Last action
HB 21 - Marshall, R.G. - School boards; employee firearms training.
(H) Committee on Education
(H) Referred to Committee on Education
HB 66 - Ramadan - School resource officers; local school board to place officer in each public school.
(H) Committee on Education
(H) Assigned Education sub: Elementary and Secondary Education
HB 150 - Minchew - Jail authorities; sovereign immunity.
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety
(H) Subcommittee recommends continuing to 2015
HB 152 - Minchew - State Police, Department of; variable housing allowance.
(H) Committee on Appropriations
(H) Assigned App. sub: Compensation and Retirement
HB 173 - Farrell - Electronic devices; search without warrant prohibited.
(H) Committee for Courts of Justice
(H) Assigned Courts sub: Criminal
HB 178 - Farrell - Virginia Retirement System; assumed rate of return on investments for employer contributions.
(H) Committee on Appropriations
(H) Assigned App. sub: Compensation and Retirement
HB 181 - Farrell - Virginia Retirement System; collection of overpayments to retirees and beneficiaries.
(H) Committee on Appropriations
(H) Assigned App. sub: Compensation and Retirement
HB 182 - Farrell - Local employees; retirement benefits.
(H) Committee on Appropriations
(H) Assigned App. sub: Compensation and Retirement
HB 216 - Albo - Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority; created.
(H) Committee on General Laws
(H) Referred to Committee on General Laws
HB 220 - Albo - Driving while intoxicated; refusal of blood or breath tests.
(H) Committee for Courts of Justice
(H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table
HB 256 - Lingamfelter - State Police, Department of; variable housing allowance.
(H) Committee on Appropriations
(H) Assigned App. sub: Compensation and Retirement
HB 306 - Lingamfelter - Deputy sheriffs; eligibility for enhanced retirement benefits.
(H) Committee on Appropriations
(H) Assigned App. sub: Compensation and Retirement
HB 327 - Surovell - Law-Enforcement Officers Procedural Guarantee Act; definition of law-enforcement officer.
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety
(H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table
HB 439 - LeMunyon - Fraud and Abuse Whistle Blower Protection Act; applicability to Virginia citizens.
(H) Committee on General Laws
(H) Subcommittee recommends reporting with amendment(s) (8-Y 0-N)
HB 496 - Yost - Assault and battery; of campus police, penalty.
(H) Committee for Courts of Justice
(H) Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice
HB 514 - Morris - Virginia Retirement System and local government retirement systems; investments.
(H) Committee on Appropriations
(H) Stricken from docket by Appropriations
HB 587 - Yost - Campus police and security departments; DCJS to identify minimum core operational functions.
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety
(H) Subcommittee recommends reporting with amendment(s) (8-Y 0-N)
HB 728 - Lingamfelter - Fraud and Abuse Whistle Blower Protection Act; discriminatory and retaliatory action.
(H) Committee for Courts of Justice
(H) Assigned Courts sub: Civil
HB 739 - Lingamfelter - Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers & Fraud and Abuse Whistle Blower Protection Acts; remedies, etc.
(H) Committee on General Laws
(H) Assigned GL sub: Subcommittee #4
HB 788 - LeMunyon - Virginia Freedom of Information Act; out-of-state requests for records.
(H) Committee on General Laws
(H) Assigned GL sub: Subcommittee #2
HB 821 - Lopez - Workers' compensation; disease presumption; correctional officers.
(H) Committee on Commerce and Labor
(H) Assigned C & L sub: Special Workers Comp
HB 827 - Minchew - Emergency custody orders; temporary firearms restriction orders.
(H) Committee for Courts of Justice
(H) Assigned Courts sub: Mental Health
HB 839 - Brink - Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); applicability to the Office of the Attorney General.
(H) Committee on General Laws
(H) Subcommittee recommends continuing to 2015
HB 931 - Greason - State Police, Department of; appointment of supervisory officers.
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety
(H) Assigned MPPS sub: Subcommittee #2
HB 981 - Cline - Alcoholic beverage control; certain tobacco laws, enforcement by Department of State Police.
(H) Committee on General Laws
(H) Referred to Committee on General Laws
HB 983 - Cline - Virginia Retirement System; retirement credits for special forest wardens.
(H) Committee on Appropriations
(H) Referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 987 - Cline - Department of State Police; appointment of supervisory officers.
