appeals Judge Margaret Eagles with NCPBA members


Supreme Court Justice Robert Edmunds, Jr. with NCPBA members


Court of Appeals Judge Linda Stephens with Winston-Salem Triad President David Rose


Court of Appeals Judge Richard Dietz explaining his position on PBA issues


Court of Appeals Judge Valerie Zachary responding to issues presented by the PBA




Linda Coleman Receives PBA Endorsement for Lt. Governor
The North Carolina Police Benevolent Association has chosen to endorse Linda Coleman in her bid to become the next Lt. Governor. During the interview process, Linda Coleman demonstrated why her experience makes her uniquely qualified to represent the citizens of North Carolina. During her time in public service, she has served as County Commissioner, Personnel Director for the Department of Community Colleges, NC House member and Director of the Office of State Personnel.
Upon notification of her endorsement from the North Carolina PBA, Linda Coleman said: “I am honored to receive the endorsement of the North Carolina Police Benevolent Association. Throughout my career, I have worked across the aisle to foster trust and accountability between law enforcement and our communities. As your next Lt. Governor, I will advocate for safer and stronger neighborhoods and provide our law enforcement officers with the support and resources they so desperately need.” 
President of the North Carolina Division Randy Byrd said: “We are proud to endorse Linda Coleman in her bid to become the next Lt. Governor of North Carolina. Throughout her distinguished career she has proven that she is an effective leader, problem solver, and consensus builder. At each stage of her career she has also been a supporter of law enforcement officers and the jobs they do each and every day.”
NCPBA Division Sr. Vice-President Brandon McGaha with Lt. Governor Candidate Linda Coleman
Lt. Governor Candidate Linda Coleman greeting NCPBA members

Lt. Governor Candidate Linda Coleman speaking with NCPBA committee members

Lt. Governor Candidate Linda Coleman with North Mecklenburg Chapter President Tom Slymon

