Virginia Division
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VAPBA Legislative Update

Virginia Police Benevolent Association Member,

This email will bring you up to date on our bills of interest, the full text of the bills we are monitoring can be found at the link below.

Senator Locke, formerly PBA endorsed candidate, submitted SB 196, Decertification of Law Enforcement Officers. This bill failed in the Senate. The vote follows. If any of the legislators who voted Nay represent you be sure to thank them if you have the opportunity.

YEAS--Saslaw, Howell, Lucas, Edwards, Stanley, Deeds, Petersen--7.

NAYS--Obenshain, Norment, McDougle, Stuart, Reeves, Chafin, Sturtevant, Peake--8.


Senator Marsden submitted SB 851, Procedural Guarantee for Corrections Officers. This bill has passed out of the Senate without opposition. The bill now moves to the House for consideration.

HB 802, Enhanced Penalty for Speeding to Elude failed to pass House Courts of Justice sub committee.

Delegate Levine asked for PBA support of HB 402. After considering the bill it was decided to support this measure as it moves through the process.

Delegate Filler Corn asked for PBA support on HB 174 which deals with communication standards for dealing with persons with autism, intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities. The Division did advise Delegate Filler Corn that we will support this bill, although the bill failed to pass out of committee and will not be moving forward

HB 1287, Procedural Guarantee for Deputies submitted by Delegate LaRock has been assigned to a sub committee of Militia, Police and Public Safety.

Delegate Watts, formerly endorsed candidate, has submitted a bill, HB 1514 that would establish civilian review panel, law enforcement auditor. Your leadership in the Virginia Division stand firmly against any such panel and will work to make sure this bill does not make it our of the sub committee in Militia, Police and Public Safety. The committee members are Delegates:

Cline (Chairman), Wright (Vice Chair), Morefield, Edmunds, Wilt, Webert, Fariss, O'Quinn, Head, Rush, Freitas,Brewer, Tyler, Kory, Lopez, Simon, Rasoul, Bell, John J., Levine, Adams, D.M., Carter, Carroll Foy

If you agree that citizen review panels are not productive and are harmful to law enforcement we urge you to contact any and or all of these delegates and let them know your point of view on the matter. The link below will guide you on how to identify your legislator and we strongly recommend you contact them also.

