Georgia Division
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PBAGA Legislative Update - February 2012

The Second Term of the 2011-12 State Legislative Session began on January 9, 2012. This session may last up to 40 legislative days and is anticipated to end sometime in late March or early April.  
[*] Indicates new bills or changes since January 31, 2012 Report.
HB 541 – This bill is sponsored by Rep. Bubber Epps and others. It proposes to create a new code section OCGA 16-10-34 which will make it a felony to harm, threaten or intimidate a law enforcement officer, public official, or participant in a judicial proceeding.  This bill is assigned to the House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee (pending).
HB 691 – This bill is sponsored by Rep. Billy Mitchell. It proposes to amend OCGA 16-2-21 to make it a misdemeanor for an eyewitness to fail to report a felony crime to a law enforcement officer or 911 operator. This bill is assigned to the House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee (pending).
HB 735 – This bill is sponsored by Rep. Roger Bruce and others. It proposes to amend OCGA 16-11-129 to require new applicants and renewals for a weapons carry license to attend a firearms safety course. This bill is assigned to the House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee (very unlikely to get out of committee).
HB 827 – This bill is sponsored by Rep. Bill Hembree and others. It proposes to create a new code section OCGA 40-6-395 that attempts to fine tune fleeing or attempting to elude an officer, impersonating an officer, and sets punishment. This bill is assigned to the House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee (pending).
HB 828 – This bill is sponsored by Rep. Bill Hembree and others. It proposes to create two new code sections OCGA 40-6-395 attempts to fine tune fleeing or attempting to elude an officer, impersonating an officer, and sets punishment; and 40-6-395.1 which makes any motor vehicle used in violation of OCGA 40-6-395 contraband and subject to forfeiture. This bill is assigned to the House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee (pending).
*HB 928 – This bill is sponsored by Rep. Lynne Riley and others. It proposes to amend OCGA 47-17-27 so as to allow the POAB to make changes to their hearing procedures on appeals in contested cases. This bill is assigned to the House Retirement Committee (pending).
*HB 981 – This bill is sponsored by Rep. Stephen Allison and others. It proposes to amend OCGA 16-11-34.1(b), 16-11-127.3, 16-11-129, 16-11-136, 17-5-51, and 17-5-52.1 related to permitting carrying concealed at the State Capitol buildings; refining definitions and  penalties on carrying; clarifying license requirements; reducing restrictions and placing limitations on seizures during states of emergencies; returning firearms after being held for evidence; and disposal of forfeited or abandoned firearms. This bill is assigned to the House Public Safety Committee.
*HB 987 – This bill is sponsored by Rep. Lynne Riley and Chairman Howard Maxwell. It proposes to create a new code section OCGA 47-17-105 making it the affirmative responsibility of the member to notify the POAB immediately whenever a change in employment or job description change renders them ineligible for membership. This bill is assigned to the House Retirement Committee (pending).
SB 231 – This bill is sponsored by Senators Lindsey Tippins and Tommy Williams. It proposes to amend OCGA 42-8-60(d) to specifically add crimes of violence against police officers to the list of crimes denied first offender status. This bill was favorably reported out of the House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee last year and was re-committed to committee when the session ended (pending).
SB 242 – This bill is sponsored by Senators Steve Thompson and George Hooks. It proposes to amend OCGA 47-17-81 to allow a dues paying member of the fund to collect $500 per month upon a line of duty total and permanent disability. This bill is assigned to the Senate Retirement Committee (pending).
*SB 301 – This bill is sponsored by Senator John Bulloch. It proposes to amend OCGA 27-3-4 to allow any firearm authorized for use in hunting or taking of game to be equipped with a silencer. This is currently allowed under federal law and just removes a restriction under Georgia law for otherwise legally qualified individuals. This bill was passed by the Senate by substitute on January 31, 2012 and is now assigned to the House Game, Fish, and Parks Committee.
*SB 350 – This bill is sponsored by Senator Don Balfour and others. It proposes to amend OCGA 16-16-2, 17-5-51, and 17-5-52 as related to returning or selling firearms no longer being held for evidentiary purposes. This bill was favorably reported out of the Senate Judiciary Committee by substitute and is pending in the Senate Rules Committee (Balfour is Chairman of Rules).
*SB 441 – This bill is sponsored by Senator John Crosby and others. It proposes to create a new code section OCGA 16-10-34 to make it illegal to point a laser devise at a law enforcement officer without that officer’s permission. It is assigned to the Senate Public Safety Committee (pending).

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