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The Alexandria Chapter of the VAPBA is proud to announce its endorsement of Bryan Porter for the office of Alexandria Commonwealth Attorney.

In Photo: left to right Alexandria Senior Vice President Chris Flood, Bryan Porter, Chapter President Tom Ground.
In Photo: left to right Alexandria Senior Vice President Chris Flood, Bryan Porter, Chapter President Tom Ground.


The Alexandria Chapter of the VAPBA is proud to announce its endorsement of Bryan Porter for the office of Alexandria Commonwealth Attorney.

Bryan Porter is a former Alexandria Police Officer and PBA member with lifetime ties to the Alexandria community.
The Alexandria Chapter held its political screening for the office on June 26, 2013 and the board voted to fully support Bryans campaign.
Alexandria Chapter President Tom Ground said; "Bryans history as an Alexandria Police Officer and Alexandria Prosecutor has given him experience that will be invaluable in his new role as Commonwealth Attorney.  We are convinced that communication, and the working relationship, between the Commonwealth Attorneys Office and our members will continue to improve under the direction of Bryan Porter." 

Alexandria News
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The Alexandria Chapter of the Virginia Police Benevolent Association recently held a political screening for those candidates running for various positions in the up coming election.

Alexandria Chapter has completed its screening for the 47th and 45th District seats in the Virginia House of Delegates

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Continuing on a long history of political involvement, the Alexandria Chapter has completed its screening for the 47th and 45th District seats in the Virginia House of Delegates.

The Alexandria Chapter of the VAPBA is proud to announce its endorsement of Bryan Porter for the office of Alexandria Commonwealth Attorney.

July 1, 2013

The Alexandria Chapter of the VAPBA is proud to announce its endorsement of Bryan Porter for the office of Alexandria Commonwealth Attorney. Bryan Porter is a former Alexandria Police Officer and PBA member with lifetime ties to the Alexandria community.
