VAPBA Legislative Update
Jan 24, 2014
Bills |
Committee |
Last action |
HB 21 - Marshall, R.G. - School boards; employee firearms training. |
(H) Referred to Committee on Education |
11/21/13 |
HB 66 - Ramadan - School resource officers; local school board to place officer in each public school. |
(H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table |
01/28/14 |
(H) Continued to 2015 in Militia, Police and Public Safety |
01/17/14 |
HB 152 - Minchew - State Police, Department of; variable housing allowance. |
(H) Subcommittee recommends incorporating (HB256-Lingamfelter) |
01/30/14 |
HB 173 - Farrell - Electronic devices; search without warrant prohibited. |
(H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table |
02/05/14 |
HB 178 - Farrell - Virginia Retirement System; assumed rate of return on investments for employer contributions. |
(H) Subcommittee recommends striking from docket |
01/30/14 |
HB 181 - Farrell - Virginia Retirement System; collection of overpayments to retirees and beneficiaries. |
(H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table |
01/30/14 |
(H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table |
01/30/14 |
HB 216 - Albo - Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority; created. |
(H) Continued to 2015 in General Laws |
01/23/14 |
HB 220 - Albo - Driving while intoxicated; refusal of blood or breath tests. |
(H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table |
01/13/14 |
HB 256 - Lingamfelter - State Police, Department of; variable housing allowance. |
(H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table |
02/06/14 |
HB 306 - Lingamfelter - Deputy sheriffs; eligibility for enhanced retirement benefits. |
(H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table |
02/06/14 |
HB 327 - Surovell - Law-Enforcement Officers Procedural Guarantee Act; definition of law-enforcement officer. |
(H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table |
01/16/14 |
HB 439 - LeMunyon - Fraud and Abuse Whistle Blower Protection Act; applicability to Virginia citizens. |
(S) Referred to Committee on General Laws and Technology |
01/28/14 |
HB 496 - Yost - Assault and battery; of campus police, penalty. |
(H) Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice |
01/06/14 |
HB 514 - Morris - Virginia Retirement System and local government retirement systems; investments. |
(H) Stricken from docket by Appropriations |
01/15/14 |
HB 587 - Yost - College campus police and security departments; DCJS to identify minimum core operational functions. |
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety
(S) Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice |
01/23/14 |
HB 728 - Lingamfelter - Fraud and Abuse Whistle Blower Protection Act; discriminatory and retaliatory action. |
(H) Subcommittee recommends reporting with amendment(s) (5-Y 4-N) |
02/03/14 |
HB 739 - Lingamfelter - Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers & Fraud and Abuse Whistle Blower Protection Acts; remedies, etc. |
(H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table |
02/04/14 |
HB 788 - LeMunyon - Virginia Freedom of Information Act; out-of-state requests for records. |
(H) Continued to 2015 in General Laws |
02/06/14 |
HB 821 - Lopez - Workers' compensation; correctional officers, presumption of compensability for certain diseases. |
(H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table |
02/04/14 |
HB 827 - Minchew - Emergency custody orders; temporary firearms restriction orders. |
(H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table |
01/29/14 |
HB 839 - Brink - Virginia Freedom of Information Act; applicability to Office of the Attorney General. |
(H) Continued to 2015 in General Laws |
01/21/14 |
HB 931 - Greason - State Police, Department of; appointment of supervisory officers. |
(H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table |
02/06/14 |
HB 981 - Cline - Alcoholic beverage control; certain tobacco laws, enforcement by Department of State Police. |
(H) Continued to 2015 in General Laws |
02/06/14 |
HB 983 - Cline - Virginia Retirement System; retirement credits for special forest wardens. |
(H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table |
02/06/14 |
HB 987 - Cline - Department of State Police; appointment of supervisory officers. |
(H) Incorporated by Militia, Police and Public Safety (HB931-Greason) |
01/24/14 |
HB 1148 - Morefield - Reckless driving; causing death or injury of certain persons, Class 6 felony. |
(H) Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice |
01/14/14 |
HB 1174 - Comstock - Auxiliary police officers; firearms training standard. |
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety
(S) Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice |
01/30/14 |
HB 1203 - Hugo - Localities; provision of grievance procedure. |
(H) Continued to 2015 in Counties, Cities and Towns |
02/07/14 |
(H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table |
02/06/14 |
HB 1237 - Gilbert - Hunting; wild animals and wild birds on private property and state waters on Sunday. |
(H) Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources
(S) Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources |
(S) Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources |
01/29/14 |
HB 1250 - Ramadan - Hunting; in certain counties allowed on Sundays. |
(H) Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources |
(H) Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources |
01/17/14 |
HB 1269 - Anderson - Government Data Collection & Dissemination Practices Act; collection & use of personal information. |
(H) Continued to 2015 in Militia, Police and Public Safety |
02/07/14 |
HJ 26 - Landes - Law-enforcement agencies; JLARC to study reorganizing functions under Virginia State Police. |
(S) Referred to Committee on Rules |
02/06/14 |
HJ 31 - Tyler - Corrections, Department of; JLARC to study staffing levels and employment conditions. |
(H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table |
01/30/14 |
HJ 103 - Jones - Virginia's Line of Duty Act; Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission to study. |
(S) Referred to Committee on Rules |
02/06/14 |
HR 67 - Toscano - Public interactions; Virginia ABC to observe agency policies and protect constitutional rights. |
(H) Tabled in Rules |
01/31/14 |
SB 37 - Howell - Conservation police officers; appointment by Director of Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. |
(H) Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources
(S) Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources |
(H) Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources |
01/20/14 |
SB 87 - Watkins - VRS; technical amendments to programs administered by System. |
(H) Committee on Appropriations
(H) Referred to Committee on Appropriations |
01/23/14 |
SB 89 - Newman - Virginia Retirement System; disability program for hybrid retirement plan participants. |
(S) Failed to report (defeated) in Finance (6-Y 11-N) |
02/04/14 |
SB 154 - Puckett - Hunting; allowed on Sundays under certain circumstances. |
(S) Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources |
(S) Engrossed by Senate as amended SB154E |
02/07/14 |
SB 188 - McDougle - State and local employees; deferred compensation plans. |
(S) Read third time and passed Senate (40-Y 0-N) |
02/07/14 |
SB 192 - McDougle - Department of Game and Inland Fisheries; appointment of certain sworn law-enforcement positions. |
(S) Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources |
(S) Incorporated by Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources (SB37-Howell) (14-Y 0-N) |
01/09/14 |
SB 206 - Carrico - Department of State Police; appointment of supervisory officers. |
(H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety
(H) Referred to Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety |
02/07/14 |
SB 254 - McDougle - Law-enforcement officers; exceptions to territorial limits. |
(H) Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns
(H) Referred to Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns |
01/23/14 |
SB 256 - Deeds - Virginia Law Officers' Retirement System; conservation officers members of System. |
(H) Committee on Appropriations
(H) Referred to Committee on Appropriations |
02/07/14 |
SB 258 - Deeds - Law-enforcement consolidation plan; Secretary of Natural Resources to develop. |
(S) Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources |
(S) Continued to 2015 in Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources (12-Y 0-N) |
01/16/14 |
(S) Incorporates 493 |
01/21/14 |
SB 293 - Puckett - Reckless driving; causing death or injury of certain persons, Class 5 felony. |
(S) Read third time and passed Senate (40-Y 0-N) |
02/07/14 |
SB 326 - Deeds - Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers & Fraud and Abuse Whistle Blower Protection Acts; remedies, etc. |
(S) Read third time and defeated by Senate (14-Y 24-N) |
01/23/14 |
SB 385 - Reeves - Virginia Retirement System and local government retirement systems; investments. |
(S) Stricken at request of Patron in Finance (11-Y 0-N) |
02/04/14 |
SB 420 - Hanger - Virginia Retirement System; impact statements. |
(H) Committee on Appropriations
(H) Referred to Committee on Appropriations |
01/23/14 |
SB 451 - Norment - Law-enforcement officer; sworn municipal park rangers added to definition of officer. |
(S) Read third time and passed Senate (40-Y 0-N) |
02/07/14 |
SB 452 - Howell - License plate reader database; Department of State Police to maintain database. |
(S) Stricken at the request of Patron in Courts of Justice (13-Y 0-N) |
01/13/14 |
(S) Incorporated by Finance (SB289-Carrico) (15-Y 0-N) |
01/21/14 |
SB 527 - Carrico - State Police, Department of; appointment of supervisory officers. |
(S) Incorporated by General Laws and Technology (SB206-Carrico) (12-Y 0-N) |
01/13/14 |
SB 566 - Colgan - Virginia Retirement System; increase of retirement allowance. |
(S) Continued to 2015 in Finance (17-Y 0-N) |
01/29/14 |
SB 570 - Stuart - Campus police and school security officers; assault and battery, penalty. |
(S) Read third time and passed Senate (40-Y 0-N) |
02/07/14 |
SJ 33 - Lucas - Corrections, Department of; JLARC to study staffing levels and employment conditions. |
(S) Continued to 2015 in Rules |
01/17/14 |
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