Lt. Governor Candidate Linda Coleman with NCPBA members

Sandhills Chapter President Mike Seago and Lt. Governor Candidate Linda Coleman



Charles Meeker Best Choice to Lead the Department of Labor
The North Carolina Police Benevolent Association has chosen to endorse Charles Meeker for Labor Commissioner. During his interview, Meeker demonstrated that he is uniquely qualified to lead the Department of Labor and has a thorough understanding of the issues presented by the PBA. Meeker is a graduate of Yale University and Columbia University Law School. He is an attorney in Raleigh and his firm specializes in local government issues. Meeker previously served as Mayor and as a member of the city council prior to that. 
Upon notification of his endorsement from the North Carolina PBA, Charles Meeker said: “Particularly in times like these, our police officers deserve our full support. I am honored to have the PBA’s endorsement.” 
President of the North Carolina Division Randy Byrd said: “We are proud to endorse Charles Meeker as the next Labor Commissioner for North Carolina. Mr. Meeker has an incredible record of leadership in his career and has demonstrated that he is willing to bring stakeholders together to work on issues and find common sense solutions. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated time and time again that he supports law enforcement officers and respects the job that they do.”
Labor Commissioner candidate Charles Meeker speaking to NCPBA members
Labor Commissioner candidate Charles Meeker with Raleigh Chapter President Jamie Rigsbee
Labor Commissioner candidate Charles Meeker with NCPBA members
Insurance Commissioner Endorsement Goes to Wayne Goodwin
The North Carolina Police Benevolent Association has chosen to endorse Wayne Goodwin in his re-election bid for insurance commissioner. Since taking office in 2009, Goodwin has ordered insurance rate cuts, rate freezes, rebates, refunds and restitution that have saved North Carolinians more than $2.4 billion.
Under his leadership, auto insurance refunds totaling $50 million were delivered to one in four North Carolina drivers. Reductions in workers’ compensation rates saved at least $115 million for North Carolina businesses, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina refunded a historic $155.8 million to 215,000 families.
Goodwin has made fighting insurance fraud a priority in his administration. Since 2009, his team of criminal investigators has made more than 1,000 arrests, resulting in over $55 million in restitution and recoveries for victims.
Upon notification of his endorsement from the North Carolina PBA, Wayne Goodwin said: “As the elected head of a law enforcement agency, it’s an honor to have the endorsement of the North Carolina Police Benevolent Association. This endorsement recognizes my successful fight against insurance fraud and over 850 criminal convictions on my watch. The PBA knows what it takes to keep people safe and we share a goal of protecting people across the state.”
President of the North Carolina Division Randy Byrd said: “We are proud to endorse Wayne Goodwin in his re-election bid for insurance commissioner. Commissioner Goodwin has a proven track record of fighting fraud and protecting the citizens of North Carolina. Commissioner Goodwin continues to be the right choice for this job and the citizens of North Carolina.”
*info for this article taken from
Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin addressing PBA questions
Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin with NCPBA members
Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin with NCPBA Division President Randy Byrd
PBA makes choice of Beth Wood for State Auditor
The North Carolina Police Benevolent Association has chosen to endorse Beth Wood for State Auditor in her re-election bid. Wood is a long-time public servant with 28 years of auditing experience. She previously worked in the State Auditor’s Office for more than a decade and also served in the State Treasurer’s Office. Prior to state government, Beth worked with Rayovac Corporation, as a CPA with McGladrey & Pullen and was the CFO for a North Carolina-based furniture company. 
Upon notification of her endorsement from the North Carolina PBA, Beth Wood said, “I am honored to have the endorsement of PBA. This validates and recognizes the hard work of our entire staff in The State Auditor’s office to run a professional and effective organization.” 
President of the North Carolina Division Randy Byrd said, “We are proud to endorse Beth Wood in her re-election bid for State Auditor. Beth’s work ethic and commitment to do the right thing for the taxpayers of North Carolina is to be admired. Beth is also one of the most efficient and respected leaders in our state. A vote for Beth is a vote for a leader with a proven record of accomplishment.” 
State Auditor Beth Wood speaking with NCPBA members
State Auditor Beth Wood with NCPBA members
State Auditor Beth Wood with ALE Chapter President Brent Massey
Endorsement for Superintendent of Public Instruction is June Atkinson
The North Carolina Police Benevolent Association has chosen to endorse Dr. June Atkinson for Superintendent of Public Instruction. During the interview process, Dr. June Atkinson demonstrated why her experience makes her uniquely qualified to represent the citizens of North Carolina. Dr. Atkinson has proudly served the state since 2004 and will continue to put the children and their education first if re-elected. 
Upon notification of her endorsement from the North Carolina PBA, Atkinson said, “I am proud to be endorsed by the North Carolina PBA, an organization comprised of dedicated public servants.”
President of the North Carolina Division Randy Byrd said: “We are proud to endorse June Atkinson in her re-election bid for North Carolina Superintendent of Public Institution. She has an established record of tackling the tough issues and working to improve the education system. She is also a strong supporter of law enforcement officers and understands the vital role that they serve in our communities and schools.”

Dr. June Atkinson with NCPBA members

Dr. June Atkinson with State Law Enforcement Chapter Sr. Vice-President Jim Boyle



Secretary of State PBA Endorsement goes to Elaine Marshall
The North Carolina Police Benevolent Association has chosen to endorse Elaine Marshall for Secretary of State. As Secretary of State, Elaine has received international recognition for her efforts to protect copyrights and deter counterfeit goods. The Secretary of State’s office today is a key law enforcement agency protecting consumers, investors, and charitable givers against securities fraud and financial scams. Elaine’s commitment to protecting investors and combating financial fraud has led to the recovery of hundreds of millions of dollars from major Wall Street banks for North Carolina investors and charities. Under Elaine’s leadership the Secretary of State’s office has worked with the FBI and US attorney’s offices to obtain convictions of several of those responsible for the fraud.
Upon notification of her endorsement from the North Carolina PBA, Marshall said, “As an administrator with law enforcement staff, the PBA endorsement is very meaningful to me. I understand the commitment of the dedicated men and women who potentially face danger every day to protect us.”
President of the North Carolina PBA Division Randy Byrd said, “We are proud to endorse Elaine Marshall in her re-election bid for Secretary of State. Her experience and service to the citizens of North Carolina is unparalleled as a public servant."
*Information in this article came from