Thank you and please feel free to contact me at any time,

Sean McGowan
Executive Director
Virginia Police Benevolent Association



Bills Committee Last action Date
HB 82 Habeeb - Workers' compensation; Uninsured Employer's Fund, financing tax. (H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (H) VOTE: BLOCK VOTE PASSAGE (99-Y 0-N) 01/22/18
HB 90 - Bell, John J. - Teacher grievance procedures; hearing, three-member fact-finding panel. (H) Committee on Education (H) Assigned Education sub: Subcommittee #1 01/19/18
HB 100 - Simon - Method of execution; lethal injection drugs. (H) Committee for Courts of Justice (H) Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely (5-Y 3-N) 01/19/18
HB 107 Bell, John J. - Workers' compensation; disease presumptions, correctional officers. (H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (H) Subcommittee recommends referring to Committee on Appropriations 01/23/18
HB 108 - Bell, John J. - Correctional officers; survey upon resignation, etc., report. (H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (H) Assigned MPPS sub: Subcommittee #2 01/15/18
HB 174 - Filler-Corn - Communication w/individuals w/certain disabilities; Dept. of CJS to establish protocol. (H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (H) Assigned MPPS sub: Subcommittee #2 01/23/18
HB 402 - ​Levine - Law-enforcement agencies, local; body-worn camera systems. (H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (H) Assigned MPPS sub: Subcommittee #2 01/15/18
HB 430 Marshall - Law-enforcement officers; qualifications, psychological examination. (H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (H) Assigned MPPS sub: Subcommittee #2 01/15/18
HB 460 Carter - Workers' compensation; retaliatory discharge of employee. (H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (H) Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely (5-Y 1-N) 01/23/18
HB 461 - Carter - Workers' compensation; employer to notify employee of intent to accept or deny claim. (H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (H) Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely (5-Y 1-N) 01/23/18
HB 472 Reid - Workers' compensation; presumption of compensability for certain diseases. (H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table (7-Y 0-N) 01/23/18
HB 498 Simon - Concealed handgun permits, out-of-state; reciprocity. (H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (H) Assigned MPPS sub: Subcommittee #1 01/15/18
HB 531 - Habeeb - Workers' compensation; proof of coverage information. (H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (H) VOTE: BLOCK VOTE PASSAGE (98-Y 0-N) 01/24/18
HB 558 Habeeb - Workers' Compensation; employer's liability for medical services provided outside the Commonwealth. (H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (H) VOTE: BLOCK VOTE PASSAGE (98-Y 0-N) 01/24/18
HB 623 - Bell, Robert B. - Law enforcement; false reports, penalty. (H) Committee for Courts of Justice (H) Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice 01/08/18
HB 643 - Hope - First responders; reduced rate tuition. (H) Committee on Education (H) Assigned Education sub: Subcommittee #3 01/19/18
HB 653 - Murphy - Employers; sexual harassment training, penalty. (H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (H) Assigned C & L sub: Subcommittee #2 01/17/18
HB 664 - Kilgore - Virginia Freedom of Information Act; transfer of public records, definition of "custodian." (H) Committee on General Laws (H) Assigned GL sub: Subcommittee #4 01/24/18
HB 727 - Delaney - Virginia Freedom of Information Act; exclusion of records relating to public safety. (H) Committee on General Laws (H) Subcommittee recommends reporting (7-Y 1-N) 01/23/18
HB 739 McGuire - Police animals; attacking, killing, etc., penalty. (H) Committee for Courts of Justice (H) Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice 01/09/18
HB 781 - Keam - Virginia Open Data Initiative Act; created, report. (H) Committee on Science and Technology (H) Referred to Committee on Science and Technology 01/09/18
HB 802 - O'Quinn - Eluding police; penalty. (H) Committee for Courts of Justice (H) Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely (8-Y 0-N) 01/19/18
HB 846 - Ingram - Virginia Retirement System; technical amendments. (H) Committee on Appropriations (H) Assigned App. sub: Compensation & Retirement 01/19/18
HB 863 - Ingram - Virginia Retirement System; health insurance credits for retired state employees. (H) Committee on Appropriations (H) Assigned App. sub: Compensation & Retirement 01/19/18
HB 904 - Robinson - Virginia FOIA; general exclusion for trade secrets submitted to a public body. (H) Committee on General Laws (H) Subcommittee recommends reporting (5-Y 3-N) 01/23/18
HB 906 Robinson - Virginia Freedom of Information Act; clarifies definition of electronic communication. (H) Committee on General Laws (H) Subcommittee recommends reporting (8-Y 0-N) 01/23/18
HB 907 Robinson - Virginia Freedom of Information Act; meetings held by electronic communication means. (H) Committee on General Laws (H) Subcommittee recommends reporting (8-Y 0-N) 01/23/18
HB 908 - Robinson - Virginia Freedom of Information Act; meetings held by electronic communication means. (H) Committee on General Laws (H) Subcommittee recommends reporting (8-Y 0-N) 01/23/18
HB 909 Robinson - Virginia Freedom of Information Act; disclosure of law-enforcement and criminal records. (H) Committee on General Laws (H) Subcommittee recommends reporting (8-Y 0-N) 01/23/18
HB 940 - Roem - Freedom of Information Act Ombudsman; created, Attorney General to appoint. (H) Committee on General Laws (H) Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely (5-Y 3-N) 01/23/18
HB 969 Davis - Workers' compensation; statutory employers, exclusions. (H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (H) Subcommittee recommends laying on the table (7-Y 0-N) 01/23/18
HB 1030 - Price - Officer-involved shootings; model policy for investigations, disclosure of report. (H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (H) Assigned MPPS sub: Subcommittee #2 01/23/18
HB 1053 - Watts - Workplace harassment; legislative branch required to adopt policies. (H) Committee on Rules (H) Referred to Committee on Rules 01/09/18
HB 1101 - Robinson - Virginia Freedom of Information Act; right to speak at open meetings. (H) Committee on General Laws (H) Assigned GL sub: Subcommittee #4 01/24/18
HB 1109 Tran - Wages; payment for overtime work, penalties. (H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (H) Assigned C & L sub: Subcommittee #2 01/23/18
HB 1161 - Simon - Teacher grievance procedures; hearing; three-member fact-finding panel. (H) Committee on Education (H) Assigned Education sub: Subcommittee #1 01/19/18
HB 1245 - Hugo - Workers' compensation; presumption of compensability for certain diseases. (H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (H) Subcommittee recommends referring to Committee on Appropriations 01/23/18
HB 1275 - Aird - Virginia FOIA; record exclusion for trade secrets supplied to the VDOT. (H) Committee on General Laws (H) Assigned GL sub: Subcommittee #4 01/24/18
HB 1287 - LaRock - Law-Enforcement Officers Procedural Guarantee Act; includes certain deputy sheriffs under coverage. (H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (H) Assigned MPPS sub: Subcommittee #2 01/23/18
HB 1326 - Reid - Virginia Retirement System; E-911 dispatchers. (H) Committee on Appropriations (H) Assigned App. sub: Compensation & Retirement 01/19/18
HB 1443 Mullin - Concealed handguns; retired law-enforcement officers may carry without a permit, etc. (H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (H) Assigned MPPS sub: Subcommittee #1 01/23/18
HB 1471 - Hugo - Teacher grievance procedures; hearing before school board, selection of panel. (H) Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns (H) Referred to Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns 01/17/18
HB 1514 Watts - Police misconduct; locality authorized to establish civilian review panel, law-enforcement auditor. (H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (H) Assigned MPPS sub: Subcommittee #2 01/23/18
HB 1543 Murphy - Workers' compensation; tolling of statute of limitations. (H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (H) Assigned C & L sub: Subcommittee #2 01/23/18
HB 1569 - Carroll Foy - Employers; notice of work schedules; civil penalty. (H) Committee on Commerce and Labor (H) Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor 01/19/18
HB 1599 - Landes - Department of Criminal Justice Services; definitions; law-enforcement officer. (H) Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety (H) Assigned MPPS sub: Subcommittee #2 01/23/18
HB 1603 - Roem - Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory Council; charges for the production of public records. (H) Committee on General Laws (H) Assigned GL sub: Subcommittee #4 01/24/18
HJ 96 - Hurst - Study; JLARC; increasing hazardous duty retirement benefits for certain categories. (H) Committee on Rules (H) Assigned Rules sub: Subcommittee #1 01/19/18
HJ 103 Torian - Study; Virginia Retirement System; state-run retirement savings plan. (H) Committee on Rules (H) Assigned Rules sub: Subcommittee #1 01/19/18
SB 41 - Favola - Sick leave; use for care of immediate family members. (S) Committee on Commerce and Labor (S) Passed by indefinitely in Commerce and Labor (11-Y 3-N 1-A) 01/22/18
SB 56 - DeSteph - Line of Duty Act; eligible dependents. (S) Committee on Finance (S) Rereferred to Finance 01/15/18
SB 59 - Lucas - Criminal Justice Services, Department of; training standards, community engaged policing. (S) Committee for Courts of Justice (S) Continued to 2019 in Courts of Justice (15-Y 0-N) 01/17/18
SB 74 - Surovell - Handheld personal communications devices; use while driving. (S) Committee for Courts of Justice (S) Failed to report (defeated) in Courts of Justice (4-Y 11-N) 01/24/18
SB 196 Locke - Decertification of law-enforcement officers; Criminal Justice Services Board. (S) Committee for Courts of Justice (S) Failed to report (defeated) in Courts of Justice (7-Y 8-N) 01/24/18
SB 248 - Dance - Virginia Retirement System; technical amendments. (S) Committee on Finance (S) Referred to Committee on Finance 01/05/18
SB 321 - Ruff - Virginia Retirement System; health insurance credits for retired state employees. (S) Committee on Finance (S) Referred to Committee on Finance 01/08/18
SB 352 Peake - Workers' compensation; presumption of compensability for certain diseases. (S) Committee on Commerce and Labor (S) Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor 01/08/18
SB 495 - Carrico - Deputy Sheriff Supplemental Salary Fund; created, revenue source. (S) Committee on Finance (S) Referred to Committee on Finance 01/09/18
SB 498 - Carrico - Law-enforcement officers, local; retirement benefit, participation by certain political subdivision. (S) Committee on Finance (S) Referred to Committee on Finance 01/09/18
SB 642 - McPike - Workers' compensation; presumption of compensability for certain diseases. (S) Committee on Commerce and Labor (S) Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor 01/10/18



