Police Benevolent Foundation Student Scholarships
The Police Benevolent Foundation (PBF) provides student scholarship opportunities on behalf of and in conjunction with each of the SSPBA Organizational Divisions.
Four distinct scholarships are available to children of PBA members or students pursuing a degree in Criminology or Criminal Justice. Those scholarships are:
Division Scholarship
Foundation Scholarship
Memorial Scholarship
Jack L Roberts Scholarship
The scholarship application window opens each year on December 1st and continues through June 1st. Please note that all applications must be postmarked by June 1st in order to be eligible for the review process.
It is important that each applicant review his or her application and follow each step carefully before submitting it for consideration. Submission of an application does not guarantee that any applicant will be awarded a scholarship. This is a selection process with specific selection criteria; each application will be reviewed by the selection committee. We would like to wish each applicant the best of luck and a prosperous future.
For more information and scholarship applications, please visit