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety
(H) Assigned MPPS sub: Subcommittee #2
HB 1174 - Comstock - Firearms training standard; auxiliary police officers.
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety
(H) Referred to Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety
HB 1203 - Hugo - Local employee grievance procedure.
(H) Referral Pending
(H) Committee Referral Pending
HJ 26 - Landes - Law-enforcement agencies; JLARC to study reorganizing functions under Virginia State Police.
(H) Committee on Rules
(H) Referred to Committee on Rules
HJ 31 - Tyler - Corrections, Department of; JLARC to study staffing levels and employment conditions.
(H) Committee on Rules
(H) Referred to Committee on Rules
HJ 103 - Jones - Study; JLARC; Virginia's Line of Duty Act; report.
(H) Committee on Rules
(H) Referred to Committee on Rules
HR 67 - Toscano - Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control; public interactions.
(H) Committee on Rules
(H) Referred to Committee on Rules
SB 37 - Howell - Conservation police officers; appointment by Director of Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.
(H) Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources
(S) Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources
(H) Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources
SB 87 - Watkins - VRS; technical amendments to programs administered by System.
(S) Committee on Finance
(S) Engrossed by Senate - committee substitute SB87S1
SB 154 - Puckett - Hunting; allowed on Sundays under certain circumstances.
(S) Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources
(S) Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources
SB 188 - McDougle - State and local employees; deferred compensation plans.
(S) Committee on Finance
(S) Referred to Committee on Finance
SB 192 - McDougle - Department of Game and Inland Fisheries; appointment of certain sworn law-enforcement positions.
(S) Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources
(S) Incorporated by Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources (SB37-Howell) (14-Y 0-N)
SB 206 - Carrico - Department of State Police; appointment of supervisory officers.
(S) Committee on Finance
(S) Rereferred to Finance
SB 254 - McDougle - Law-enforcement officers; exceptions to territorial limits.
(S) Committee on Local Government
(S) Constitutional reading dispensed (38-Y 0-N)
SB 256 - Deeds - Virginia Law Officers' Retirement System; conservation officers members of System.
(S) Committee on Finance
(S) Referred to Committee on Finance
SB 258 - Deeds - Law-enforcement consolidation plan.
(S) Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources
(S) Continued to 2015 in Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources (12-Y 0-N)
SB 289 - Carrico - Line of Duty Act; funding and review.
(S) Committee on Finance
(S) Rereferred to Finance
SB 293 - Puckett - Reckless driving; causing death or injury of certain persons, Class 6 felony.
(S) Committee for Courts of Justice
(S) Rereferred to Courts of Justice
SB 326 - Deeds - Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers & Fraud and Abuse Whistle Blower Protection Acts; remedies, etc.
(S) Committee on General Laws and Technology
(S) Passed by for the day
SB 385 - Reeves - Virginia Retirement System and local government retirement systems; investments.
(S) Committee on Finance
(S) Referred to Committee on Finance
SB 420 - Hanger - Virginia Retirement System; impact statements.
(S) Committee on Finance
(S) Read second time and engrossed
SB 451 - Norment - Definition of law-enforcement officer; municipal park rangers.
(S) Committee for Courts of Justice
(S) Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice
SB 493 - Puckett - Line of Duty Act; funding and review.
(S) Committee on Finance
(S) Rereferred to Finance
SB 527 - Carrico - State Police, Department of; appointment of supervisory officers.
(S) Committee on General Laws and Technology
(S) Incorporated by General Laws and Technology (SB206-Carrico) (12-Y 0-N)
SB 566 - Colgan - Virginia Retirement System benefits.
(S) Committee on Finance
(S) Referred to Committee on Finance
SB 570 - Stuart - Campus police and school security officers; assault and battery, penalty.
(S) Committee for Courts of Justice
(S) Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice
SJ 33 - Lucas - Study; JLARC; staffing Department of Corrections; report.
(S) Committee on Rules
(S) Referred to Committee on Rules
SJ 36 - Deeds - Study; JLARC to study consolidation of law-enforcement agencies under the Virginia State Police.
(S) Committee on Rules
(S) Referred to Committee on Rules
SJ 55 - Puckett - Study; JLARC; staffing Department of Corrections; report.
(S) Committee on Rules
(S) Referred to Committee on Rules