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Phil Rollinson is the new president of the Eastern Coastal Chapter

Phil Rollinson was recently elected as the President of the Eastern Coastal Chapter. The Eastern Coastal Chapter covers Pitt, Beaufort, Greene, Washington and Martin Counties.
Phil Rollinson is currently employed as a Sergeant with the Greenville Police Department. Sergeant Rollinson has been with the Greenville Police Department for 16 years. Prior to his employment with Greenville he served for 2.5 years with the Nags Head Police Department. During his time in law enforcement, Sergeant Rollinson has served in a number of positions including patrol, patrol special operations and investigations. Sergeant Rollinson has been assigned to gang and criminal intelligence investigations and has served in various taskforce positions. He has a Bachelor of Science degree from Mount Olive College and is a graduate of the 136thAdministrative Officers Course at the Southern PoliceInstitute.
Sergeant Rollinson states: “Thank you for the opportunity to serve my fellow officers as a PBA member. I have been a member of PBA since 2002 and have had the unfortunate circumstance to need their services following a line of duty shooting. I have also seen how the organization treats members and their families in the event of a line of duty. The PBA is second to none in support of law enforcement officers and their families.”
Sergeant Rollinson was born in Norfolk, VA and immediately returned to Hatteras Island where he grew up. He spent his entire childhood on Hatteras and graduated from Cape Hatteras High School in 1996. He was fortunate to have grown up in an environment where hard work and self-reliance are admirable, if not essential, traits. He has been lucky to have worked in a number of jobs and experienced a lot throughout his life thus far. He has worked for the Ferry Service, delivered pizzas, washed dishes, waited tables, stocked grocery shelves and rented movies to people. Sergeant Rollinson states: “All of those experiences shaped who I am today.”
Sergeant Rollinson’s father retired from the NC DOT Ferry Division after 34 years of service. His father was born on Hatteras and has been there his entire life. Sergeant Rollinson’s grandmother was born in the Keepers Quarters at the Cape Hatteras lighthouse, where her father was a lighthouse keeper. Sergeant Rollinson’sgrandfather served in the US Coast Guard and was a commercial fisherman. Sergeant Rollinson’s mother was a teacher’s assistant at Cape Hatteras School. She was born in Portsmouth VA and stayed there until she married his father. His mother passed away in 2002 one month after he began his job with Greenville PD.
While still in high school he found that he enjoyed emergency services and was a member of the FriscoVolunteer Fire Department and Hatteras Island Rescue Squad. He also routinely rode with deputies from the Dare County Sheriff’s Office. Sergeant Rollinson states that “once I began doing ride-alongs, I knew what I was going to do and what my career was going to be.”
After high school he attended Wilson Technical Community College for a brief period of time before returning home. He eventually attended East Carolina University but left that institution after three semesters. He decided he would rather work than go to school. He then made the decision to attend Pitt Community College in 1999 and was hired by Nags Head PD in 2000. He worked in Nags Head for 2.5 years before heading to Greenville. While employed with Greenvilleh e has been fortunate to have the opportunity to serve in a number of different units and positions. He has served in patrol, street level crime suppression, gang investigations, career criminal investigations and criminal intelligence. He served as a task force officer with the FBI and BATFE while a member of the Gang Unit. Sergeant Rollinson says, “I am not by any stretch the smartest or best officer out there so I feel blessed tohave had these opportunities.”
Sergeant Rollinson states “I am married to a wonderful woman who is a nurse employed with Vidant Medical Center in Greenville. We have 3 dogs and one cat. In our spare time we like to spend time with friends. We enjoy the beach and boating as well.” In addition to his work he serves on the Board of Directors for the Humane Society of Eastern Carolina. He and his wife are passionate about helping neglected and stray animals find homes. In addition to the work with HSEC he is a member of Law Enforcement United and completed the ride to Washington DC in 2017. Hewas unable to attend last year, but states he looks forward to the 2019 ride.
The Eastern Coastal Chapter is proud to have Sergeant Rollinson leading them as their President.

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