VAPBA Legislative Update
Mar 4, 2013
Bills | Committee | Last action | Date |
HB 1305 - Habeeb - Workers' compensation; injuries presumed to be in course of employment, unless evidence to contrary. |
(H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (S) Committee on Commerce and Labor |
(S) Signed by President | 02/20/13 |
HB 1331 - Farrell - Local employees; retirement benefits. | (H) Committee on Appropriations | (H) Left in Appropriations | 02/05/13 |
HB 1347 - Wright - Workers' compensation; weather as risk of public safety officer's employment,injuries incurred. |
(H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (S) Committee on Commerce and Labor |
(S) Signed by President | 02/20/13 |
HB 1356 - Yost - Health insurance; local government employees eligibile to participate in state employee plan. | (H) Committee on Appropriations | (H) Left in Appropriations | 02/05/13 |
HB 1372 - Head - Unemployment compensation; disqualification from benefits due to loss of license or certification. |
(H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (S) Committee on Commerce and Labor |
(S) Signed by President | 02/21/13 |
HB 1376 - Merricks - Controlled substances; law-enforcement officer's testimony regarding field-test identification. |
(H) Committee for Courts of Justice (S) Committee for Courts of Justice |
(S) Signed by President | 02/19/13 |
HB 1379 - Yost - Law-Enforcement Assistance Program; DCJS to develop a peer-counseling program. | (H) Committee on Appropriations | (H) Left in Appropriations | 02/05/13 |
HB 1380 - Yost - Assault and battery; includes campus police officers within enhanced penalty provision. | (H) Committee for Courts of Justice | (H) Left in Courts of Justice | 02/05/13 |
HB 1382 - Webert - Unemployment compensation; disqualification from benefits due to loss of license or certification. | (H) Committee on Commerce and Labor | (H) Stricken from docket by Commerce and Labor | 01/17/13 |
HB 1385 - Comstock - Labor organization representation; right to vote by secret ballot. |
(H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (S) Committee on Commerce and Labor |
(S) Signed by President | 02/23/13 |
HB 1459 - Tyler - Law-Enforcement Officers Procedural Guarantee Act; definition of law-enforcement officer. | (H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety | (H) Tabled in Militia, Police and Public Safety | 01/18/13 |
HB 1494 - Dance - Sheriffs; expands authority to deputize persons to direct traffic, training required. |
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (S) Committee on Transportation |
(S) Stricken at request of Patron in Transportation (15-Y 0-N) | 02/13/13 |
HB 1506 - Lewis - Service firearms; minimum years of service. |
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (S) Committee for Courts of Justice |
(S) Signed by President | 02/14/13 |
HB 1526 - Rust - HOT lanes; emergency vehicles and law-enforcement vehicles cannot use when commuting to work place. |
(H) Committee on Transportation (S) Committee on Transportation |
(S) Signed by President | 02/22/13 |
HB 1532 - Bulova - Virginia Retirement System; benefits for certain local employees. |
(H) Committee on Appropriations (S) Committee on Finance |
(S) Signed by President | 02/22/13 |
HB 1554 - Loupassi - Risk management plans; insurance coverage for sheriffs, limitation on liability. |
(H) Committee for Courts of Justice (S) Committee for Courts of Justice |
(H) VOTE: ADOPTION (98-Y 0-N) | 02/21/13 |
HB 1557 - Marshall, R.G. - School boards; training for persons designated to carry concealed handguns on school property. | (H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety | (H) Left in Militia, Police and Public Safety | 02/06/13 |
HB 1561 - Garrett - Local police departments; cooperation agreements with private police departments certified by DCJS. |
(H) Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns (S) Committee on Local Government |
(S) Signed by President | 02/21/13 |
HB 1567 - Head - Suspended or revoked license; driving recklessly causing death of another person, penalty. | (H) Committee for Courts of Justice | (H) Left in Courts of Justice | 02/05/13 |
HB 1568 - Miller - Virginia Retirement System; retirees hired as school board security personnel. | (H) Committee on Appropriations | (H) Left in Appropriations | 02/05/13 |
HB 1569 - Garrett - Criminal justice training academies; sovereign immunity of trainers certified by DCJS, etc. |
(H) Committee for Courts of Justice (S) Committee for Courts of Justice |
(S) Signed by President | 02/14/13 |
HB 1582 - Cole - Armed security officers; protection of schools and child day centers. |
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (S) Committee on Education and Health |
(S) Signed by President | 02/19/13 |
HB 1604 - Farrell - Private security services businesses; carrying firearm in course of duties. |