Secretary of State Elaine Marshall





Local Endorsements Important Part of PBA Process
During this election season two chapters chose to get involved in their local elections. Candidates were asked serious questions about issues facing local officers and deputies in these areas. Based on these candidates graded answers, committee recommendation, and chapter board vote these candidates were endorsed in the general election in their respective seats.
Winston-Salem Triad Chapter
James Allen Joines
John Larson
City Council - South Ward
Denise Adams
City Council - North Ward
Daniel Bessee
City Council - Southeast Ward
Eric Henderson
City Council - Northeast Ward
Eric Morgan
Superior Court Judge, District 21-C
Aaron Berlin
District Court Judge, District 21
Wake County Chapter
Erv Portman
County Commissioner, District 4
John Odom
County Commissioner, District 6
James West
County Commissioner, District 5


Wake County District 4 Candidate for County Commissioner Erv Portman with NCPBA members


Winston-Salem Triad Chapter Members with Northwest Ward CIty Council Candidate Eric Henderson



PBA Privileged to be Special Guest of Governor McCrory at Gubernatorial Debate
On October 11, 2016, NC Division President Randy Byrd was in attendance as one of the special guests of Governor McCrory at the Gubernatorial debate. The debate was held at UNC-TV and was hosted by the North Carolina Association of Broadcasters. Chuck Todd of ‘Meet the Press’ served as the moderator. During the debate, Governor McCrory made a statement that spoke to his support of law enforcement officers and the difficult job they face in protecting our citizens in communities throughout North Carolina. According to Governor McCrory, “We need to recognize the pressure on our police officers who leave their families and homes daily not knowing if they are coming back.” 



North Carolina PBA on the Campaign Trail
A big part of the PBA’s political advocacy is financially supporting and attending events for endorsed candidates. During this election season, North Carolina PBA Leaders attended numerous events across the state where the PBA was recognized for their support and officers were thanked for the sacrifices they made. The PBA will always be an association that not only endorses candidates but supports them in their campaigns!
Attorney General Candidate Josh Stein with NCPBA leaders
Court of Appeals Candidate Margaret Eagles with NCPBA leaders
Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin with NCPBA leaders
Senator Shirley Randleman with Division Board Member David Rose
Senator Tamara Barringer with NCPBA leaders
Rep. Marilyn Avila with NCPBA leaders and Rep. John Szoka
State Treasurer Candidate Dale Folwell with NCPBA leaders
NCPBA Division Board Member Mike Seago with Senate District 9 Candidate Andrew Barnhill
Labor Commissioner Candidate Charles Meeker with NCPBA leaders
NC House Candidate 26 Candidate Donna White with NCPBA leaders and Speaker Tim Moore
Mtn. Chapter President Brandon McGaha with Senator Deanna Ballard

North Carolina News
PBA Obtains Successful Outcome For North Carolina Member

June 27, 2024

PBA member Officer David Clay had been a correctional officer at Scotland Correctional Institution for approximately twelve years prior to his dismissal. The dismissal arose from a use of force incident involving multiple officers ...

NCPBA Scholarship Recipient Nicholas Ruff

May 8, 2024

As a student at Davie County High School in North Carolina, Nicholas Ruff was active on the sports field where he used his entire body in support of his teammates.

NCPBA Scholarship Recipient Lucy Yopp

February 28, 2024

Lucy Yopp, who was recently awarded a scholarship from the Police Benevolent Foundation (PBF) for North Carolina, calls herself "lucky enough to grow up near the beach," in Hampstead, North Carolina.
