SCPBA 119th General Assembly Second Session April 2012
May 1, 2012
New Bills of Interest
S 1408 Concealed Carry Modifications
Introduced 4/10/2012
Current Location: Judiciary
This bill would change some of the restrictions on concealed carry on certain properties.
Other Bills of Interest (Updates in Red)
H 4194 Public Employee Collective Bargaining Prohibition
Introduced: 5/5/2011
Current Location: Judiciary
This bill would outlaw collective bargaining by public employees.
H 3501 Payroll Deduction for FOP Dues
Introduced: 1/27/11
Current location: H Ways & Means
This bill would provide for payroll deduction for FOP dues for state LEO
S 318: Whistleblower Protection
Introduced: 12/15/2010
Current location: S Judiciary
This bill would remove the one-year limitation on the period during which the employee is protected from adverse employment actions for retaliation against an employee who reports a violation of state or federal law or regulation.
H 3796 Criminal Justice Review Commission
Introduced: 3/3/11
Current location: Judiciary
This bill would create a commission to review the criminal justice system
H 4823 Credit score Personnel Action
Introduced: 2/22/2012
This law would prohibit an individual's credit score from being the basis of any personnel action, and to provide penalties for violation.
H 5114 Personnel Action for Tobacco Use
Introduced: 3/29/2012
Location: Judiciary
This bill would repeal the prohibition on (and allow) personnel action based on employee use of tobacco products outside of the workplace.
S 531 State Retirement System Replacement
Introduced: 2/9/2011
Current location: Finance
This bill would change the South Carolina Police Officers Retirement System
(and others), from a defined benefit to a defined contribution plan.
H 4479 Close “TERI” retirement program to new members
Introduced: 11/29/2011
Current Location: Ways & Means
This bill would end the retention incentive program.
H 4898 Retirement Changes
Introduced: 2/28/2012
This bill would make changes to SC retirement systems, creating a third “class” of members and replaces the “Cost of Living” adjustments with an “actuarially neutral” system of calculation. SPORS changes also include the elimination of unused sick leave calculated in creditable service time.
H 4967 Retirement Changes
Introduced: 3/8/2012 (similar to H 4898)
Location: Finance
This bill would make changes to SC retirement systems, creating a third “class” of members and replaces the “Cost of Living” adjustments with an “actuarially neutral” system of calculation. SPORS changes also include the elimination of unused sick leave calculated in creditable service time.
H 3424 / S 392 Firefighter Work related Disease Coverage
Introduced: 1/25/11 (H) / 1/19/11 (S)
Current location: H/S Judiciary
These bills attempt to set that certain diseases are “presumed” to be work related for the purpose of workers comp.
H 3500 Injured on Duty Paid Leave
Introduced: 1/27/11
Current location: H Ways & Means
This bill would mandate for local LEO 180 days of paid leave before sick leave use for injuries from “attack” while performing duties.
H 3888 State Leave Transfer
Introduced: 3/9/11
Current location: Ways & Means
This bill would allow state employees to transfer leave to another specific employee
S 856 First Responder Health
Introduced: 4/28/11
Current location: Finance
This bill would provide health coverage to first responders contracting HIV/Aids on the job
H 3292 Concealed Carry Modifications
Introduced: 1/12/11
Current location: H Judiciary
This bill seeks to revise several provisions of the concealed carry law.
S 249: SC Firearms Freedom Act
Introduced: 12/8/2010
Current location: S Judiciary (sub-cmte. 1-9-2012)
This bill provides that a firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition manufactured and retained in South Carolina is exempt from federal regulation.
H 3639: Concealed Carry Modifications
Introduced: 2/9/2011
Current location: Judiciary
This bill would delete the provision that prohibits a permit holder from carrying a concealed weapon into certain places.
H 3664: Take a Gun to Work Law
Introduced: 2/10/2011
Current location: Judiciary
This bill prohibit a business entity, property owner, or public or private employer from creating or maintaining a policy which prohibits a person from storing legally possessed ammunition or a firearm in an enclosed compartment or area with the person's privately-owned locked motor vehicle.
H 4609 Prohibit local gun control laws
Introduced: 1/17/2012
Current Location: Judiciary
This bill would prohibit local government from enacting or enforcing local “weapons” laws.
H 5097 Concealed Carry Changes
Introduced: 3/28/2012
Location: Judiciary
This bill would make changes regarding the locations where concealed carry is permitted, as well as provisions for out-of-state permit holders.
Law Enforcement Profession Issues
H 3129: Illegal Alien Verification (see S 20)
Introduced: 12/8/2010
Current location: H Judiciary
This bill is similar to S 20, but additionally provides for warrantless arrest of verified illegals.
House 3126: Interrogation Video
Introduced: 12/8/2010
Current location: House Judiciary
This bill will provide that certain statements made during a custodial interrogation must be video recorded and other relative issues.
H 3773 Create a State Police
Introduced: 3/2/11
Current location: Judiciary
This bill would create a SC State Police
H 3789 Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction
Introduced: 3/3/11
Current location: Judiciary
This bill would expand extra-territorial jurisdiction to 5 miles
H 4007 Create a Department of Law Enforcement and Public Safety
Introduced: 3/31/11
Current location: Judiciary
This bill would create a Department of Law Enforcement and Public Safety
S 928 Assistant Attorneys General
Introduced: 5/26/2011
Current Location: Judiciary (sub-cmte. 1-9-2012)
This bill would create state-wide law enforcement arrest powers within the Attorney General’s Office
H 4636 SC “Blue Alert” (Act #124)
Introduced: 1/19/2012
Current Location: Passed – Signed by Governor – Effective 2/27/2012
This bill establishes a public alert system to apprehend those that injure or kill a law enforcement officer.
S 1304 Required Interrogation Video
Introduced: 3/6/2012
This bill would set requirements for the video taping of in-custody interrogations.
H 3210: Change of Venue LEO Trials
Introduced: 12/14/2010
Current location: H Judiciary
This bill provide that if a person charged with a criminal offense is a law enforcement officer, magistrate, or circuit judge, it is rebuttably presumed that a fair and impartial trial cannot be obtained in a county in which the defendant served and that the venue in this case must be changed to another county.
S 507: Change of Venue LEO Trials
Introduced: 2/3/2011
Current location: Judiciary (sub-cmte. 1-9-2012)
This bill would provide that if a person charged with a criminal offense is a law enforcement officer, magistrate, or circuit judge, it is rebuttably presumed that a fair and impartial trial cannot be obtained in a county in which the defendant served and that the venue in this case must be changed to another county (See H 3210).
S 674 & 676 Duel Officeholder
Introduced: 3/9/11
Current location: Judiciary (sub-cmte. 1-9-2012)
This bill would permit an officer to retain current employment AND hold elected office in a different jurisdiction