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (S) Committee for Courts of Justice |
(S) Signed by President | 02/14/13 |
HB 1626 - Tata - Virginia Law Officers' Retirement System; General Assembly may add certain full-time employees. | (H) Committee on Appropriations | (H) Left in Appropriations | 02/05/13 |
HB 1636 - Cosgrove - Workers' compensation; presumptions, members of enforcement division of DMV. | (H) Committee on Appropriations | (H) Left in Appropriations | 02/05/13 |
HB 1762 - Ramadan - Hunting; allowed on Sunday in certain counties. | (H) Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources | (H) Left in Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources | 02/05/13 |
HB 1826 - Villanueva - Law-enforcement officers; exceptions to territorial limits. |
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (S) Committee on Local Government |
(S) Signed by President | 02/21/13 |
HB 1842 - Rust - License plates, special; issuance for firefighters and auxiliaries; Fraternal Order of Police; etc. | (H) Committee on Transportation | (H) Stricken from docket by Transportation | 01/22/13 |
HB 1992 - McClellan - State grievance procedure; review of hearing decisions. | (H) Committee on General Laws | (H) Left in General Laws | 02/05/13 |
HB 1997 - Sickles - Labor unions; privileged communications and information. | (H) Committee on Commerce and Labor | (H) Tabled in Commerce and Labor | 01/22/13 |
HB 2036 - Webert - Hunting with bow and arrow or crossbow; allows persons to hunt birds or animals on Sunday. | (H) Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources | (H) Left in Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources | 02/05/13 |
HB 2037 - Webert - Hunting; lawful to hunt or kill nuisance species on Sunday. | (H) Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources | (H) Left in Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources | 02/05/13 |
HB 2112 - Lingamfelter - Hunting; allowed on Sunday on state and federal military bases, etc. with approval of officer. | (H) Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources | (H) Left in Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources | 02/05/13 |
HB 2121 - Herring - Law-enforcement officers; grounds for decertification, DCJS authorized to waive requirements. |
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (S) Committee on Local Government |
(S) Signed by President | 02/21/13 |
HB 2134 - Keam - Virginia Freedom of Information Act; state agencies to post schedule of costs for producing records. | (H) Committee on General Laws | (H) Left in General Laws | 02/05/13 |
HB 2160 - Kilgore - Virginia Workers' compensation; limitations period and balance billing. | (H) Committee on Commerce and Labor | (H) Left in Commerce and Labor | 02/05/13 |
HB 2168 - Howell, W.J. - Virginia Retirement System; hybrid retirement program. | (H) Committee on Appropriations | (H) Left in Appropriations | 02/05/13 |
HB 2169 - Cole - Grievance procedure, local; removes requirement. |
(H) Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns (S) Committee on Local Government |
(S) Passed by indefinitely in Local Government (9-Y 6-N) | 02/12/13 |
HB 2173 - Lewis - Virginia Retirement System; retirees hired as school board security personnel. | (H) Committee on Appropriations | (H) Left in Appropriations | 02/05/13 |
HB 2188 - Jones - Line of Duty Act; certain employees to make irrevocable election to self-fund benefits. | (H) Committee on Appropriations | (H) Left in Appropriations | 02/05/13 |
HB 2244 - Spruill - School Resource Officer Grants Program and Fund; proceeds may be disbursed to award matching grants. | (H) Committee on Appropriations | (H) Left in Appropriations | 02/05/13 |
HB 2247 - Ware, R.L. - Assault and battery; changes conditions for applying aggravated penalty. | (H) Committee for Courts of Justice | (H) Left in Courts of Justice | 02/05/13 |
HB 2277 - Gilbert - School security officers; officers shall be retired law-enforcement officers. | (H) Committee for Courts of Justice | (H) Tabled in Courts of Justice | 01/23/13 |
HB 2278 - Gilbert - State Police, Department of; variable housing allowance. | (H) Committee on Appropriations | (H) Left in Appropriations | 02/05/13 |
HB 2340 - Marshall, R.G. - Agency, political subdivision, etc., of VA; prevents assisting federal government in investigation. | (H) Committee on Appropriations | (H) Left in Appropriations | 02/05/13 |
HJ 536 - Bell, Richard P. - Constitutional amendment; right to work (first reference). |
(H) Committee on Privileges and Elections (S) Committee on Privileges and Elections |
(S) Rejected by Senate (18-Y 22-N) | 02/15/13 |
SB 694 - Black - Reckless driving; removes driving in excess of 80 mph, etc. | (S) Committee on Transportation | (S) Failed to report (defeated) in Transportation (7-Y 7-N) | 01/16/13 |
