Southern States PBA
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The SSPBA holds 2012 annual board meeting and elects new president

The 2012 SSPBA annual board meeting was held on Friday, June 8, 2012 in McDonough, GA at the Hilton Garden Inn. Each active division within the Southern States PBA was represented at the meeting.  Board members received reports from each PBA department head, discussed policies and elected a new SSPBA Executive Board. 
In 2010 the board voted to separate policy and business to ensure a stable future and until now, the president and CEO were combined into one position. The board of directors decided that it was essential to separate the business side of the association from the policy-making side.  So, the board voted to make the President and CEO positions separate with the president overseeing the policy-making side of the association and the CEO overseeing the business side of the organization.  With this plan now in place, chief executive officer Jack Roberts will continue to have ultimate authority over how the association operates. This change in structure will allow the PBA to continue to grow and maintain its excellent service to its members as the voice of law enforcement officers. 
With the execution of the new structure of the association, the SSPBA would like to congratulate Mississippi PBA division president, Chris Skinner, who was elected as the new Southern States PBA President. Jack Roberts will continue his role as the chief executive officer of the Southern States Police Benevolent Association and the Police Benevolent Foundation overseeing the business aspects and of the association while Chris Skinner oversees the policy making decisions of the board.  
Newly elected SSPBA president Chris Skinner calls his first official PBF board meeting to order
Jack Roberts was recognized for his loyal and dedicated service as long time president of the SSPBA at the meeting.  The Southern States PBA home office building in McDonough, GA was dedicated in his name and will now be known as the Jack L. Roberts Center.  The building faceplate that will be displayed on the building was given to Mr. Roberts by SSPBA founder and Past President, Charlie Maddox.
SSPBA Founder and Past President Charlie Maddox presenting Immediate Past President, Jack Roberts with the building dedication plaque


The new executive board for the Southern States PBA and the Police Benevolent Foundation

Southern States PBA Executive Board members, (L - R) Joe Naia, Chris Skinner, Dave Soderberg, Beth Dyke

Chris Skinner

Dave Soderberg
Sr. Vice President

Beth Dyke
Vice President

Joe Naia

Southern States PBA News
ALPBA scholarship recipient plans to hit the ground in college

December 11, 2024

Maddie Cone, Auburn University freshman, is eager to show her love for the outside world with a degree in agricultural education. "I chose this field to create change in the world through my love for agriculture and education," she said. "Receiving this scholarship is a great honor," she said. "Law enforcement runs deep in my family. This scholarship not only helps to alleviate the financial burdens of college, but it also shows the great support PBF has for the families of law enforcement." Maddie said she is excited about her future and teaching young students to love and appreciate the earth as much as she always has.

Social Security Fairness Act

The Social Security Fairness Act has passed the House and is now in the Senate! Learn more about what you can do.

NCPBA Scholarship Recipient Trey Hinson

November 25, 2024

Whatever Piedmont High School graduate Trey Hinson tackles, he conquers. Next up, college and a law enforcement career in the footsteps of his father, NCPBA member Jason Hinson. Trey has earned two scholarships, in fact, the NCBA Division scholarship and a Foundation Scholarship, earmarked for those students pursuing a degree in criminal justice or criminology. He started college at Appalachian State University in fall of 2024.
