North Carolina Division
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North Carolina Division President Appointed by Governor to the Board of Trustees for the Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System

North Carolina Division President Randy Byrd was recently appointed by Governor Perdue to serve a two year term as a member of the Board of Trustees for the Local Governmental Employees’ Retirement System. 
The Retirement Systems Division of the State Treasurer administers the retirement and benefits plans that cover the vast majority of public employees in the state.  The Division administers both the public pension plans and the NC Supplemental Retirement Plans.   The North Carolina public pension plans provide benefits for more than 850,000 North Carolinians including police officers.  The North Carolina Retirement Systems is the 32nd largest pension fund in the world and the 11th largest pension fund in the United States. 
The four largest systems and the Supplemental Retirement Income Pans are overseen by boards that maintain the administration and responsibility for the proper operation of each system or plan.
The Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System (TSERS) provides benefits to all full-time teachers and State employees in all public school systems, universities, departments, institutions, and agencies of the State. The TSERS Board of Directors is composed of 14 members, including seven actively working employees or retirees, as well as seven public and appointed members who also serve on the Local Governmental Employees’ Retirement System Board.
The Local Governmental Employees’ Retirement System (LGERS) is maintained for the employees of cities, towns, counties, boards, commissions, and other entities of local government in North Carolina. Because participation by local governments is voluntary, the operation of LGERS is dependent upon the acceptance and continuing financial support of the governing bodies and employees of local governments.
The LGERS Board of Directors is composed of 14 members, including the same seven ex-officio or public Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System Board members, plus seven members representing local governments.
Upon receiving his appointment, Byrd said, “I am very pleased to have received this  appointment and look forward to serving our members in a broader capacity.  He added, “My service on this board comes during a critical time of discussion about public pensions and I am honored to be a voice for those that sacrifice daily in service to our communities.” 
Byrd is a Sergeant with the Cary Police department and is a 20 year law enforcement veteran. He currently is assigned as a supervisor to the Criminal Investigations Division.  During his tenure with the police department he has been recognized as the American Legion Officer of the Year and as a nominee for Employee of the Year for the Town of Cary.  Byrd is a graduate of Campbell University and the Administrative Officers Management Program through NC State University. 
Byrd has been a member of the Police Benevolent Association since starting his career and currently serves in two leadership positions.  In late 2005, he was instrumental in starting the Cary Chapter of the NCPBA. Byrd currently serves as the Chapter President.   In 2009, he was elected to serve a three year term as the President of the North Carolina division.    
In 2010, Byrd was selected by State Treasurer Janet Cowell to serve on the Future of the Retirement Study Commission.   This 13 member commission met monthly for a year at the direction of the joint boards of the North Carolina Retirement Systems to provide recommendations for the retirement benefits that should be provided to future hires of state and local government in North Carolina. 

Cary News
National and State Leaders Join Chief Justice Martin in Raleigh Today to Begin Study to Strengthen North Carolina's Court System

October 5, 2015

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North Carolina Police Benevolent Association Holds Annual Board Meeting

September 15, 2015

On August 28, 2015, Chapter leaders met in Cary for their division meeting and to select officers for a three year term. Randy Byrd who serves as the Cary chapter President was elected to serve another three year term as President.

Chief Justice Mark Martin Announces Full Membership of Study Commission

September 15, 2015

Chief Justice Mark Martin has announced the full membership of the newly created North Carolina Commission on the Administration of Law and Justice and has appointed North Carolina Police Benevolent Association President Randy Byrd to the Commission.