SB 704 - Puckett - Workers' compensation; disease presumption, corrections officers. | (S) Committee on Commerce and Labor | (S) Incorporated by Commerce and Labor (SB774-Blevins) (15-Y 0-N) | 01/28/13 |
SB 727 - Carrico - Workers' compensation; presumptions, members of enforcement division of DMV. |
(H) Committee on Appropriations (S) Committee on Commerce and Labor |
(H) Left in Appropriations | 02/18/13 |
SB 774 - Blevins - Workers' compensation; disease presumption, corrections officers. | (S) Committee on Commerce and Labor | (S) Failed to report (defeated) in Commerce and Labor (7-Y 8-N) | 01/28/13 |
SB 803 - Garrett - Hunting; lawful to hunt or kill coyotes on Sunday. | (S) Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources | (S) Read third time and defeated by Senate (13-Y 26-N) | 01/23/13 |
SB 818 - Puckett - Prisoners; establish compact for control of those receiving emergency medical care outside of VA. |
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (S) Committee on Privileges and Elections |
(S) Signed by President | 02/18/13 |
SB 839 - Carrico - Local boundaries for law-enforcement; organizing for purpose of 911 dispatch and response. |
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (S) Committee on Local Government |
(H) Signed by Speaker | 02/21/13 |
SB 854 - Petersen - Virginia Retirement System; benefits for certain local employees. |
(H) Committee on Appropriations (S) Committee on Finance |
(S) Signed by President | 02/21/13 |
SB 896 - Reeves - Workers' compensation; weather as risk of public safety officer's employment,injuries incurred. |
(H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (S) Committee on Commerce and Labor |
(S) Signed by President | 02/21/13 |
SB 915 - Ruff - Workers' compensation; injuries to public safety officers. | (S) Committee on Commerce and Labor | (S) Incorporated by Commerce and Labor (SB896-Reeves) (16-Y 0-N) | 01/28/13 |
SB 929 - Vogel - State Police, Department of; variable housing allowance. |
(H) Committee on Appropriations (S) Committee on Finance |
(H) Left in Appropriations | 02/18/13 |
SB 940 - Stuart - School resource officers; school board to coordinate with local law-enforcement agency to provide. | (S) Committee on Finance | (S) Passed by indefinitely in Finance (12-Y 3-N) | 01/29/13 |
SB 995 - Watkins - VRS; technical changes regarding retirement plans. |
(H) Committee on Appropriations (S) Committee on Finance |
(S) Signed by President | 02/21/13 |
SB 1026 - Howell - Law-enforcement officers; grounds for decertification, DCJS authorized to waive requirements. |
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (S) Committee on General Laws and Technology |
(S) Signed by President | 02/20/13 |
Bills | Committee | Last action | Date |
SB 1026 - Howell - Law-enforcement officers; grounds for decertification, DCJS authorized to waive requirements. |
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (S) Committee on General Laws and Technology |
(S) Signed by President | 02/20/13 |
SB 1045 - Newman - Criminal justice training academies; sovereign immunity of trainers certified by DCJS, etc. |
(H) Committee for Courts of Justice (S) Committee for Courts of Justice |
(H) Signed by Speaker | 02/13/13 |
SB 1047 - Newman - Local police departments; cooperation agreements with private police departments certified by DCJS. |
(H) Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns (S) Committee for Courts of Justice |
(S) Signed by President | 02/18/13 |
SB 1113 - McDougle - State or local employees; filing fraudulent liens or encumbrances against, penalty. | (S) Committee for Courts of Justice | (S) Incorporated by Courts of Justice (SB811-Garrett) (13-Y 0-N) | 01/21/13 |
SB 1240 - Deeds - School resource officers; local law-enforcement agencies to provide. | (S) Committee on Finance | (S) Incorporated by Finance (SB940-Stuart) (15-Y 0-N) | 01/29/13 |
SB 1244 - Colgan - Virginia Retirement System, etc.; retirement allowance for certain retired persons. | (S) Committee on Finance | (S) Left in Finance | 02/06/13 |
SB 1251 - Barker - Retirement System; law-enforcement officer retirees hired as school board security personnel. |
(H) Committee on Appropriations (S) Committee on Finance |
(H) Left in Appropriations | 02/18/13 |
SB 1264 - Stuart - VA. FOIA; access to criminal and other records. |
(H) Committee on General Laws (S) Committee on General Laws and Technology |
(S) Signed by President | 02/23/13 |
SJ 290 - Deeds - State law-enforcement agencies; JLARC to study reorganizing under Virginia State Police. | (S) Committee on Rules | (S) Passed by indefinitely in Rules with letter | 02/01/13 |
SJ 319 - Ebbin - Constitutional amendment; contributions to defined benefit retirement plans. | (S) Committee on Privileges and Elections | (S) Rejected by Senate (16-Y 24-N) | 02/04/13 |
SJ 332 - Reeves - Celebrating the life of Chris Yung. | (S) Bill text as passed Senate and House (SJ332ER) | 01/15/13 |
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