Bills Committee Last action Date
SB 642 - McPike - Workers' compensation; presumption of compensability for certain diseases. (S) Committee on Commerce and Labor (S) Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor 01/10/18
SB 657 - Lewis - Virginia Freedom of Information Act; exclusion of records related to public safety. (S) Committee on General Laws and Technology (S) Assigned GL&T sub: #1 01/23/18
SB 665 Deeds - Firearms, certain; prohibited public carrying, penalty (S) Committee for Courts of Justice (S) Failed to report (defeated) in Courts of Justice (7-Y 8-N) 01/15/18
SB 691 - Deeds - Virginia Law Officers' Retirement System; conservation officers. (S) Committee on Finance (S) Referred to Committee on Finance 01/10/18
SB 715 - Chase - Firefighters and emergency medical services providers; carrying a concealed handgun. (S) Committee on Finance (S) Rereferred to Finance 01/15/18
SB 730 DeSteph - Virginia Freedom of Information Act; clarifies definition of "public record." (S) Committee on General Laws and Technology (S) Assigned GL&T sub: #1 01/23/18
SB 761 - Newman - Law-enforcement officers; training, reimbursement of costs. (S) Committee for Courts of Justice (S) Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice 01/10/18
SB 791 - Edwards - Employers and potential employers; civil immunity, reports of violent behavior by an employee. (S) Committee for Courts of Justice (S) Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice 01/10/18
SB 838 - Spruill - Virginia Conservation Police Review Board. (S) Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources (S) Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources 01/15/18
SB 851 - Marsden - Correctional Officer Procedural Guarantee Act; created. (S) Committee on Rehabilitation and Social Services (S) Read third time and passed Senate (40-Y 0-N) 01/24/18
SB 876 - Mason - Virginia Freedom of Information Act; transfer of public records, definition of "custodian." (S) Committee on General Laws and Technology (S) Assigned GL&T sub: #1 01/23/18
SB 886 - Carrico - Qualifications of law-enforcement officers; psychological examination. (S) Committee for Courts of Justice (S) Continued to 2019 in Courts of Justice (14-Y 0-N) 01/22/18
SB 904 - Petersen - Line of Duty Act; disabled persons; health insurance. (S) Committee on Finance (S) Rereferred to Finance 01/24/18
SB 912 Chase - Retired law-enforcement officers; carrying a concealed handgun; return to work. (S) Committee for Courts of Justice (S) Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice 01/19/18


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